Real Social Dynamics Bootcamp

Coaching Program Information
Real Social Dynamics bootcamps were one of the earliest to be brought to market when TD (Owen Cook) and Papa (Nick Kho) first toured the U.S. in 2003. Since many instructors have been added are the bootcamps are now available in virtually all major cities across the world.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Standard Bootcamp
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- What it means to be natural
- Development of 'inner game'
- Live demonstration of attractive behaviors
- Progress feedback identifying and how to build on your natural personality
- Explanation of the different scenarios that come up when approaching women
- Access to RSD's knowledge base of opening conversation lines, humor techniques
What You Get:
- Three days of coaching
- Average instructors - student ratio: 1-3
- Bonus: 2 RSD Mastermind Audio CDs
Guarantee / Terms:
- Prices differ according to the city in which bootcamp is held.
- Full money back guarantee. Must attend the entire program and contact your instructor.
User Reviews of Real Social Dynamics Bootcamp
Most Helpful User Reviews
"RSD bootcamp - A complete ripoff."
February 12, 2006
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Last November I signed up for a RSD bootcamp and I took the Feb 3-5 bootcamp in NYC. While I knew that it isn't a magic pill going into it, I was promised by TD personally over the phone that the bootcamp would be tailored to my individual needs, and would shave a minimum of one year off my game. On top of that, they claim these things on their website:
"1- We take you out into malls, cafes, restaurants, and clubs to demonstrate how to meet women right in front of you.
2- We act as your personal wingman and meet women together.
3- We get you doing it step-by-step (what to say, the right body language, how to create sexual tension, everything.
4- We work with you and give you the kind of potent and crucial feedback that you need to get this area mastered until you've got it sorted out.
The program is structured so that even if you've never approached a woman in your entire life, you'll feel totally comfortable and at ease."
Lies. All lies. They fulfill none of these things; it's just marketing hype to lure an unsuspecting individual into giving them his or her money.
Before I took my bootcamp, I sent out multiple emails to my instructor and the coordinators stating what I'd like to do during my bootcamp, and what I'd like to accomplish. Because this was supposed to be a customized bootcamp, I requested the majority of the time to be spent in field, as well as adequate demonstration so I could see what "good" looks like, and have a role model to follow. When I brought these things up to my instructor upon meeting him, after he received my email and promised to fulfill my requests, he told me "We'll see." We'll see? Last I checked, I am the customer, am I not?
I arrived at my bootcamp early in NY to meet my instructor. I was actually thrilled at who my instructor was, as I'd heard he lived for over a year in the Project Hollywood mansion with Mystery and his gang, so his game had to be top notch right? On top of that, it was a 2on1 bootcamp as opposed to a 4on2, meaning more sets, and more attention. Things were looking great. To all those who knew me beforehand, I was very much looking forward to this experience, and went into it with an open mind.
Or so I thought... My instructor was actually nervous and a bit fidgety upon meeting him. Now I can understand nervousness is human, but it struck me as odd as this is supposed to be a guy who's a mPUA, and has conducted hundreds of workshops. I would soon find out that he is indeed a social robot, and lacks the ability to vibe on anything else besides game. There were many times where I, the other student, and my instructor would be walking down the street, in complete silence. I guess the term "Real Social Dynamics" is used very loosely.
The first two days of the bootcamp ran from 7:00pm to 2:00am, and we'd spent from 7-11 in a boring seminar, where my instructor drudged on and on, preaching theory and material that I already knew, and can easily be researched via the asf archives (hence why I requested the majority to be field work, and was promised to me beforehand). We'd spent the other 2 and a half hours in a club, where my instructor pushed me into sets. Here's the thing though.. he refused to demonstrate any sets whatsoever. He flat out said no. In fact, during the course of the three days (21 hours) I witnessed him approach a total of four sets, only one that I could actually hear him in. I was highly upset by this as one of the main reasons I decided to take this bootcamp was to see how the masters do it live and up close. I now have second doubts about my instructors ability to perform, as I feel he was making excuses just so he didn't have to approach.
As far as feedback went, here was the feedback I got after approaching sets at the end of the night. "Good job on approaching man, you did what 99% of asf can't do."
That was it. No constructive feedback at all. In fact I was so upset with the way things were going, and the complete lack of caring by my instructor, that I actually left the program early one of those days, with no desire to continue. It was so bad, I was tempted to not even attend day three at all.
Day 3 was a total joke. It ran from 11pm to 6pm. We spent the first five hours of that in another seminar, going over the exact same material we had gone over the first two days. The second hour we went shopping at various clothes stores so my instructor could show us what's currently in style. That was the magic makeover they promise. You can get this same experience watching the fashion channel. Finally, the last hour we spent in field. That's right, a mere one hour on Sunday was spent doing field work. Highly disappointing.
After this complete waste of money, I emailed TylerDurden the following day, stating my concerns, giving him a chance to somewhat remedy the situation. His replies contained the context of "We have your money now, and there's nothing we're going to do for you." In fact, I didn't even want my money back. I would of liked a second bootcamp where things are done right. I even tried to negotiate for a single phone coaching session, where I could at least learn something. No deal. He even had my instructor call to confront me on why I thought the bootcamp was bad. Very disappointing, considering TD states claims that their customer service has gone up 1000% over the past two years.
So if you like throwing money away, the RSD bootcamp may be for you. Before you consider spending that $1500, I would suggest giving yourself a makeover, donating that money to the homeless, or hell, put it in a brief case, go to the center of your city, open it, and let it blow away in the wind. The money will be better off, trust me.
Hell, if you'd like, I can give you the exact same bootcamp experience for a mere $20.
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"Botched Summer RSD Bootcamp! "
December 27, 2013
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
- Jeffy (Jeff Allen AKA JLaix)
- Julien Blanc
- Tyler/TD (Owen Cook)
Prior to attending bootcamp, I started consistently doing Pick Up since the end of March of earlier this year. Because of RSD's good marketing tactics, it drew me into doing their live event. I got everything set up to attend their Bootcamp, but my expectations were let down very severely. They weren't well acquainted with the best areas sarge; basically their logistics weren't tight if you have certain standards about your women.
My background, I studied only a bit of MM back then, read into Swinggcat, and took in mostly RSD's teachings from the beginning of Blueprint, to most of their free content videos. I never cared much for their other products however though. Flawless Natural did not fit well with me, and I never really got into the Jeffy Show all that much. I read Pick Up from many sources like Tony D, Mark Manson, Kezia Noble, Simple Pick Up, etc. You could technically call me the Mixed Martial Artist of Pick Up since I study a little bit of everything, with the exception of NLP in a seduction based format.
I trained very hard, going out almost 5 days every week since March 23, just to sarge prior to RSD Bootcamp in August 22nd, along with 2 other hardcore dedicated Wings, meanwhile you have all these Green Newbies that show up to the RSD Bootcamp totally untrained and not dedicated to the art, with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 guys almost as dedicated as me and my wings.
