Rock Solid Relationships   

Rock Solid Relationships
Dating Company: Aura Transformation | Dating Coach:
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11 of 15 people found the following review helpful

"Complete Inner Game And Confidence Mixed With Relationship Advice"

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Last Update: March 23, 2025
The Good
The program is thorough like a university course in men's psychology. It encourages thinking about all kinds of relationship issues that could change your self-perspective, your long term love life, and your masculinity. For example, you could gain important insights about your attachment style, your basic needs, how your upbringing shaped your relationships, and why your love life failed.
The Bad
The program is long and will require effort and persistence. It's expensive. It lacks a female point of view, and some communication tricks.
The Bottom Line
Rock Solid Relationships mixes inner game and confidence with relationship skills. It goes beyond other products and feels more complete. Its content is suited for men who have had relationships in the past, and need to think deeply about the emotional reasons they worked and failed.

Its intention is to help serious and motivated men invest in their long-term love life. It will be even better for intellectual men who want to use psychology to understand their needs, upgrade their level of masculine maturity, and be at their best behaviors in their next or current long-term relationship.

It's absolutely not a good fit for men who are just starting their dating life. If that's you, then check out Conversation Escalation or Make Women Want You. It's also not a good fit for you if you want or need a single quick fix for a specific relationship issue.


The Creator - David Tian, Ph.D.

David Tian is a world renowned dating coach who holds a Ph.D in Asian Culture and Philosophy. He held a professor tenure for 3 years in Singapore. He developed products to help men in other areas of dating, sex and relationships, one of which, Invincible, is the top-rated program on DSR.

David has worked for many years as a dating coach and was well-known for hooking up with a lot of women. He realized that wasn't leading to long-term happiness and focused instead on creating a fulfilling relationship. He's now married to a high quality woman, and is one of the few dating coaches who has successfully made this transition. This makes him uniquely qualified to teach the information inside this program.

Rock Solid Relationships offers a more mature approach to relationships than other products. It has potential to help men struggling with recurring relationship and emotional issues.


Rock Solid Relationships is intense psychologically. David's goal is to provoke you with hard facts about your upbringing, your attachment styles, your masculine energy, and your failed relationships while dating.

This course is from an ex-pickup artist. If you've been in this lifestyle and are longing for a long-term relationship, he knows the language and what to say to convince you to change your methods to find love, significance and connection.

The program is divided into 10 modules of around 3 to 4 hours each, with 6 half-hour meditations, which adds to 40 hours. This is a full week's work from a relationship coach.

How Does Rock Solid Relationships Work?
Module 1 - Needs and Rules

In this module, you will do a little homework to find your needs and put them in order of importance in your life. If this is your first time thinking about your life from an outside perspective, this will feel weird and new age, but it's worth it.

If you've done this a couple of times before, this can guide you through another recap and plan of your life, based on psychology.

You'll first learn how your 7 basic human needs are prioritized (security, variety, significance, connection, love, growth, contributions). Then, you will create rules about how to meet them appropriately.

I learned that when needs are prioritized in the wrong order it can alter your fulfillment. For example, if the need for significance comes before the need for love, you probably think you can only be loved if you are significant, successful, handsome, strong, and have material success. You will then look needy to women if they are required to fulfill your significance, your variety or your security.

David will teach you the way to rearrange your needs hierarchy. If you're in a relationship, you will also answer questions about what your woman needs, and how you are fulfilling them for her.

Module 2 - Your Masculine Leadership

In this module David will describe the unconscious mind using masculine symbols like the warrior, the magician, the lover, and the king. You will learn how they manifest in your life, and most importantly, how their immature counterparts influence your relationships.

There will be hard questions about your childhood coming, like "Who did you grow up to please? What were your roles in this relationship? Who could you not be as a child? What part of you did you have to disown?" David will help interpret the answers, and how this dynamic unconsciously interfered with your love life.

The meditation of this module will get the warrior in you screaming in your living room, so be sure you are alone!

