Sexual Mind Reader: How To Read Her Facial Features For Absolute Pleasure

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Product Information
Isabella Stone offers "Sexual Mind Reader" for meeting women and getting laid. It teaches men how to identify certain physical characteristics that are telltale signs a woman wants to have sex with you.
Bonus items include:
- Sexual Mind Reader Pocket Cheat Sheet
- From Hello To The Bedroom
- Power Of Touch
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How to identify a woman with a very high sex drive
- How to spot a woman who enjoys hours of passionate sex
- A specific sign letting you know what type of sex a woman prefers
- A specific facial feature on a woman to tell if she is sexually adventurous
- A clue to get a woman initiating sex, taking control, and have her way with you
- How a woman’s forehead can tell you how many times a day she’s going to need sex
- Women with a specific shaped face that are submissive and open to trying new things
- Using eye contact to know if a woman will easily come home with you or make you wait
- How the shape of a woman’s face lets you know she enjoys taking control in the bedroom
- How to tell a woman is hot and passionate in bed by identifying this particular looking thumb
- Spotting a woman with this particular finger length and you’ve found yourself a nymphomaniac
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