But now, I would say what helped serve my base of understanding and studying myself (my progression/transformation) is through RSD filters, but I will say looking back on it, their style of game is very messy, considering they don't have good structure to follow, aside from their Bootcamp manual which resembles MM, and it ends up creating all these mental filters to mess your head up which I'll get into later in this post. I'll get the review out of the way first.
1st NIGHT-
I meet Jeffy, Julien and Owen for the first time in person, which only amplifies the hero worship, since I felt their free videos helped me so much, along with Blueprint Decoded. Owen's voice is shot from too much raw public speaking. Jeffy doesn't seem like he's happy to be there. Julien is on his instructor hustle since he's the newest. We attend the free tour prior to Bootcamp and it connects it with Bootcamp; Owen/Tyler finally shows up with his girlfriend after Julien and Jeffy are done talking. Owen goes up to talk about something newbies can't relate much to, which is about 3somes and being able to make it to Vegas, and then condescendingly says that he can't believe that no one has the money to go to Vegas.
He must not know the majority of his client base very well. Pick Up is the broke-man's art. Money isn't needed to do Pick Up. And most of his RSD fan boys are broke, especially the ones on the forum. So no one in the free tour could relate to him talking about Vegas.
That being said, they call all BC students up to the front and we meet with Julien and Jeffy in the lobby to go down outside to introduce ourselves, who we are, our names, why we're there, etc. Owen is still up in the free tour room to talk, he ends up missing the introduction of the Bootcamp students, and Jeffy seems frustrated, especially since it's been said he was called in last minute since the Seattle BC was in high demand.
This was already a bad sign that Owen does not care as much as he comes off his in videos, and that he may just be in this for himself. I thought it was personally unprofessional to not show up to the introduction and get to know us, and work with us right off the bat, but instead work on his free tour speech and video. But having hero worship, I look past it because I expect him to deliver a badass bootcamp to his passionate students.
Before BC started, my wings outside of BC made the regretful mistake of not being grouped with me considering we were on similar levels, but they were afraid we would all get in the way of each other's pulls for the nights out. Instead we suffer worse because all of our other BC wings are so inexperienced that it ends up making the instructors having to tailor different levels of instruction to guys who haven't even gone out and banged the hammers as hard as me and my other 2 wings. It also made it less consistent that every night of the 3 nights, we kept trading instructors too.
So we all go into different groups. I drive Julien and my other 2 wings to Capitol Hill to start. We go to Havana on Thursday, which is Hip Hop night. Julien looks nervous, more so than me, because he looks under pressure to perform to his students, but I saw it as having a fun time. I open, nothing sticks because my subconscious just doesn’t give a fuck for the spam approach method and approaching girls I’m not even really attracted to, it's so crowded, it gets hard to instruct for Julien.
I do a few sets with Julien, and even create the Hub in front of him to show him what I can do, but he doesn't whisper much into my ear. I self amuse as much as possible, but you can only do it for so long and if you don’t do it properly and escalate, you just become a dancing monkey.
At some point during the first night, he tells me my energy is so spread out and un-concentrated in my approach that I need to solidify it and hone the energy, which meant I needed to put my hands behind my back and just open and use my vibe, instead of getting physical too quick, my main Sticking Point at the time. Worked and had this one sexy ass girl sensing my sexual aggression and me sensing hers, the set goes well, but Julien pulls me out, not knowing I never got an official pull from game yet, which would raise your entitlement game instead, which is overall better IMO instead of learning other "lessons" they wanted to teach that would be covered in the free videos anyway.
He made me open girls I'm not even attracted to (which I get, in order to get good at game the way hot girls are good at it, they must be surrounded by guys they game and not even really like just to get them to do things, now imagine that for guys who do PU). As Havana gets too stupid crowded to instruct in, we all end up leaving even though I get to see Julien do verbal game warm ups early in the night. We meet up with Jeffy who is up the street in Unicorn.
Inside Unicorn, Julien tells me to open this fatty I really am not attracted to at all. At all. Then doing all these sets were a blur because the first night of bootcamp was rushed and we actually started at 11pm even though we were supposed to start at 10pm on the dot, which we only did and waited for Owen as we introduced ourselves. I felt like Bootcamp should've officially started at 10pm, meaning we hit in field, instead of briefing, that instead should've been done beforehand.
Most sets are blur to the memory inside Unicorn because nothing stuck, no real instruction was given, no real lesson learned, and later was explained that they wanted to see where our skills were on the first night of BC. Okay, cool.
We end up meeting with Owen and doing street game on Capital Hill and I get to see Julien do okay street game, interacting with a girl earlier that I saw in line that was hot but seemed very dismissive of me but I really wanted to open. They still have me open ugly girls and not giving me instruction, which I felt was the case. Instead it seemed as if they went out to party hard instead of instructing me.
Owen hears me and my wing friend I trained with evaluate our BC in the middle of the street and hearing us talk theory, then he says, "No! Don't talk about theory! You're ruining my STATE!". That moment on, I thought it was bullshit because 1) We're paying him, he's not paying us. 2) Me and my other friends outside of bootcamp talk about theory all the damn time in field and it actually works for us just fine, because we do it in an amusing manner and I see Pick Up as a real art like a martial art or something technical like boxing, you either execute or you can't, there isn't this lovey-dovey new age bullshit that gets in the way of pick up. 3) Even Todd from RSD doesn’t seem to care too much about the concept of “state” and just does Pick Up that looks very very normal but has a lot of technique behind it that makes it very good. Owen ends up emphasizing to me on my bootcamp that I need to focus less on techniques, like dude, that does not help me at all. Technique + the mindset behind them are what I am missing. You are not teaching me what I need to know to attract the hottest of the hot quality women.
I sarge with Owen a bit on the side and see him yelling "Slut! Ewwww!" to girls passing by in the street and he's working to create this party vibe he later tells me about in the 2nd night which I had him instruct me.
We end up finding out everything is dying out. So all of the students regroup and then we debrief at 13 coins, which is a diner, overpriced one at that. I get in the car and drive Julien and my other two Boot Camp wings that I did not know to the diner. During my drive there with Julien, as I was driving he was telling me how in order to get good with women you must develop your vibe and have good emotions all the time that way you don't scare away the girls.
You must have good consistent emotions regardless if you pull or if you don't pull which now I can agree with, however the solid base of what I thought they should've taught me was hidden away in Hotseat which I did get compensated to attend for free since they knew I was disappointed with BC. With Julien’s Hotseat, I felt that was worth some part of the compensation and goodwill on their part to try to balance out my bad bootcamp experience. In my experience, the way Julien was teaching Hotseat on his end should have been taught at the level of technical expertise as in field when teaching me. However, he lacked this raw technicality in teaching me this in field the way he should have done.
I am a little agitated and disappointed with my expectations and at them in the field, and he can feel it and says to me, no matter what happens, it shouldn’t make your mood bad and that you need to control it and be cool. You need to always feel good to pull girls in. He says to me he has been laid so much that at this point, he doesn’t even care if he never gets laid again in his life. Good for him. That still doesn’t change my paradigm. Though I get where he’s coming from and can appreciate it.
