Romantic as Hell - Tales of Woe, Tips of Woo

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Product Information
“Romantic as Hell” was written as a funny, heartfelt book about humor author and comedian Rodney Lacroix’s failed romances and how to avoid the same mistakes. It is intended as a humorous relationship advice guide covering areas such as:
- The "romantic getaways" that should be avoided
- Why a "free back massage any time" does not fool anyone
- Why a feral cat should not be given as a token of my affection
- Keeping the spark alive while parenting four annoying children
This book includes entertaining illustrations and offers information to help you:
- Find a mate
- Discover new romantic ideas
- Maintain an exciting marriage
- Improve an existing relationship
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
A Note From The Editor
Prelude – The Stage is Set
- “Prelude” Means “Before the Lewdness”
Act 1 – The Dawn of Woo
- “Evolution” Is Just an Anagram for “I Love U Ton”
- I. In the Name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Crap That Is a Terrible Idea
- II. Of Genetic Implants, Lingerie, Teddy Bears, and Chocolates
Act 2 – Basic Straining
- I. Well, That Was Embarrassing
- II. The “Lookie for The Nookie” Tip
- III. Digitally Remastered
- IV. The “Chivalry Delivery” Tip
Act 3 – Finders Keepers
- I. Gone Fishin’
- II. The “F” Word
- III. Even a Blind Squirrel Finds a Nut Once In a While
- IV. The “Funny Truth” Tip
- V. Wall Flowers
Entr’acte #1 My fans list some romantic things that don’t need to be treated with penicillin
- The Fans Speak – Part 1
Act 4 – Courting With Disaster
- I. Please Undo This Rendezvous
- II. The List (Not Schindler’s, That Would Be a Downer)
- III. Uptown Girl Makes Downtown Boy Look Like an Asshat
- IV. Make Sure the Men Who Died in Hallmark Didn’t Die in Vain
- V. Cats Were a Bad Idea
Entr’acte #2 My fans list some UN-romantic things that don’t need to be treated with penicillin
- The Fans Speak – Part 2
Act 5 – Leveling Up
- Order in the Court(ing)
- I. What’s Happenin’, Hot Stuff?
- II. Roses Are Red, and So Is Blood
- III. Wanna Get Away? Not Really, No.
- IV. The Shocker
- V. 43 Shades of Aquamarine
- VI. Wanna Try Getting Away Again? Nope. Not Even A Little.
- VII. Hey, That’s a Nice Box
Entr’acte #3 Lady Chimes
- Love Nuggets for the Ladies
Act 6 – Do or Do Not Or Maybe Just Run?
I. You Can’t Have A “Lifelong Commitment” Without Including the Words “Long Commitment”
II. Why Magic Tricks Should Be Left to David Copperfield
III. Repeat and Shuffle
IV. The Really Shitty Honeymoon
Act 7 – Parental Guidance
- The Bucket List Tips Over
- I. Kid Stuff
- II. Kid Stuff (continued)
- III. So Much Head
- IV. The Ten-Second Rule A Clip-N-Save Section
- V. Karaohhhhhke
- VI. Wanna Get Away from the Bellhop?
- VII. Throwing Paint
Act 8 – Maintenance Mode
- Lather, Rinse, Repeat
- I. The Letter People
- II. Giving Her the TP Treatment
- III. Say “Cheesy”
- IV. Is It Hump Day?
- V. Rubbing Off On the Wife
The Stunning Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $4.06
- Paperback $4.50
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