Module 3 - Your Rock Solid Love

In module 3 David gets very intellectual. He will explain some psychological theory of modern love life, with movie characters as examples. This was my favorite part, as my day job is in a mental health hospital. I understood clearly what he meant the first time, and it was deep and meaningful, wise stuff you learn when you have experience with people's minds, but not obvious for novices.

He explains in detail certain types of co-dependent couples, like the fixer with the predator, and the nice guy with the manic pixie dream girl. For example, predators and fixers end up together in a relationship that can't work long term, because they are perfect in a dysfunctional way: the fixer gives without taking and the predator takes without giving.

He also gives a critique of the pickup artist's lifestyle, and why it fails and messes with people's minds.

This quote, among many, is a meaningful conclusion of this module: "If I can find the type of person I picture my false, idealized self being with and make them my real-life partner, that would be the final proof I need that my false, idealized self is in fact the real me."

Module 4 - Masculine Freedom

In this module, David goes deeper and further into your past when you were 2-3 years old. He explains concepts you'd learn in graduate studies in psychology, like defense mechanisms and toxic shame, so you understand the vocabulary and the exercises of later modules.

As kids, we learned to either achieve or please to survive, and as we adapted, we developed certain parts of us. "How did you adapt in order to meet your basic needs?"

David argues that all of human psychological suffering comes from shame at some point, but I don't understand the difference between what he describes as shaming and simply growing up and learning about life.

The meditation in this module is interesting. It starts with an example of 2 people living the same event, but who experienced different meaning from it: life is short, experience everything fully vs life is hard, don't connect with anyone to prevent suffering. Then, you will be guided in your earliest memories to uncover a meaning about your life, actionable right now.

Module 5 - Your Rock Solid Attachment

This is a revealing module. You will do the attachment style test and listen to David explain how it manifests in dating and relationships. You will also do it with a woman in mind to explore how a woman's attachment style impacts your relationships. This is a very unique and useful skill to master.

You will also be asked to revisit your past relationships to understand why they happened and why they broke. The final question of the chapter is a good view of the personal work you will do: "What are the main attachment principles involved in your relationships, and how can you reprogram your working model with effective strategies?"

Module 6 - Your Masculine Assertiveness

In this module, you will learn to understand the difference between what you should or have to do, from what you really want. Then you'll see different techniques of assertiveness like negotiating compromise, rolling with the punches and owning your mistakes.

These communication skills are basic but essential to practice in all areas of your life.

Module 7 - Your Rock Solid Vitality

Here, David explains again how your relationship with your parents can shape how you interact with others. For example, even if your parents were well-meaning with their affection and proper discipline, this could've been only to validate themselves as parents.

David appropriately suggests counseling if a user fits the description given of abuse and neglect.

This module can be redundant for some users in need of practicality by this point in the program. There is no meditation in this module.

Module 8 - Your Masculine Power

This module is all about testosterone and how to boost it in your daily life. The proposed habits are common sense, and are proven to be effective. Experienced users will probably find this module redundant, but a course about masculinity would be incomplete without this section. The meditation of this module will tap your dark side, the warrior king, and it's fun.

David also discusses how to foster and keep all kinds of relationships, from booty calls to long-term multiple relationships. So if the standard long-term monogamous relationship doesn't appeal to you, this module will help you explore some alternatives.

Module 9 - Your Rock Solid Relationship

This module is about negotiating in relationships. It's in the form of a 3-hour long keynote in audio form, without PDFs. David teaches a method to calculate the value each partner must invest and receive to stay in a relationship.

It seems like a cold monopoly game, but it could help some men with serious problems of negotiation. David gives a complete example of growing complexity of a couple negotiating taking out the trash, doing the dishes, and cuddling time, with the objective of a win-win situation.

Module 10 - Your Masculine Mastery

The last module talks about sexual problems and a healthy sex life. David mentions a couple of herbal supplements to help with erectile dysfunction, but they are not scientifically proven. Of course, a good strategy to prevent sexual problems is to have a healthy lifestyle.