We end up sitting there debriefing while eating with each student and then Julien starts talking to me and telling me what I need to work on as far as things I learned for the night, 3 good things, and 3 bad things. I thought Julien was a much better teacher at debrief and breaking down what we need to work on and how to work on it versus his in field teaching skills when we’re out on the street or in a venue. He’s a not so great teacher in field. His approach is very messy, because he’s already reinforced in his mind that pick up is “messy”.
In my observations of other teachers and other gamers, I’ve seen things executed so clean and it doesn’t have to be messy. Especially JT Tran’s Bootcamp I had witnessed a week prior to attending my RSD Bootcamp and how clean cut and effective his program was for his students. I’ll get into more detail about that later at the end of this post.
At some point during debrief, Owen starts talking about my other wing outside of bootcamp and grouping us together because he thinks we have Asperger’s (which we later find out he thinks we have because he thinks we exhibit symptoms of low level autism) and that we share all these similar thoughts to each other. Which is bullshit. Owen starts asking me about sex in a weird and creepy random manner that seems attemptive to dissect my brain and psychoanalyze me which only made me feel alienated. I later found out he was trying to dissect my wing/friend too in a weird manner to the point that during debrief, he was only focusing mostly on my friend and ignoring other students.
Who I thought and felt Owen was on his free videos and who he was in real life was so off point and unsimilar that it felt disappointing to me. This was later partly cured on my 2nd night where his better self-shown and he seemed to be actually teaching me on my 2nd night because it was the night where I had him as my main instructor. This is where the more awesome Owen made his appearance and he didn’t disappoint me until we left Belltown and got to Capital Hill.
2nd NIGHT-
I’m going off from memory on my second night. I meet my other BC peers at the hotel RSD conducted the free tour at and pick up my BC designated wings and head to Belltown, got there late because they started bootcamp late on the 2nd night too, parking was packed and shitty in Belltown as well.
As I’m still finding parking after dropping my wings off to go meet Owen, I get a phone call from him asking where I am. I let him know I am trying hard to find parking.
I eventually do and meet up many blocks down to where the street filled with venues are. This is where Owen shines doing street sets first by himself, then with his girlfriend, which I felt he was relying a little too much on to get 3 some make outs, which I could care less for. I wanted to watch him game solo and learn from that.
He tells me not to do much on my 2nd night and instead just mostly watch him. He tears it up, saying wacky ass things to girls, acting wacky, making the party vibe crazy. He tries to get me to tap into the party vibe, which I do on bootcamp and particularly after bootcamp weeks later. But I already knew how to tap into this, I just didn’t know how to structure the pull with it, which is what he wasn’t teaching me and felt I was lacking in the program.
After watching enough free content video, I knew how to tap into that full confident, party state, but when it came to pulling, I was not confident and didn’t know how to do it, which is what they needed to teach me but I felt like they didn’t. This is where I feel like he doesn’t tailor the teachings to specific individuals and tailors it instead across a wide spectrum of students with vast different experiences levels. Especially since my other two wings are super green/new in comparison to the level of action and experience I have taken and have.
I do a huge massive bachelor party set with one of the wings and this mediocre looking half Asian lady with glasses likes me a lot even though she’s married. Being horny now, I still would have fucked her but she’s nothing to write home about to at all.
We go up and down Belltown’s main strip and Owen does a lot of sets going full blown wacky and escalating, but a part of me is that I’m just not caring too much about it since it relies heavily on a lot of momentum and state, instead of technique and minimalist game. It’s impressive in one aspect because it’s so out of the usual norm of reality that he’s able to push what he does, but it takes a massive load of energy to perform these feats, particularly for me, even though I love being wacky and party vibing it up myself. Basically this form of game is like Goku doing his Kaio-Ken attack in DBZ, it’s not efficient and burns up too much energy in the long run.
I end up enjoying this portion of bootcamp because it’s like partying, but looking at it in an objective manner, I did not get one make out or close to pulling on this bootcamp at all, which is very, very disappointing. Jeffy’s philosophy of getting students laid on bootcamp was there, but it collided with Julien and Owen’s philosophy of them rather you not getting laid and learning more lessons vs getting laid to build your entitlement and vibe (which I think the latter is more important than the former, because you can learn as many lessons as possible, but confidence comes with getting laid and trusting in yourself and knowing you can do it from doing it, and let’s you know you can accomplish things, versus someone else telling you what lessons you need to learn to get them in the first place, a paradox that is fucked up and retarded and really needs to be re-examined).
We eventually kill the street game but for some reason we don’t go into Amber’s when we should have since that was always a good place to game. During our street game, he amps himself up and amps us up by saying to couples “Take her home! Take her home!” and “You walk by and you’re not gonna even say hi?! I see how it is!” in a joking way to create the party vibe and troll.
On our way to my car, Owen does a lot of street game to keep up his state and momentum and he runs by a venue and does a set there, then after calling a girl a slut playfully, a white knight steps in. Owen tears him open a new one and AMOGS the hell out of him so badly, he ends up running back into the venue like he’s going to cry. The bootcamp assistant ends up getting it on camera and Owen ends up explaining how White Knights like that guy are the reason why he was bullied so much in school and so socially conditioned, and damaged Owen’s self esteem to where he had to go into self help to create Blueprint Decoded, and ended up helping everyone else on his personal journey.
After AMOGing the White Knight, we end up at my car and drive to Capital Hill, and on the way Owen is still sarging on girls in the street and going for 3 way make outs with him, his girlfriend and random single sets. This is not the best night for parking at all. While in the car, Owen starts talking about how in the past he was bullied a lot and how he had to overcome things and then from my memory he starts to relate it to us, how he wants to truly help people that want to be helped and that’s why he got into self-development.
We get to Capital Hill, and I let others out the car while I try to figure out where to pay for parking. I then meet up with Owen and the other Bootcamp group/instructors and we start doing street game. Some sets stick, but at this point, I am just tired of doing approaches in a spam like manner and instead am thinking about sniping to game efficiently. The girls were all 6s and below.
One set from Australia or London were wearing white and I approached them with a wing as Owen instructed, but later we were threatened via body language because their brother/boyfriend were there, Owen sees this then starts amogging us and amogging them. He gets one of the guys to be amogged by getting his bootcamp assistant girlfriend to start body positioning herself like as if she had a strap on and was going to fuck the guy in the ass as Owen is creating the fun party vibe to tool everyone as much as he can while having fun.
I’m so drained from energy from doing senseless approaches that it doesn’t even matter anymore and the level of instruction is just far from ideal. Owen then begins to approach some young looking blond, making her cry then coming back to us saying something about how that girl has never felt such a strong masculine presence, which is why she cried.
