Say Hello

Editor Review
"Top Of The Line Program For Overcoming Anxiety And Effectively Meeting Women In Any Situation"
Christian gives guidelines rather than hard and fast rules, along with plenty of practical examples throughout. If you struggle with approach anxiety, social anxiety, or simply aren't sure how to effectively meet women, this product is the best one we've reviewed and definitely worth investing in.
Another product we rate highly for meeting women is Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy. That program covers how to have fun and attractive conversations with women in a more general sense, while Say Hello is specifically about how to make the initial approach and overcome your fear. These two products complement each other nicely.
You can also download the 'digital box' in the member's area that contains audio recordings of the videos as well as a written transcript of the full course and a couple of bonus reports.
It's a simple, clean interface and easy to navigate your way around. The videos are quite simple and just feature Christian talking directly to the camera. It's an older program than some of the Social Man's other products, so this wasn't recorded at a live seminar like Girlfriend Activation System or The Desire System.
What Say Hello Is All About
This isn't a generalized program that tries to teach you everything about women and dating. It's highly targeted to beginners who have trouble taking that first step of walking up to a woman and starting a conversation.
Even though the initial approach is a small part of the overall picture, a huge number of guys get stuck here. Whether it's due to issues like social anxiety, low self-esteem, or a lack of knowledge and experience, it's a major sticking point preventing many men from dating the women they want.
So it's good to see a product tackle this issue head-on and spend the appropriate amount of time to help guys get past this once and for all.
Christian goes into detail about his own struggles with approaching women when starting his journey, and how he felt physically sick at the thought of it. However, he found a way to get past that and meet and date beautiful women, and there's no reason you can't do the same.
Say Hello is designed as a 4-week program, broken up into 4 different modules. The idea is you watch a module, go out and implement it for a week and then come back to the next module.
In theory this is good, however some guys may struggle with this format. The reason for that is the specifics of what to say aren't really covered in detail until module 3. So if you have severe anxiety because you don't know exactly what you should say to a woman, I suggest you watch modules 1 and 3 together before going out and applying it.
Approaching Confidence
The first module is called Approaching Confidence, and it's designed for guys who have trouble taking action due to approach anxiety. Christian points out that, "if it's not fun, your life's gonna suck. The goal of the course is to make you enjoy and have fun with approaching."
This is a pretty big deal, because if approaching women is something you always dread doing, you'll struggle to maximize your success. But if you can turn it into something you actively enjoy doing, the process will be fun and it'll make everything so much easier.
If you do feel nervous at the thought of approaching women, you're not alone. Most men have felt this in some shape or fashion. Christian describes his own experience when first starting out as "an impending sense of doom" and feeling sick and weak.
There's some good information and explanation of this throughout the module, detailing why you feel it and how best to deal with it. He also talks about solutions he tried in the past but don't really work e.g. drugs and alcohol.
4 Common Fallacies That Hold Men Back
Christian talks about the 4 common fallacies most men believe which stop them effortlessly approaching women. If this is something you struggle with, chances are at least one of these 4 issues is to blame.
1. I Need Game
A lot of guys believe they need to develop awesome 'game' before they can get women. Christian talks about this and asks you: "do you want girls or game?" Then he explains why one will usually take you away from the other. This is great advice for guys who fall into this common trap.
2. What I Say Matters Most
The first thing you say isn't nearly as important as you probably think. While some things are definitely more effective than others (which you'll learn in module 3), you can say just about anything and get away with it if you do it in the right way.
To demonstrate this, Christian takes you through an example of his 'bombing opener'. This is something he developed to try and intentionally get rejected so as to desensitize himself to it. What he found though is when he had a good energy and was having fun, girls still responded well to it. (This is a sexual opener, so if you're an absolute beginner you're probably better off working your way up to this one.)
3. I Need To Be In State
Christian mentions how this concept has been popularized by Real Social Dynamics. But the reality is you won't be in state all the time, and run the risk of letting your emotions control the actions you take. So this is a section you'll want to pay attention to.
4. I've Gotta Be (Blank)
This is all about the excuses as to why you believe you can't approach and attract women. For example, I've gotta be taller, richer, younger, better looking etc.
These excuses are all in your head and not reflective of reality. Christian points out that if you look around you'll see other men with the same drawback as you who are crushing it. Often the excuses are ridiculous anyway, such as Christian's old one that women wouldn't like him because his hair was too blond. If you've ever had thoughts like these (and we all have at some point) this lesson is important for you.
