Spy Cam Seductions

Product Information
This program contains techniques from real in-field camera seduction that teach men how to approach and attract women.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- DVD (Video)
- CD (Audio)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
DVD Number 1: How To Approach Any Woman, Anywhere and spark attraction
- How to harness your nervous energy
- How to approach a group of two girls and one guy
- Why you never want to eliminate approach anxiety
- The ancient karate secret every black belt knows about breaking boards
- How to approach a woman so she sees you as a sexy guy who is successful with women
- The number one thing you have to remember to stop two girls walking past you in the daytime
DVD Number 2: How to turn women on and make them comfortable
- How you can do everything else right
- How to approach a guy and a girl alone together at a bar
- Exactly what 'I have a boyfriend' means in 'girl-speak'
- How Sean bearhugs a girl within seconds of meeting her
- The one way you can save a set if you haven’t touched her properly
- How to approach women when they appear to be with their boyfriends
- How to overcome the most common objection men get when starting out
- Canned lines and routines you can use when you hear this objection
- What women know about communicating with their bodies that most guys don’t
- The number one thing you do not want to do when you hear 'I have a boyfriend'
DVD Number 3: How to be a 'Natural' and attract women without canned lines
- The essential 'wingman rules' you absolutely must follow
- How to let your wingman know which girl you want
- How to figure out whether you’re 'over-gaming' women with banter
- How to present who you really are and what you’re really passionate about
- The biggest mistakes guys make when they go out to 'wing' each other
- Why you never want to come into a set your wing is already in with high energy
- How you can just 'be yourself' and still be the sexy, confident man she really wants
- How canned lines, stories, and routine stacks can actually kill the attraction a woman
- How to take a girl you don’t know and make her your 'wingman' to help you get the girl you want
- Why one of the worst things you can do when approaching women is focus on what you are going to say
DVD Number 4: How to read a Woman’s Body Language and know exactly what she’s thinking
- Easy ways to handle a big group
- The power of 'calling it out'
- How to give girls the perfect personal space they want
- Why a woman will intentionally tell you one thing with her mouth
- A way to approach a bachelorette party or birthday party group of girls
- How to not be obnoxious or too dominate when approaching a big group of girls
- Body cues a woman will give that lets you know she’s not attracted or comfortable with you
- Why it’s actually easier to get girls attracted to you when you approach a large group of them
- How you can tell if a woman is open to you by discovering how to identify this certain type of body language
DVD Number 5: How to vibe with virtually any woman
- How to vibe with a group of girls
- The exact time when routines stacks
- What to do when you disagree with a woman
- How you can use vibing to make girls so comfortable
- How to handle one of the most common questions a woman asks you
- How you can actually use too much banter and funny material and turn girls off
- The one time when banter can backfire on you and not attract the girl at all
- Why you should always go for 'the close' and get a woman’s phone number
- How to make absolutely sure you never get trapped in a boring logical conversation with a girl
DVD Number 6: Daniel Johnson Advanced Hidden Camera Break Down
- How to approach a woman during the day time
- How to 'touch a woman without touching her'
- How to give women the freedom to walk away
- What to do when a woman starts to move away from you
- Exactly how to talk to women who don’t speak English very well
- How to point out when a woman is feeling like you’re 'playing her'
DVD Number 7: Sean Newman Advanced Hidden Camera Break Down
- How to do 'nice' things for girls
- How Sean handles a guy trying to get into his group
- How Sean expertly transitions into deep rapport with the girl he’s interested in
- How Sean uses the world’s 'lamest and simplest' opener to open the group of 4 girls
DVD Number 8: Lance Mason Advanced Hidden Camera Break Down
- What I do as I first approach the group
- Exactly what 'routines' I was using at the time
- How to isolate a girl from her group
- How to get away with really aggressive and intimate touching
- Why almost every guy Misuses powerful deep rapport techniques
- The biggest mistake guys make when getting help from their wings
- How to sincerely compliment a woman without her losing attraction for you
- The number one way to make absolutely sure you never come across as boring
What You Get:
- 8 DVD set
- Uncut Student Hidden Camera Pickups
- Instructor's Hidden Camera Pickup Audio CD
- Transcripts of Every Pickup
- Hidden Camera Field Reports
- Two 'All Questions Answered' Calls
- Supergirls' Super Insights DVD
- Student Interview DVD
- Participation in 'Reading the Signs' competition
- Future access to 'un-released' hidden camera footage
Guarantee / Terms:
Payment options:
- 1 time payment of $495
- 6 payments of $97 (total $582)
6 Week Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Spy Cam Seductions
Most Helpful User Reviews
"The Worst DVD on Pickup I've Ever Seen."