We end up going to 13 coins for the 2nd time for debrief and Owen and my two other BC designated wings end up waiting at the waiting seats thinking we needed to sit there to wait to be seated. During this time, I talk to Owen about Swinggcat and how Owen knows Swinggcat in person and hangs out with him all the time. Then he starts to tell me about how to use prizability since I kept mentioning Swinggcat and that he was already using it out in field, like saying to the girl “Ewww!” which is basically saying you’re above them and that they’re nasty. So now Owen wants me to be a natural and use technique though earlier he only said he was testing out Julien’s material and he was implying he was only doing natural game.
My thoughts on this are, I don’t care if you label your company natural game or if you use someone else’s line (which I caught Owen using Swinggcat’s “I’m not just a sausage with feet” line on his Hotseat footage, though this is no surprise, considering I know they borrowed Vacuum method from Wayne Elise), but if you’re going to do a bunch of techniques like you show on your videos but calling them something else, but refusing to teach me the techniques in order to use them in sets, when I paid $2000 for Bootcamp in which I want to be taught these things, then we have an issue. Then the whole theme of the bootcamp became for me that I needed to be “socially calibrated” and have a good player vibe all the time before I can use any technique.
I personally think this is a cop out because 1) If you have good enough technique, you will get laid regardless, just like how old Mystery Method got guys laid back then even when things were very routine based. 2) Once you get laid, you automatically get that sexy player vibe that pulls women in anyway, and makes your entitlement game with you knowing you can pull be a part of your reality much more versus just spam approaching and not knowing how to pull.
3) That makes it so they can be lazy on bootcamp and avoid teaching me anything and just telling me to have a good vibe and being myself to get laid. First, I can and always was being myself, who myself or who I am, is that I am a technique based, instruction, process oriented person, who follows steps if they are logical to accomplish certain things. So when you tell me to just be a wacky person and do spam approaches that get nowhere, that is not who I am at all. This is where we have a big problem. A big, big problem. Because you’re essentially forcing me to be a dancing monkey who always has to burn a lot of energy just to have a party vibe and to not be selective about who I open, aka SPAM APPROACHING which shows that I have no standards, which is retarded.
I know this didn’t work because I tried to fully buy into his concept of the vibe and I just don’t have it in me to pull it off because it’s so esoteric and nebulous. I don’t have a frame of reference in order to utilize it after getting laid because I haven’t been laid using it once. I tried to use it a month and a half even after bootcamp and I just felt like a damn dancing monkey, which was terrible. Add onto the fact that they claim you can get it by going out enough, if that’s the case, why DO I NEED TO PAY 2K just to be told that when I can get it already by myself. Why do I need them around to tell me that?
It’s even worse because when I ask for deeper or further instruction, I just get told by Owen to watch how naturals do it and study them. I already KNOW THIS. I was already talking to my strip club bouncer friend who already told me this and I was around him for a bit to study him and his mindsets too. However, it doesn’t help if you don’t hang with them consistently, it takes a lot longer to get it down even by observation. However, if you have a real good teacher, like Asian Playboy aka JT Tran, who I saw a week earlier prior to my RSD Bootcamp, I saw his students making out with hotter girls in the hottest Seattle club aka Aston Manor, then you could have better results.
What I took from this is that JT DID his RESEARCH and knew where to go (like Bellevue Mall for day game) instead of like Owen who redirected my question on the first night (telling me it doesn’t matter, and then asking me if I have Aspergers because I asked basic questions. I do have the right to know logistics, considering I dropped 2K for it for his services) when I asked him where are we going and who do we have as instructors the first night.
Debrief is coming to an end as we all finish our meals and we just jabber on about natural game and ideas of how to become natural. But it’s like, dude, I feel like Owen only became a natural because he eased himself in through routine based game and the Mystery Method. Had I known the reality of all this, I would have signed up for Love Systems and or Venusian Arts or even JT Tran Bootcamp.
3rd NIGHT-
The third and final night is my night with Jeffy after getting compensated via Hotseat and its first screening with Tyler on Saturday, and Julien’s Hotseat Bonus the next day on Sunday, since they knew I was unhappy with my bootcamp experience. I felt like they threw this in to help me and to stop me from getting my refund. But honestly I would’ve been just as happy to pay for the Hotseat separately and get the refund for my Bootcamp.
That being said, I get driven up by my bootcamp assistant in the car with Jeffy and my other two designated BC wings. This means I left my car behind near the hotel where they did Free Tour and as I’m in the other car, Jeffy texts me and my wings routine lines, which I feel are pretty awesome but since I haven’t gotten to practicing them enough, I either don’t say them correctly or I forget them, having no time to practice. I think I probably should’ve been given these lines much earlier on in BC.
We arrive at Capital Hill Hipster neighborhood, again. This seems to be their favorite sarging spot, and it seems to be their default go-to that also encourages a trashy lifestyle among the women there who look busted and unkempt. Hotseat ends late, so when I get there with Jeffy and crew, we do a bit of street game.
We head into Cha Cha’s, then the place gets dead with terrible ratio of guys to girls. I do a few sets, not much sticks. I’m tired at this point from gaming so inefficiently by spam approaching. Jeffy yells some stuff to me in field but I can’t make out what he’s saying. I lose state and become a bit emo, then Jeffy yells to me “Fuck you nigger!” and says something akin to me that conveys that I should stop feeling sorry for myself. I ended up laughing because I wasn’t sure how to respond to something so ludicrous.
At some point during my final night of bootcamp, before I go into neighbors, there is nothing but trashy targets to sarge on, which pisses me off even more. The lack of instruction I feel like I’m getting from this bootcamp makes me angry and I end up shadow boxing in the middle of the street and I end up hitting a tree with staples on it for stapling posters and my hand gets bloody. Jeffy tells me to calm the fuck down and that I’m even scaring him since I had kicked a building wall on the street. He tells me he used to have a lot more anger issues then me, and that I need to calm down and that it scares the girls away and it’s not attractive.
At this point, it does not matter. This Bootcamp has been officially botched. The target selection is poor due to their bad logistics and the lack of teaching technique and structure is subpar. This is where I realize Owen is a very disorganized person, especially showing up late on the first day to Bootcamp when Jeffy, Julien and the students (including me) were all waiting for him outside the apartment to brief before the first night begins.
This brought me to the conclusion also that since Mystery Method and Routine/Structured game is organized in its nature, this is what made Owen switch from Routine-Structured game over to crazy, wacky, natural game that means going crazy in field. If you look at the way Todd does his game, you can tell its structured, calm and borrows a lot from Mystery Method still, and he doesn’t depend on this concept of always having to feel good just to be able to game.
I go to the cops to get bandages since cops are patrolling the neighborhood to control the rowdiness. I go up to this one girl to open her with my hand still in bandages and she gets interested, some of her guy friends walk up to me and seem unsure of me, and one guy tries to AMOG me until he sees my hand in bandages and knows I am not to be fucked with, especially since I gave off the Aura of being very angry already with my Bootcamp. We sit there and talk a bit and I talk to their crew but I only wanted to build attraction for the girl, but she ends up losing interest since my energy can’t be directed on her anymore because of those other motherfuckers around.
