Seduction Wolf

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Product Information
This manual aims to provide the techniques to become a man that can attract, seduce, and have sex with beautiful women.
Some of the topics covered:
- What women really want
- How to make hot women approach you
- Starting and maintaining conversations
- Going from a first date to eventually having sex
- Changing your mindset to overcome approach anxiety
Bonus items include:
- Ex-back Manifesto
- Funny Liners
- Attractive Men’s Hairstyles
- MP3 audio guides (Building Rapport, Perfect Approach Timing, Peacocking the right way, Tonality, Smooth Seduction)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The three phases of seduction
- Places to go on a first date
- 26 signs that a woman is interested in you
- How to become an expert closer
- Turn on zones on a woman’s body
- Conversation starters and openers
- How to give a woman multiple orgasms
- What 9 out of 10 women really want
- Where to meet women for the best results
- How to make a woman think you are funny
- 17-step first date checklist in order to get sex
- How to end the first date and what to do after
- How to stop a woman from flaking out on you
- How to open a woman up and start a conversation
- Word-for-word of what to say on a first call to a woman
- Important elements to successfully getting phone numbers
- Three sexual positions that women love and drives them wild
- Speaking to women without being intimidated or nervous
- How to defuse a woman’s hotness and make it work against her
- Smooth Seduction technique to smoothly and effectively seduce beautiful women
- Overcoming shyness and nervousness at the idea of talking to a beautiful woman
- Approaching groups of women and focusing on the one you really want
- Dealing with a woman who tells you she has a boyfriend, and still attract her
- Conversational and psychological methods to not run out of things to say
What You Get:
- Downloadable manual
- MP3 audio files
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