Speed Seduction Power Pack

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Product Information
The product is basically composed of the following DVDs.
Fear Into Charisma DVD
Gold Walk-Up DVD
Secrets of Irresistible Arousal DVD
It offers techniques and tips regarding how to approach and attract women. It also discusses how to communicate with women verbally and sexually.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Fear Into Charisma DVD
- How to re-channel your fear into sources of power
- How to destroy the blocks and barriers
- How to be aware of your feeling flows
Gold Walk-Up DVD
- How to use the 4 different approach vibes
- How to get past all compliment resistance
- The step back principle
- The 6 Gold Walk-up beliefs
- The strategic use of pacing and pauses
- Structured assignments and drills to build your walk-up skills
Secrets of Irresistible Arousal DVD
- How to use your language with erotic touch
- Three erotic touch spots
- The error most guys make when trying to use erotic touch
- Word for word language to direct initial feelings into direct erotic energy flows
- Word for word language to generate sexual imagery
- Word for word language to generate hypnotic lust and desire
What You Get:
3 DVD sets
Guarantee / Terms:
90 Day Money Back Guarantee