The main lesson I learned here is that one should never be a pussy even if her guy friends are around and if they want to start shit, so be it, beat the living fuck out of them if they want to beef even though they aren’t fucking her and aren’t her man. That being said, Jeffy comes to retrieve because he senses my anger building and that I’m in a mode where I don’t give a fuck and I might just beat this other AMOGGer’s ass.
Jeffy pays for my cover since I’m nearly dead broke now, to go inside a gay friendly club named Neighbor’s. I open a set inside, nothing sticks after I make my intent too clear and it scares the girl’s friend, even though they’re dancing with some chode already.
We end up at Neighbor’s, and then the rest is history. We go to debrief at 13 Coins on the final night, and we just end up debriefing for so long, Owen leaves early, leaving Jeffy and Julien to finish what ever is left over from this botched Bootcamp. Everyone looks tired, unhappy, unsatisfied and felt this may have just been a waste of time. Even two other students had requested refunds. Only one was brave enough to speak up for it, then someone else had followed his suit as well and asked for it.
Only then did the other student later revealed to me that Julien ended up compensating him by giving him 1 on 1 private instruction on the street game during nighttime when Tyler’s Hotseat took place.
Out of all this, I felt like Owen shined his best to teach me and do well for me on my second night of Bootcamp while we were running up and down Belltown to do street game. But other than that, the bootcamp felt pretty generic. Even their bootcamp notes I was sent I found out later was copied and pasted according to different students’ sticking points. Then Julien sent a generic copy and paste instructions for what to do after Bootcamp as well.
And Owen didn’t send anything. Well, he did call me and yell at me for posting what he deemed to be a negative review on his RSDNation forum, which he ended up deleting. I’ll admit, it probably was pretty negative, but when you deliver a subpar service or product, expect bad reviews, whether they get posted on your website or someone else’s.
He ended telling me on the phone that I lack social calibration because he already prior promised me to write material to help me with my sticking points post bootcamp, and yelled at me because I wrote a bad review that made it seem that I was ungrateful. The point he made was that “what’s the point in helping me if I was just going to shoot him down”.
He made it out to be as if what he was going to post on the forum was a huge long post that I could follow and get something out of that program that could be what I was looking for to get laid. Instead he makes a short post on the forum and making a video partly dedicated to me, but I found it only helped me a bit. It was NOT what I was looking in terms of being taught certain material.
Then he said that one of the other bootcamp students that did get a refund weren’t going to get laid because he lacked social calibration and that no matter what Pick Up company he was going to go with, he’ll never get laid doing what he is doing now. Then Owen said that I was good because I didn’t get a refund, which meant I could go to World Summit for free and that I will get laid. Honestly, I could care very much less about World Summit. Sarging in Vegas is not very accurate to how one would Sarge in Seattle. Girls go there to get laid and are more open about it since it’s their vacation and they feel they can be whoever they want to be versus Seattle that has an uptight culture or a whatever you want to call it since they’re not as free being in their home city.
This is where I sensed an older version of Owen that Neil Strauss made him out to be in the book, The Game. Someone who comes across as trying to con people and is highly manipulative with what they say and do. To be honest, I felt it the first moment he redirected my first question, then asked if I have Asperger’s. I was just high on Hero Worship and gave myself a blind spot to give him the benefit of the doubt, considering I loved this guy so much on his free videos and Blueprint Decoded, and who I thought he was as a person.
He has a very strong frame to AMOG anyone and has the ability to re-frame a lot of things to get you to think things the way he needs you to think things so you won’t ask for a refund. That’s my take on it at least. In my dealings with Owen, it’s like dealing with 2 different personalities. The cool guy who wanted to really help you be a better person, bettering your life and get you laid from Blueprint Decoded, and the Manipulative Conman from Neil Strauss’ book The Game, who wants to rip you off, have his own cult following, re-frames a lot of things, thinking tactically to get what he needs from you, then leaving you dry. It’s too inconsistent.
Post BC-
After Bootcamp, my sarging was never the same for some time because of the level of disappointment me and my wings experienced that shook our psyches in a bad way. No one at Bootcamp seemed even happy. My passion for the game had sunken so low because of the disappointment that now after many months it finally cured itself. My passion that I used to have back then for the game that was very very raw in nature had finally overshadowed the sadness and depression the disappointment my heroes gave to me. And to reach greatness, there is no longer dependence on one figure or someone that I make out to be a hero in my mind to teach me the way I wanted to be taught.
I am now just rekindling my fire for the art and not tying it to the depression and frustration that I felt I had experienced during the RSD boot camp in the summer in Seattle. At first, my fire had to die down because it was too tied to a long term mission that I felt that I could accomplish and that I was getting the necessary cavalry to assist me with my mission to become good at PU, but I see now that the cavalry sucked in comparison to my expectations.
It hurt me very badly inside. I felt like I was a hardcore boxer training for a fight, only to lose the fight because I hired a bad trainer who didn't even assist me well enough at my side during the actual fight. Another analogy is you being a race car driver, then thinking that you hired a well known excellent pit stop crew that was really good, but during the needed pit stop, your crew fails to make your race car run well and you end up losing the damn race. Then losing the race or losing the fight haunts you so badly because you had trained so damn hard for it, you put in so much of your time, your love, your dedication and passion, only to have people who thought could give you the super boost you needed, end up failing you, and you just sucking.
At the end of the day I did feel like Owen did try to help me so too did Julien and Jeffey, however I just thought the way they ran the program was very disorganized. I sensed/perceived there was a split in intention and in mindset of the instructors/Owen that existed between helping the students and at the same time not giving them the full rundown of pick up theory and implementation of the theory infield required to get the pull all the way. There are many elements of their game missing from explanation to the students, and that is more "pie in the sky"/nebulous by nature to which they present to you in their videos to label it natural game. I know Owen has tried to fix this recently by giving you exercises at the end of the video. They do help, but man, to charge students 2 grand for Boot then have it be this disappointing, unacceptable.
I believe in the arguments for natural game if you deeply understand the principles but in order to deeply understand and apply those principles you must understand the theory of structured game first and run with structured game, or at least dissect the content of structured game in order to build up your natural game. Otherwise if you're not the creative type or haven't learned to be the creative type your natural game will suffer surely.
Basically they're saying that what they're teaching is natural game and in a way it is because it's covering the principles of why something works but the principles are not as in-depth when they're trying to teach you live in person as opposed to learning structure game and structured theory. Which gives you a more of a solidified rundown of how to implement that theory infield that I see other instructors doing outside of RSD.
From what I see of Rob Judge and Zach Bauer, they are the more refined and less messy version of RSD so if you're going to do more cleaner natural game you should either go with them or do a boot camp with Jeffy alone or do a boot camp with Alex and Todd who seem to be very technique based oriented and or seem to be less messy in field for how they instruct students according to 2nd hand accounts from people and how I see in their free videos when they do Bootcamp.