January 09, 2015
I wouldn't even pay $8.97 for this,
let alone it's actual price which is $897!
This isn't even worth watching if it were a free Youtube video.
I've skipped around and probably spent 45 minutes
watching various parts of the videos,
but I'm still qualified to caution you that every minute
of the 45 minutes I watched was cringe-worthy.
Do I really need to spend hours more of my life
watching the remainder? Hoping that maybe there's
nugget of wisdom contained in the other several hours of this?
Of course not. I've seen enough.
What I've seen is infuriatingly poor.
Here are a few points worth mentioning:
In every interaction that apparently went well (number close),
we see a man, an 8, chatting up a 7.
Lance is dressed in a white suit-coat and jeans.
Sean is dressed in a blue shirt with sleeves cut off at the shoulder.
The men are making mistakes (according to most other pua companies advice)
and then in the commentary it's usually either noted
(by 2 women who are apparently in love with Lance)
that it's amazing he turned it around at the end, or it's treated as a good thing to do,
or a bad thing to do which the guru did well or subtly, which made it good
(for example, a lot of early touching in the day...hugging and rubbing the girls back...but he rubbed her back so that her friends couldn't see it, so it was "not creepy").
I'm sorry, but this is a great example of why it's so unhelpful listening to women give advice on how to pick them up. They've never tried to pick up a woman. They don't risk anything in giving their advice. They've never suffered the consequences of acting on their advice. They only imagine a guy they're already attracted to picking them up, and how that "should" go. They're giving advice, most likely, when they're not ovulating; this goes out the window if you catch her during her fertile days. Like an inexperienced man, women seem to judge everything by the individual woman's response, even though as men, we know that we must approach lots of women and we understand that sometimes the same exact approach will get a positive response, and sometimes it will get a negative response. So many good reasons to put earplugs in when a woman gives pickup advice--and add to that the hours wasted listening to these 2 women commentating on Lance's performance and Sean's performance. I cringe.
In other videos, we see a 6 or 7 hitting on an 8...who at the end rejects him with, "I have a boyfriend," or "Our parents are really strict, so no."
1st guy leaves.
2nd guy comes in with a box claiming there's a dragon in the box. Huh?? That's right.
Anyway, I'm still eager to see whether he's going to interview her and get her honest opinion on the man's "performance."
This is despite my opinion that both girls are HB7's.
Sorry to assign them a dating value, but I wouldn't call either one hot.
One was overweight and the other was just average-looking.
Why is this important? They're girls, after all. I think it's important
because I believe a girl who is average in appearance
has preferences which are very different from a girl who has been
getting a lot of attention from men every day of every year...year after year.
Now begins several things he does and says that would make any social scientist wince. These are things which render every piece of input she gives untrustworthy (not credible, dismissed, inadmissible).
So many things said and done that put pressure on her to lie, to say something nice instead of the truth.
1. He slowly and awkwardly says that they're making a documentary to help men not be afraid of talking to girls. When question what his company name is, he smiles big and sounds like he's making it up. He gives her two names, Pickup101, and then Art of attraction. The girl reaches for her phone to look it up to see whether this is a prank. After showing her where the camera is, hetells her the purpose of the documentary is to help nervous guys not be afraid of talking to women. This of course will influence her to try to help nervous guys by saying that she liked it and wishes more men would do what that guy did...and not give her possibly honest opinion about how uncomfortable she felt.