Perspective Shifts That Help You Approach Women
Still in the first module, Christian also shares 6 different shifts in your perspective that help to make approaching women easier.1. Owning Your Manhood
There are some important insights here, talking about how men have allowed themselves to be castrated and have failed to step up to the new level women have set. This results in a lot of men approaching women from a position of low value – this is relevant to some of the popular dating tactics from back in the day.
Christian encourages you to take responsibility on your shoulders and step up and be the man women are waiting for. The test of a man is to step into fear when you feel it, it's a challenge to your manhood that you can rise to or shrink from.
2. The Humor Of It All
This isn't about trying to act like a comedian, but about finding the humor in interactions themselves. Christian relates how his clients who struggle the most are usually too serious and goal-oriented and forget to have fun talking to women.
You'll hear some specific techniques for dealing with this issue, including creating humor with 'diversions', how to use 'frames', and the power of facial expressions.
3. Anxious Or Aroused
This is an explanation of the fight or flight response and the role it plays in feelings of approach anxiety. Christian explains this in an easy to understand way and reframes it into something powerful that you can use to make approaching women more fun and exciting.
4. What It Is
Here he explores the concept that the assumptions you make are not reflective of reality. This is something most guys suffer from, and Christian talks about the 'find the truth' philosophy he learned from Rob Judge (which is covered in more depth in Rob's book The 4 Elements of Game).
5. Putting Rejection In Its Place
"Rejection is a rite of passage, almost like going broke as an entrepreneur," says Christian. He reveals that he's probably been rejected in every type of place that you can approach a woman. But because he was able to risk rejection he grew from it and has since dated some incredibly beautiful women.
There's also some advice here attributed to Nick Sparks that any rejection is 60% related to her stuff and only 40% of it is to do with you. The takeaway from this is to work on the aspects you can control, but not to take any rejection from a woman so personally.
6. The Killer Instinct
This is all about how to take your natural masculine desires and channel them in a positive way. When used properly, this can be one of your greatest assets. And as Christian points out, any guy he's even seen that's great with women has got some of that killer instinct in them.
Body Language
The second module of Say Hello is all about body language and mastering the vibe with women. This section is a bit shorter than the first, but still has some valuable content.
Christian talks about the different aspects of good body language and has a female assistant to demonstrate this in action. This is helpful so you can actually see how it looks when done right rather than just hearing about it.
You'll hear about the four elements of good vocal tonality, which is important, especially if you spend time in bars and clubs.
Another thing that's covered here is calibrating your sexuality based on your environment. This is something many guys get wrong – whether it's being too sexual during the daytime or not sexual enough in a bar/club environment.
Christian also gives you some non-verbal ways to approach women. For the most part these are different looks you can give her, and will be most effective in a place you can establish eye contact, such as a bar or coffee shop. If you were on the street, for example, it wouldn't work so well.
A technique known as 'social momentum' is covered in this module, and it's one of the most effective ways you can deal with you approach anxiety. When you learn this and make it a habit, meeting people becomes a lot easier and stress free.
If you're the type of person that likes to model what successful people do, Christian gives some examples of actors and celebrities that have good body language and swagger that you can learn from.
There's nothing too revolutionary in this module, but it's a good roundup and explanation of foundational principles you need to know.
What To Say
This third module gets to the meat of what to actually say to meet women and begin conversations with them. At an hour and forty minutes, it's the longest module of Say Hello.
Christian defines an 'opener' (PUA community slang for conversation starter) a little differently to most. He talks about it in terms of being the first three to five minutes of the conversation, including body language.
You'll hear how the best openers have three common elements – they capture a woman's attention, arouse her emotion, and intrigue her or create a hook. These are all explained in more detail and you'll hear practical examples of how they work.
There are also more examples given of Christian's 'bombing openers', including verbal and non-verbal. I'd advise you to be careful with some of these, especially depending on which environment you're in. One of them involves sitting in a woman's lap, which for many guys will be tough to pull off congruently and could do you more harm than good. Use common sense and you should be fine.
Some of the types of openers and ideas shared here are reminiscent of old school dating techniques e.g. opinion openers that were popularized in the early 2000s. But others are a lot fresher and are ones I haven't heard other people teach.
You'll also get some examples of what to do in different situations. For example, Christian shares a story of a time he was out with fellow dating coach Rob Judge. Christian was striking out with his girl, then he used a 'pacing her reality' technique in a clever way to completely turn things around and spark the girl's interest.
Overall there's a lot of quality info in this module, and you'll get practical takeaways you can put to use right away. An example of this would be the simple way he approached a Playboy model and stood out differently to other men, to the point she gave him her number.