If I was to ever be taught again I would only except Mystery, Rob Judge, an excellent teacher or someone that really really cares about my well-being in order for me to even pay him over $1000. A week prior to doing Boot Camp with RSD, I had met JT ran inside the Aston Manor club in Seattle and he subtly convinced me that RSD Boot Camp was not worth it but he wanted to be professional about it which I understood. Though during that night he ended up helping me for free. On top of that I saw his students with way hotter women than anything on my boot camp with RSD. Add to the fact that his Boot Camp was $500 cheaper and was a higher-quality than RSD's, even when I saw his game plan for teaching students that he laid out.
And I felt that RSD Boot Camp was very very disorganized and the curriculum was not as brushed up as it should've been and their method of teaching was very messy.
Even now rethinking the boot camp during the summer in my mind it makes me very aggravated but yet it is anchored to my passion for wanting to develop my game to a highly skilled level. This is the passion that I was lacking after Boot Camp and I had let it go and it made me very very lazy afterward because I didn't want to deal with disappointment again being felt that I was letdown. But this time I truly know that I can only let myself down if I don't take full responsibility for my own skill set, instead of putting in another person's hands but clearly wasn't set out to improve my life but instead just collect a paycheck.
I vow to myself that after I get good at this game after being in it for 3 to 5 years and when I start training my own students I will not let any of my students down but they have to promise me that they will work just as hard as me to make it happen.
After watching blueprint decoded I felt like Owen was someone to look up to and in a sense in a way he still is but just seeing his lack of instruction in field compared to the way I pictured in it in my head and what I saw by comparison in his Free tour videos of seeing him instruct other students was very lacking to what he delivered in real life to me. The only time I thought he was really teaching me or trying to help me was during debrief and on my second day BC with him when I had him for that night.
But I felt on my second night of BC with him it was very generalized advice even though I saw that it didn't appear as technique based like I thought it was, only at first though. But the techniques he did deliver were built off principles but weren't deeply ingrained in me like they should've been and even then, if you don't escalate with the "fun" vibe you won't get laid, you'll just be a dancing monkey, something he fails to mention during BC.
Even after talking to a different non-RSD PUA instructor, we found out that even he said when there is a large volume of students, the company of instructors usually care more about getting paid and the money instead of offering high quality coaching. My botched Bootcamp evidenced this.
So in short; there was good and bad, but it was mostly bad and I am being as objective about this review as I possibly can for anyone else who wants to decide to take a Bootcamp with Owen, Tyler and or Julien or all 3 of them at once.
What else, I suggest readers read Distant Light Social Life Hacking, End Game by Lo-Gun, and anything else that helps your passive game, which means it helps craft who you are as a person and develops more of a lifestyle based game where you don’t game as much and don’t think of it as game and you attract women more naturally because of who you are, how you are and what you do.
Even Badboy’s idea of Direct Natural Attraction game is based off of this as well, and to not think of it as game and to just talk to women as if it’s natural and that it’s part of your life, and to create social circles out of it to run social circle game.
I think Owen’s company is trying to go this route, however, Eben Pagen, Mark Manson, Roosh V, and a few others are already ahead of him, and since he’s doing split projects, I don’t think his focus on instruction is as clear, powerful and consistent as it used to be, hence why he might do one bootcamp in one city and it might suck, much like mine did, then he’ll go do another bootcamp in another city and have a bunch of students get laid and it’ll be a great bootcamp for them.
That being said; be careful about what you sign up for and only sign up once you see all sides of an angle, and never ever be afraid to ask for a refund if ANYTHING is subpar below your standards or ideals. Never let hero-worshipping get in the way of your time, energy and money.
This was a long Bootcamp review, enjoy it, and take what you can from it. I’m out. Peace.
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"I don't Think it's worth the Money I Spent."
March 07, 2006
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
I took one a few months ago, and although it wasn't a "total rip off", I do feel that my money would have been better spent elsewhere.
I had the same thing with my instructors, no demonstrations at all, they just pointed out sets for me to open without really teaching anything.
the only results they got were that one of them got a kiss (more like a peck on the lips) from this chubby chick that I wouldn't even approach, not much of a demonstration for someone who's supposed to be a mPUA...
one of my instructors was half asleep most of the time, and the material they handed out was full of typos and spelling mistakes... very unprofessional for people who call themselves "executive coaches"...
they did do a great job with the fashion consult, but I don't think that's worth all the money I spent.
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"RSD Alexander Bootcamp Rip-Off"
July 09, 2014
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
I attended an RSD bootcamp on June 2013, in Sydney, taken by Alex Treasure of RSD. To cut to the chase, I basically paid 2000 USDs for Alexander to come to Sydney for a holiday. His instruction and teaching whilst out was non-existent, and his attitude is characterised by arrogance and a sense of indifference. Throughout the bootcamp, the students had to go out of their way to find him whilst he was hitting on girls at the club, his argument was that he was "demonstrating" for students his "scientific method" for attracting women, which was kind of funny, since most of the time he was nowhere near the students, nor did anyone ask him to "demonstrate". Anyway, Alex Treasure is just some manipulative ego-maniac who lives in the sheltered world of pick-up, surrounded by "Yes men" RSD fan boys.
What surprises me is how Alex, purports to have discovered the "Scientific method" for attracting women based on his education in psychology, when in-fact he didn't complete his studies and dropped out of uninversity.
I also attended an Alex in-field footage Hotseat, which basically consists of Alex buying girls drinks, until one of them is either drunk or dumb enough to go "home" with him.
What never ceases to amaze me about RSD, is how they have created a cult-like worship of their ideologies, and drones upon drones of RSD fan boys who accept whatever is said by RSD instructors like mindless zombies.
What most of men in the community have been taken in by, is the idea that attracting women is a "skill-set", where your appearance, success and financial security has absolutely no influence on a women's level of attraction towards a man. RSD fan boys live and hope that someday they'll develop the "skill-set" where they can "pick-up" any hot girl walkig down the street, regardless of their life situation. As a man I can see the appeal of this belief; but also just how ridiculous it is as well.
RSD insinuates that women have an "On switch", and if your "skill-set" is good enough, then you can attract any women you want, even if you're short, fat and socially inept. Instead of saying something along the lines of "Practice talking with women more, and be more sociable" which will inevitably lead to better results; RSD replaces commonsense with psycho-babble and new age spiritualism, maintaining success with women derives from "being in state", "being non-reactive" etc., and other pseudo-pop-spiritualism expressions. What most of their fans refuse to believe is that women have autonomy, and are capable of thinking for themselves, and the idea of "game being a skill-set" is a marketing gimmick perpetraited by RSD in order to sell their bootcamps, DVDs and various other programs.
I posted a negative review about my bootcamp experience on the forum not long after June 2013, that was subsequently deleted by RSD.
I suggest people steer clear of RSD bootcamps, especially the ones' taken by Alex Treasure, he simply doesn't give a crap, and prefers to pick fights with his meat-head friend Sean. It'll be interesting to see what would happen him Alex and his mate Sean picked on guys who knew how to fight back!