The section about sexual psychology could be helpful for men who've never had a deep commitment. You'll learn that emotions are more important than techniques for a healthy long-term sex life, and that it's important to value your own sexuality, not putting getting sex from her as a finality. Unfortunately, this final module won't be as useful for sexually experienced guys.

David also talks about dominance, presence, immersion, and lust. It all seems common sense. He does not focus on specific techniques, although he will talk about them in a basic way. The concept of immersion is interesting: don't think too much in the bedroom and stay present.

Effectiveness: Is The Program Legit?
The Science

This course is as almost as big as a university course , minus the homework . It's obvious David read and thought a lot to create the material, and he gives the references in each module. The concepts he explains in modules 1-7 are based in the humanities and known by most psychologists, and modules 8-10 are based on common sense and his experience.

However, I would've liked 2 or 3 real case studies of men he helped, with the follow-up, to see and understand the work required to heal relationship suffering, and the timeline necessary. He does give examples, but they are short.

Testing The Product - The Techniques - Implementation

David uses mostly long lectures and active meditations to guide the user in self-discovery and self-actualization.

I listened or watched in 1 hour sessions to prevent information overload, but when I came back, I got lost a couple of times. I feel the modules were too big and could've been split into smaller learning objectives. I read all the PDFs, did the meditations and the exercises, but did not participate in the private Facebook support group.

The exercises are essential to keep you engaged in the learning process. The ones offered are pertinent and regular, but I would have preferred more. The questions are deep and require thinking hard about your life. I was unwilling to answer sometimes, but pushed through my laziness and my desire to give the right answer. It was worth it and I encourage the user to persist.

As a professional working in mental health, I understood clearly David's teaching, and still learned a lot. I think most users will find the psychological view of relationships fascinating, but moderately hard to understand. However, this knowledge can help users in other areas of life, and even in coaching friends and family, so it's important to be focused and persistent. I think 25-30 minutes per day is a good pace.

I found the concept of warrior, lover, magician and king very interesting and bought the book. By separating masculine roles at play in my life, I found which parts of me need development.

The exercises that were the most useful to me were the needs rules, and the attachment styles exercise. I understood that I had an anxious attachment style with my previous girlfriends, and this is why drama and intensity always found me.

Now, aged 37, I have a more secure attachment style with no drama, less intensity, but more satisfaction. A happy side effect of this course is the improvement of my relationship with my own children.

The 6 active meditations are a unique feature of this product. I found some were useful and fun, but others harder to follow with their deep questions and fast pace. David says they could require 2-3 repetitions before they produce results.

I understood through the mediations why I'm hiding some behaviors from my consciousness, and will implement changes right away. I found the background music a bit too loud for some work about grief and relationship vision.

David wants us to develop healthy love relationships by exploring meaningful relationships in our lives, but there is little homework to do with our actual girlfriend or wife.

I am in a stable long-term relationship at the moment. Even if I did all the exercises, I can't see the day to day impact of this program in my relationship with my girlfriend. However, I did gain key knowledge on my dramatic past love life. I will certainly be more skilled to overcome the challenges of a long term relationship. This makes me think this product would be most powerful for single men who want to prevent drama, reprogram their attachment style, and be at their best in their next long-term relationship.


The 6 active meditations are unique and a novelty in this field. They are followed by a worksheet to put on paper what was learned during the active visualization. I feel David's true objective is to make us better people through a series of psychotherapeutic exercises, and this also is a unique approach that was mentioned in reviews of his other products.

Don't skip the meditations, for they are milestones required for the next modules, and they are in proper order to grow and understand your masculinity and love life. David states they are the most powerful aspects of the product.

With appropriate music, he will use visualization techniques to lead you into deep thinking. If you do lose focus, keep listening to his voice, the music, keep your eyes closed and continue to the end. It will at least practice your mind.