What To Say, Where
The final module is all about different contexts and situations you'll encounter when meeting women. Rather than just give you a bunch of different openers as a one-size-fits-all solution, Christian explains how and why to adapt what you do depending on the situation.
This is one of the unique strengths of Say Hello, as most products neglect this fact (or barely cover it). Whereas other coaches might just break things down into daytime versus nighttime, Christian's main distinction is sober versus having alcohol involved.
He illustrates this by explaining how approaching women at a daytime pool party in Las Vegas is a world away from approaching a woman walking down the street in New York City during the day.
There are other scenarios broken down as well, including: indoor vs outdoor, single woman vs a group, female group vs mixed group, warm approach vs cold approach, and how to best approach in different venues.
You'll get some good examples from Christian of direct and situational openers he uses. And he also shares some of the approaches used by other dating coaches, such as Nick Sparks and Rob Judge, so it adds a bit of variety in terms of the styles mentioned.
There's a few instances where examples given will be specific to certain places e.g. New York or other big cities. But for the most part everything Christian talks about is easily adaptable so it'll be effective no matter where you live or what your personal situation is.
A minor thing that could've been improved here was better editing of the video. At one point between topics Christian is texting on his phone for about 20 seconds, which should've been cut out. There's also a few instances throughout the course where he restarts what he was saying, and it wasn't cut from the video. Again, this is only a very minor issue though.
Reality Versus Marketing
In the sales video for Say Hello, you'll hear Christian talk about something called the 'Yes Sequence'. This is heavily featured and made out to be the magic ingredient for success, but in reality it's not really talked about in the main program.
There is a separate PDF file in the membership area called the Yes Sequence, so it's covered. It's just not as prominent a part of the program as you'd expect. There's some decent info in it, but it's nothing revolutionary and it's more focused on bar and club environments.
And the reality is if you want to get results with this product, you'll have to go out and take action. There's no getting around the fact that you'll need to be proactive in meeting women, but Say Hello gives you a great roadmap to make it as simple and fun as possible.
Who Say Hello Is A Good Fit For
If you're a beginner who struggles to meet women, I'd suggest you take a look at this program. Particularly if you struggle with approach anxiety or social anxiety (one of the biggest sticking points we've found guys have), this program is specifically tailored to your needs.
Also if you are meeting women but you're not getting positive reactions, and it never leads anywhere, this would also be a good fit for you. You'll learn how to make a strong and positive impression when making that first approach, which makes everything afterwards that much smoother.
If you're already able to approach women and have it consistently go well, this product won't be that useful for you. Instead, check out the Top Editor-Rated programs to get our top recommendations for your personal needs.
The Bottom Line
Say Hello is solely focused on the aspect of meeting women most guys struggle with – what to actually say and do in the first few minutes. It covers everything you'll need to know to make a strong first impression with women in any environment.
Christian gives guidelines rather than hard and fast rules, along with plenty of practical examples throughout. If you struggle with approach anxiety, social anxiety or simply aren't sure how to effectively meet women, this product is the best one we've reviewed and definitely worth investing in.
Another product we rate highly for meeting women is Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy. That program covers how to have fun and attractive conversations with women in a more general sense, while Say Hello is specifically about how to make the initial approach and overcome your fear. These two products complement each other nicely.
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Product Information
This course is designed to help you overcome approach anxiety in order to meet women. It is a 4-week course, covering both specifics of what to say and do, as well as improving your confidence and mindset.
- Meeting Women
- Inner Game & Confidence
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Module 1: Approaching Confidence
- Developing the confidence to take action and approach women
Module 2: Body Language
- Demonstrations and examples of attractive body language
Module 3: What To Say
- Lots of examples of what to say to start conversations with women
Lesson 4: What To Say, Where
- How to adapt to different contexts and environments for the best results
What You Get:
Online access to videos of each module
Downloadable audio of the presentations
PDF transcript of the whole course
PDF bonus reports - The Yes Sequence and Topical, Personal, Interpersonal (1 page cheat sheet)
Unadvertized bonuses
Guarantee / Terms:
60 day complete money-back guarantee
User Reviews of Say Hello
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Completely eliminated my approach anxiety"
December 18, 2017
So I didn't expect too much from Say Hello but I was completely blown away. I bought it 3 months ago and followed the steps Christian teaches. Within 2 weeks I noticed a big difference and now today I can talk to any woman anywhere. About 75% of the time it goes super well.
If you've struggled with this like I have I suggest you just try it and see what happens. He tells you exactly what to say so you don't need to think about it or need to be naturally good at talking. All of the examples of what to say made this program easily worth the price I paid.
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