The truth is that most people who take bootcamps with Alexander them lack assertiveness, allowing him to utilize his pseduo-logic to manipulate people. I will be posting more about RSD and Alexander in the future, and also screen shots of my review that got deleted from their website.
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"DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY with these people!"
March 13, 2006
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"I was Surprisingly Dissapointed"
January 23, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
My instructor was the new guy, Nathan. Basically he wouldn't do any demo sets, I asked him on the first night and he said "I've done enough already". I literally had to BEG him on the second night to do atleast one demo set, and he approached a HB4 or something, who was fat, weird glasses/hair, etc. He gave the most general feedback and wasn't customized to say the least. I told him I wasn't happy with the bootcamp, and he literally walked off and said that he has nothing to say and didn't even give me feedback for the 2nd night. He hardly watched me in any sets, and I was really dissapointed with his attitude. I was getting blown out for like 15 times straight in the first time, and all Nathan did was like, lets jump man, lets jump. It was quite ridiculous.
It seemed that I had paid 2 grand just for the instructors tp push me into sets. I can go on and on with all the stuff that went badly, but I'll just stop. There were 2 other students as well. One was happy because he managed to get one number from a girl and the 3rd guy wasn't satisfied as well. There was also an intern who had absolutely no idea what was going on, and simply hugged me whenever he saw me. I also say Nathan getting AMOGGED which literally killed me.
Obviously, I've gained from the bootcamp by learning about plowing, body language, smiling, etc. However, that wasn't why I took a bootcamp. Luckily, they kept their word to the refund policy and I got my money back.
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"Ozzie London Bootcamp- July 24th - 26th 2009"
December 31, 1899
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
My background was that I had been in the game for over 4 years now after taking a bootcamp with a very well known PUA in 2005. I started on indirect game back then, but on my own accord, found my success to be far greater when I was natural. However, I had a lot of issues throughout the years of using "my version of game." I had never really got to that rock star level of consistency based on tactics. Although I was using "natural" game for the past 2-3 years, it wasn't natural in the sense that I kept using tactics, although I wasn't using pickup lines. What do I mean by this? Well - I would communicate my real life's stories and what not, but everything throughout the pickup, from meet to sex, was based on a set of tactics that are oh so popular in this community. What this caused me to do was, as everyone says, put a band aid over my gaping wound of core confidence and self esteem. I considered woman to be of higher value and I had to use tactics and techniques to get them into bed and to keep them around.
This kind of horrible thought loop of endless tactics and techniques made me into an "advanced supplicator" and didn't inspire core confidence in me. As Ozzie showed me, I had a social self and a real self, where the social self was the act I put on to make people like me in fear of social rejection and embarrassment. My tactic based approach could get some women into bed (and very hot ones / celebrity / models), however, due to the fact that it was so tactic based, it wasn't really me. This would lead to MASSIVE inconsistency, coming from a position of scarcity, always qualifying myself to the girl even after I had slept with her, and a dizzying array of ego-inflating thought loops and behaviors.
So - then I met Ozzie and I could sense that this weekend would be a very memorable and educational one. It's funny, but on the way to the bootcamp, I saw a rainbow in the sky - I had not seen a rainbow in years was just freaky. I felt like this was supposed to happen - that every frustration and pickup related material or theory I had implemented in the past 4 years was a necessary signpost leading me to this bootcamp. This was it - the road to total and utter mastery.
I'm not going to go into detail about what we did throughout the seminar as it is detailed in many other spots - all I can say is that Ozzie is a master at making you feel social pressure beyond any means you have felt before. I'm a guy who has been doing pickup a long time as well as public speaking, and I felt such social pressure in certain drills that I couldn't even comprehend how I was going to go on. If you take this bootcamp, be prepared to destroy the chode in you. Rather, be prepared to have your chode self shot in the chest with a triple barrel shotgun from point blank range.
Anyway, let's get onto the FR:
We get to the club and run a body language drill that sets us up for projecting properly during the night. I went around just being social with everyone in the bar for a bit. Talked to some guy & girl mixed sets, girl-girl 2 sets, and all went well. The key to this was NON-REACTION SEEKING and NON-OUTCOME DEPENDENCE. Guys, this seems like such a simple concept, but when applied properly, you can see your results shoot through the roof. If you expect nothing out of other people, they won't expect anything out of you and you will both be on the receiving end of authentic communication - this AUTHENTIC COMMUNICATION is your value to women as a man...hell as a man to a man. From human to human, if we all speak to each other authentically without ego, or agenda - it's truly a beautiful thing. This is something you have to experience first hand and cannot be put into words.
That's it - that is what people call "natural game" defined simply.
Another key - when you are "warmed up" and in a "non-reactive" state, everything just flows. You cannot run out of things to say, and even if you do, you can say whatever you want and it still works. I started talking about how I drooled sometimes when I slept and girls just laughed and thought it was cute without any drop in attraction (it actually increased). NON-REACTION SEEKING IS THE FREAKING KEY TO ALL PICKUP!
So, I approach a two set at the bar and using this authentic communication, I number close within about 5 minutes with the girl literally making sure she put her number in correctly a couple of times. Her friend kept dragging away, ah well. Very good interaction in the end and saw her looking at me throughout the night
Next, I go to wing the other student in a two set that seems to be going pretty well. Completely natural, non-reaction seeking, the set busts open for me and I'm getting physical with the girl in a couple of minutes. This Brazilian girl barely speaks any English and I had to talk very slow and clearly (like exaggerated) just so she could follow my conversation. Funny thing is, when your sub-communication is on, what you say is almost irrelevant. Imagine is as though you were speaking to Angelina Jolie - you wouldn't mind it even if she told you about how she took her dog for a walk that day and picked up its shit. That's what's happening with the girl, you are this super high value, non-reactive guy who is just chatting her and filling her with good emotions via authentic communication (you could call this the "vibe").
So, I move the girl to the bar because I want to get a glass of water and I'm clawing her. She's into it, so I bounce her in the club again upstairs, leading the entire time, and sit down on the couch. At this point, the other student seems to have lost the set and my targets girl joins us upstairs and I can see her attraction for me flaring up while I'm chatting the friend. Anyway, I go for the pull - I get to the point of grabbing a cab and the girls suddenly say they live just around the corner and have to go home. I take the number (very solid number) and that's the end of day 1.
Once again, we do some social pressure exercises before going out. Some of these exercises are just down right embarrassing you might say, but hey it definitely gets you into state and state gets you laid, so I just do it. We go to a pub before the actual club in order to be social and get going. I get in and immediately open a 2 set of MILFS. It's going well, but we're just being social so no game and I leave to do more sets. Ozzie pushes me to open guy / girl mixed sets and I have no problem with it as they all bust wide open. Both of these sets lasted 30 minutes or more with the guys basically choding themselves out and giving their power away to me. Once again, I was just being social, non-reactive seeking and everyone starts qualifying themselves. In my previous tactic based approaches, it seemed like I was always doing so many things, facing shit tests, knowing how to overcome them, and then kept on doing tactics - there's no authenticity in tactic based game and girls can sense this.
