S-Cubed: The Sexual Selection Switch

Product Information
Vin DiCarlo explores the sexual selection switch that triggers attraction in females and overrides their social conditioning.
- Attracting Women
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- CD (Audio)
- eBook
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- What Is The Sexual Selection Switch?
- Have Her Chasing You.
- Tasteful Touching.
- "Last Minute Resistance" Busters.
- Mental Masturbation
- How To Play "Innocent".
- Put An Iron-Cage Around Your Relationship.
- The Hypnotists Tone Of Voice.
- The Twenty Minute Take-Home Technique.
- Fire-Sparker Conversation Starter.
- "Perfect Relationship" Blueprint.
- How to create a lifestyle that women are effortlessly drawn to.
- Social Circle Domination.
- The Street Game Report.
What You Get:
The S-Cubed CD System includes:
The Entire S-Cubed System on 2 CD's
The S-Cubed Workbook - Instant Download
Bonus #1 eBook: "Lifestyle Game"
Bonus #2 eBook:"Social Circle Domination"
Bonus #3 eBook:"The Street Game Report"
Guarantee / Terms:
4 week full money back return policy
User Reviews of S-Cubed: The Sexual Selection Switch
Most Helpful User Reviews
"It is a Very Good Program"
February 06, 2009
These are all elements from his Attraction Code book, but he covers them in much more detail and gives lots of examples of how to use them.
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"DiCarlo is a scam bitch!"
June 13, 2012
Paid my money and no refund, no contact accessible.
It's like he's not even existed anymore.
$77 gone to wasted in a blink of an eye.
I should've listened to other guys!
His recent articles are beginner ripped off. Lame..
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