Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns: The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism

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Product Information
This book teaches you about sadomasochism. It shows you how to construct your own sadomasochism equipment, and the safety measures. This book includes more than 225 photographs and illustrations.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Gee, Toto, I Don't Think We Are In Kansas Anymore!
- Chapter 2: Sexual Magic Why We Do Do That Voodoo
- Chapter 3: The Politics of Very Strange Bedfellows Sensible SM Relationships and Dangerous Liaisons
- Chapter 4: 'You Want To Worship My What???' Negotiation and Relationships
- Chapter 5: Straight Facts and Bent Phalluses Sexual Attitudes
- Chapter 6: Non-Government Sanctioned Sex and Torture
- Chapter 7: Get Them By the Balls; Their Hearts and Minds Will Follow Bondage Theory
- Chapter 8: Of Humane Bondage Bondage Techniques
- Chapter 9: Philip's Philosophy of Phlogging Phun The Corporal Dimension
- Chapter 10: When the Inner Child Deserves a Spanking Philip's (and Phriend's) Phurther Pheelings on Phlogging
- Chapter 11: It's Only Pain, Dear, and It's Only Yours Why Take A Long Road To Enlightenment, When You Can Haul Ass On A Super Highway?
- Chapter 12: Making the Upper Cheeks Red Embarrassment, Humiliation and the Mind Fuck
- Chapter 13: Furnishing Your Dungeon
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Paperback book
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