On to the club - one key thing I noticed is that when you have so much social pressure on you, your anxiety just goes away. I thought to myself, well I just made myself look like a complete idiot and I'm still hard can it be just to go up and chat with a girl and get physical with her.
So, we get into the club and Ozzie pushes me into a seated 6-set of all girls. No problem, I head over there and it opens with effortless ease. I'm sitting next to my target and I began to get really physical with her and am holding dead-locked eye contact with her, letting the tension build. I say to her friends that this is my girlfriend for the next 5 minutes and put my arm around her again, and they all start saying "Well why can't we be your girlfriends." Awesome stuff guys - total non-reactiveness gets other people reacting to the reality you dictate. I notice the fatty in the set and immediately engage her and get friendly with her. I decide to push the set and we move to the dance floor to dance. I'm getting physical with my girl and the other girls are totally into me as well. When I'm not dancing with my girl, I'm dancing with her brunette girlfriend and she is grabbing my hand and moving it down her stomach and legs - great stuff. My girl is getting hounded by a bunch of chodes, so I block the chodes out with my body language and they notice that I'm owning this set and don't approach anymore.
I had to piss like a racehorse so I went to the bathroom, came back, and the same chodes are all over my 6-set! I'm trying to fight them off and they keep coming in and out. Relentless these guys were. I try to ignore them and keep focusing on the girls but the dance floor is SO CHAOTIC - so I grab my girl and start grinding with her hardcore. She's into it for about 5 minutes when one of her friends drags her to the bathroom. So, I'm still there with the 4 remaining girls and dancing with the horny brunette from earlier just to stay in state. For about 30 minutes I do not see my girl and I go looking for her - NOTHING?!?! I literally could not find her.
Anyway, I find Ozzie and he corners me and says "You don't have to run anymore sets, you get it. That is it - what you've done...that's the game. Just run long sets and go for the pull whenever you go out and you will get a lot of pussy." I felt some relief - maybe I wasn't so far from my goal of abundance as I thought. I know I have it in me, and as Ozzie says, it's a matter of pushing the social self down and letting your brain access that higher self - that sexworthy guy - that guy THAT JUST FUCKING PULLS. We all have it in us, we just have to perform simple principles correctly and your brain will give you access to your true self.
I ran a couple more sets, just for fun really. All went well, but the club was closing. I was completely exhausted and my brain felt fried.
Guys, there are no words for this stuff, you just have to experience it. When you experience that higher self, you pull. That's it. That is the game.
1. You cannot control other people's behavior, only your own
2. Non-reaction seeking and non-outcome dependence is THE KEY to pickup
3. Simple principles applied correctly determine the outcome
4. Be process oriented, not outcome oriented
5. Don't have unrealistic expectations of yourself or others
6. Don't worry about that which is not in your control
What I experienced - that was it - that was the game. Now it's just a matter of making that game a part of my true self.
Thank you so much Ozzie for an unforgettable experience.
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"It Was Awesome!"
September 19, 2007
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"The Important Stuff is What Changed Inside Me."
January 02, 2010
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
I have had to unlearn many bad habits. As far as I am concerned, '10Pin' - or at least, the 10Pin of old - is dead. He loved to get positive reactions and praise, and the absence of that would get to him. In other words...attention junky. Wanted the validation. When we were sitting down in the restaurant on Sunday, Ozzie had us sit down and we talked about spike questions and plotlines. More often than not, my spike questions were coming from a place of 'being outrageous' - in order to get a reaction:
I didn't really realize it - I used to think 'bringing the party' meant going WILD - but Ozzie pointed it out. On Saturday night in the field, he even had to tell me to 'calm down' with my dance floor game Thing about Ozzie is, despite all his rep as a high-energy player, he wants to build CONSISTENT players. He kept talking about this.
And its funny, because whilst I'd posted up some crazy LRs and FRs in the past, I'd also posted up a bunch of questions asking, 'How do I get consistent?'
I realized how to do this this weekend. Opened about 30 sets with, 'Hey. What's up? I'm ...', and EVERY set opened and hooked. Sure, some staled out - most did - because Ozzie said we couldn't do outer game. We just had to plow. But hey, everything's an IOI in Ozzie's book, so provided they still stood there and listened its all good.
It's crazy though. Because I see some people's bootcamp reports and it seems to be like, 'WOW YEAH I K & FCLOSED 5 girls each night' or something. In terms of 'results' it was actually a fairly disappointing weekend for me - only 1 pull - but I learnt SO much. In fact, this focus on 'results' was what was SCREWING MY GAME in the first place.
Ozzie pointed things out, and directed me to learn the lessons about myself. And when you learn something for yourself, the knowledge tends to become more solidly ingrained into you than it does when you are passively absorbing someone else's knowledge.
That's why, for all the DVDs and eBooks and whatever, God do I wish I had taken a bootcamp first instead.
No bad habits to unlearn. No conflicting advices to resolve. Blank slate, to be built upwards. For anyone out there now, I would advise stopping with the forums, stopping with everything and just going to bootcamp so you don't learn any of the bad advice which permeates every single place on the internet.
The whole weekend was a lot different to how I'd expected. All this talk of 'nimbus' and so on...didn't really get that. Ozzie was not trying to pump our state all weekend. It was actually very chilled. Instead, I just got a massive enlightenment, and learnt a lot. Ozzie is the man. The real deal.
I feel now like I am in a period of rebuilding my game, and refocusing it as a consistent player. As a result, I don't think I will be checking into the forums anymore, though I still plan on staying in touch with some of you. I will only return when I am sure my ego is not being built up online by praise; when the praise and the criticism is in balance with myself. But otherwise its 'up on the forums, everyone thinks I'm some mad playa etc'...ego building. Certainly, I let it build my ego. I enjoyed it because I used to suck so horrendously with women.
I gotta let that go.
I feel profoundly that, this weekend, my game has been totally broken down, and I have been given the pieces to rebuild it in the most positive of ways.
It's been a pretty profound, reflective experience for me.
Anyway, that's my bootcamp experience. I hope that is of some help to you guys, particularly those who are already fairly skilled in the game and wonder what a bootcamp can offer them.
I'd also hope that RSD really start switching completely over to this way of teaching. Foundations is a good product but wildly different to the experience you can expect to find on bootcamp (and bootcamp is where it is at, in my opinion).
It was a really great experience. Thanks guys, thanks Ozzie. It is up to me to use this to move forward in my game, and in life.
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"I Would Definitely Do it Again. "
August 06, 2006
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
the reason there are so many bad reviews depends on the instructor. my instructor Todd was amazing at the game and i got a lot of respect for him. i guess other people who took the RSD bootcamp had a high expectation and were expecting the "magic pill". i had a great time hanging out with Todd and i would definetly do it again.
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