2. After a camera cut, the camera is closer now, he's sitting between the two girls. We don't know what was just said to the girls. Possibly, "Ok, so remember, we're trying to help nervous guys...so go easy on him." Maybe nothing. So he looks into the camera with a big grin on his face and says, "Okay, so how did he do?"
HER: "He did really well."
HIM: "He's well dressed, isn't he?" (leading question)
HER: "Amazingly."
3. Did I mention that, before they ask the girl, "How did he do?" They actually bring the guy back so that he can hear everything she says?
So now he's party to this. *facepalm*
The "nervous guy" is sitting a few feet away from her. Whoa! Everything she says at this point is useless. Anyone who has taken social work, or law, or psychology, or counseling, knows that you don't ask a battered woman about what happened in the presence of her abuser. And you can't use a confession if the Officer who was having an affair with Ted Crawford's wife was in the room when the confession was given (Fracture, 2007). So they get the girl to sympathize with the guy who just sat down next to her and chatted her up, then after she rejects him, they tell her that he was a poor, nervous guy, then they bring him back to her and interview her about her impression of him! I cringe at how they can possibly think they'll get a straight answer out of her under this pressure.
They even say, "If you were to give advice to nervous guys out there, what would you tell them?"
And she responds, "Well he is watching right now." (pointing to the nervous guy who just chatted her up.)
The only thing the girl said was, "He came on a little strong," and then after a lot of giggling (from the interview guy) and distracting socializing, she said, "They should've come up to us with flowers maybe."
That was her answer. Then the leader of the interview said, "All right, shut up," and laughed it off. Then the girl back-pedaled and played along as if she really was joking.
Maybe she was joking there, but that was the best answer she could give (or else she actually was thinking of the true answer in her head, but since she was being videotaped AND her friend was there listening AND the leader of the interview was clearly guiding her answers (with his commentary) AND the nervous guy who just approached her was there listening....OF COURSE she's not going to give her real answer. She's going to give a watered-down, socially acceptable answer.
Her friend responded too, saying, "But that's not realistic Erin, nobody does that." That may mean that both girls actually want men to do that. 2 problems with that. 1, obviously, this further proves that we're not going to get a true answer from the first girl, since her friend is there pressuring her. 2, these girls are both friends, it's possible they really do want a guy to approach them with flowers. Maybe they're just odd girls...which is why their friends; or maybe they're thinking of George Clooney, to whom they're already VERY attracted, or Brad Pitt, and the attraction is already done, and they want to marry him, so that's what they want such a man to do.
Leader says, "So now like, what do you think about our classes?. Do you think guys should take our class?"
HER: "No. No."
Leader: "You suck." (worst interviewer ever. Will never get a true answer with all this pressuring).
HER: "No. It was way too staged."
Next, the "interviewer" guy asks a question, again in the worst possible way.
He first gives a lecture on why most guys should take such a class, then says, "...So like, what do you think? Is that good or is that bad? I think a guy should have the strength to say, 'You know what? I need some help. I need to understand.'"
The point here is that he just tried to influence her answer again. He said, "What do you think, is that good or is that bad? I think it's good."
Despite the unbelieving amount of pressure and nearly closed question he just asked, this particular girl seemed to answer honestly, and disagreed with him:
HER: "No. I think a guy should just pretend he has confidence even if he's nervous."
HER FRIEND: "Or if he's too confident, that's bad too." (something an HB6 would say)
LEADER of INTERVIEW: "This is such girl talk. I'm done with questions. You girls don't make any sense. One thing I noticed though is that..."
(then of course he starts teaching how guys should approach girls...he said that the guy shouldn't lean in very much. Good point. So what was the point of spending 10 minutes interviewing the girls since "They don't make sense?" and you were just going to teach what you noticed anyway?).
The interviewing girls after the pickup had potential, but I think the above reasons (which are many), ruined the interviews. And I mean ruined. Not a speck of anything worth learning; except how not to conduct an interview.
Chris Farley interviewed Paul McCartney, and Chris was a phenomenal interviewer compared with the guy from pickup101.
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