You will need a quiet and large room, because you will sometimes be screaming, grunting and moaning while kicking or punching. You could also cry. The action is to evoke your masculinity, and the worksheet that follows is to write down what happened, because it will be a unique experience.

Who Is It A Good Fit For? Who Is It Not A Good Fit For?

This product is best for men who have had multiple moderate to long-term relationships, and want to think deeply about the emotional reasons they worked and failed. It's for serious and motivated men who have time and money to invest in their long-term love life.

If you want practical advice to have better intimacy and communication, get women's point of view about relationships, and prepare for long term goals like having kids, David DeAngelo's Love the Final Chapter would be a good product to check out.

It's absolutely not a good fit for men who are just starting their dating life or who want a quick fix for a specific relationship issue.

Packaging/Presentation And Customer Service

The program was recorded from a live course David gave to a group of men in Singapore over a couple of weeks. It's entirely hosted on Aura University's website. It's easy to navigate and understand the workflow. You have audio or video options for every module, with downloadable audio and PDFs of the keynote presentations. The material is suitable for all kinds of learners. You can also mark your progress, an essential feature in this massive course.

Audio and video quality are very good, with no background noises. We don't see the men in the room, they are very quiet, and seldom interrupt David for a question. However, there is light reflection on the projection screen, so we can't see the keynote live. The best experience is from a split screen with the PDF and video to follow the keynotes and the exercises. Listening to the audio files while commuting is also interesting.

The PDFs of the keynote are suitable for following David's speech and reviewing, but can't and shouldn't be read standalone.

David is a good teacher. He articulates well, uses his hands properly, and looks at the camera so we feel involved with the course. He uses examples to support his arguments, refers to outside sources for deepening a topic, and created good media support for his speech.

One last but important feature is the online community in a private Facebook group. David encourages users to post their questions and relationship issues for help. Having a place to share with other men with similar issues is necessary for personal growth.

I had questions for David while writing this review which he answered promptly.

Value For Money

This product, priced at $747 (or three installments of $299), is expensive. It boils down to about $20 per hour of content. Its value will depend on your involvement in the personal work required. If you've tried other inner game or relationship products without results and want a lot of content for your money, try this product, or seek personal coaching with this investment.

The Bottom Line

Rock Solid Relationships mixes inner game and confidence with relationship skills. It goes beyond other products and feels more complete. Its content is suited for men who have had relationships in the past, and need to think deeply about the emotional reasons they worked and failed.

Its intention is to help serious and motivated men invest in their long-term love life. It will be even better for intellectual men who want to use psychology to understand their needs, upgrade their level of masculine maturity, and be at their best behaviors in their next or current long-term relationship.

It's absolutely not a good fit for men who are just starting their dating life. If that's you, then check out Conversation Escalation or Make Women Want You. It's also not a good fit for you if you want or need a single quick fix for a specific relationship issue.

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Product Information

In “Rock Solid Relationships”, David Tian offers his 10-week, in-depth program for achieving complete confidence and ease in your relationships with women.

Bonus program includes Masculine Mastery.

More information coming soon.

  • Relationship Skills
  • Inner Game & Confidence
Experience Level(s):

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
Learning Format:
Online Access
Hot Topic Tags:
Getting a Girlfriend
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
David Tian (Asian Rake)
Release Date:
June 01, 2017
Price: $747.00 - $897.00

(depending on product format or options purchased)


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Module 1 - Your Rock Solid Vision
Module 2 - Your Masculine Leadership
Module 3 - Your Rock Solid Love
Module 4 - Your Masculine Freedom
Module 5 - Your Rock Solid Attachment
Module 6 - Your Masculine Assertiveness
Module 7 - Your Rock Solid Vitality
Module 8 - Your Masculine Power
Module 9 - Your Rock Solid Relationship
Module 10 - Your Masculine Mastery
Bonus Module 11 - Your Masculine Journey

What You Get:

Online access to over 25 hours of:
- Video courses
- Audio tracks
- PDF cheat sheets

Guarantee / Terms:

Payment options:
1 payment of $747
3 payments of $299

User Reviews of Rock Solid Relationships

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16 of 18 people found the following review helpful

"GREAT program to resolve deeper issues blocking you from having your dream relationship"

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Hey everyone.

