Sacred Spot Ritual

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Product Information
Baba Dez Nichols and Kamala Devi teach men and women how to heal and awaken the G-spot and prostate with Yoni Massage. They provide an introduction into a sexual healing ritual that awakens and reclaims the sacred spot within both sexes.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Introduction
- G is for Goddess Spot
- Body Armoring
- Presence, Presence, Presence
- Preparing the Body Temple
- Sacred Yoni Healing
- Yoni Mapping
- Sacred Spot Massage for Women
- Closing the Ritual
- Divination
- Keeping the Container
- The “He” Spot Massage
- Before the Ritual Begins
- Sacred Spot Massage for Men
- Taboo
- Kamala Devi’s Poly Profile
- Baba Dez’s Relational Profile
- About the Authors
What You Get:
Kindle book
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See policy of product website