Secrets De La Seduction En Ligne

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Product Information
This book is designed to offer the correct psychological approach to use when finding, meeting, and seducing women online.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The four key messages
- Why women are part of dating sites
- Why it is easier to seduce women on the Internet than in a nightclub
- How to choose your best shot with confidence
- How to apply the techniques of escort girls to persuade women
- Female psychology
- Why shy men have an advantage over other
- Type an email to woman
- Telephone techniques
- 7 mistakes you must not do
- How to bend more suspicious
- What is the best day for email and get a quick response
- The 4 techniques for writing emails
- Chatting techniques
- What is the best time of day to call a woman and make appointment
- What you should never talk on the phone
- Tip to seduce beautiful women
- Places to avoid for the first date
- The compliment you must not say to women
- How to adopt an attitude that attracts women
- How to project a confidence through your body language
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Guarantee / Terms:
Price is in Euros - €15