I think that David designed a GREAT program with this one here.

As always, everything is based on science and it is novel, at least in my eyes. Other relationship courses apply only on how to be and what to do, this course here tries to solve issues on a more deeper level. I always like that.

Relationships is the field where our deeper feelings, fears, vulnerabilities, insecurities come out the most and matter most. Issues blocking us from having a great relationship can be hidden so deeply that we cannot see and solve them on our own. David does a great job on pointing issues out and bringing them "to the light". So he helps creating a high level of awareness around some topics and helps to overcome them.

Of course you are not "healed" completely after watching this course once. The key is repetition. Maybe you need a therapist. But the insights I got in this course have been worth the cost of the course a thousand times.
This course had and has a big influence on me and gave me some very key revelations for myself. It gave me a level of self awareness where my issues are and how I can start resolving them. Some modules were so DEEP for me, I couldn't believe it.
This is also why I give this course an 8 on ease of implementation. The lessons you learn here can be quite painful. Some guys might just not be ready for this level of truth. Yet, for the complexity of the issue, David does a great awesome job.
Such a deep relationship course CANNOT be supereasy to implement - by definition.
However, the program does a very good job in giving you key insights that sink in quite slowly over the complete course that your brain can accept the hard truths.

Thank you very much for this one, David. You really ROCK!
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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful

"Great Course for effective relationship management!"

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Great course that teaches effective implementation of relationship management.
David is a great teacher with vast experience and i would reccommend this to anyone looking to improve their relationships!
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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful

"In Depth, Transformative, Therapeutic and Comprehensive Course"

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I am a mental health professional with over 5 years of experience. I’ve been married for over 9 years and have two children. If you're just looking for a "how to" course with "communication tricks," this program isn't for you. If you’re more simple-minded or less mature, this course will not appeal to you at all.

But if you’ve “been there and done that” with the dating scene, or if you’re in a relationship that you’d like to grow — especially when it comes to your masculine core — then this unique program is perfect for you.

David's Rock Solid Relationships and Masculine Mastery course is unlike any other recorded course in this area I've ever seen, and I think I’ve seen it all. RSR is an in-depth, transformative, therapeutic and very thorough course.

His treatment of the issues around "Shame" were solid and in-depth for an online recorded course and was a helpful review of material I had covered in my grad school courses. More clearly than I’ve ever seen before, David draws out the connections between childhood-rooted Shame and the "Nice Guy" neediness a lot of men often feel when they get into relationships with women they perceive are "out of their league."

A key insight David gets from the psychoanalytic theorists is how the dating woes of many men can be traced back to unmet needs in their childhood — needs that we all have for love, connection, certainly, and significance.

The course includes masterfully executed guided meditations, which led to several breakthrough emotional insights for me personally. Cognitive understanding alone isn't enough for life change. And that's where these guided meditations really take it to the next level in terms of emotional transformation.

David’s influence from his training with Tony Robbins Research is evident in the first few modules where he goes deep on your needs hierarchy and the all-important skill of Presence. He also draws on Jungian Archetypes theory in a powerful way in the second module on the “Warrior, Magician, Love, King.”

One thing I was able to take away and apply immediately in a powerful way were his explanation and exercises on the practice of Presence. The passion in my relationship has been crazy good in the past three months since I’ve been consciously implementing these every day. My wife recently said to me she feels like we’ve been on a second honeymoon.

He also includes nuanced teachings around the key concepts of Reassurance and Attention, which can be tricky to teach to many men. But David comes at it from a masculine perspective so understands how these feminine needs can be met from masculine energy and what they open up in your woman once these needs of hers are met properly. In fact, without the conscious and consistent practice of Reassurance and Attention, you won’t be able to implement the Vulnerability components you’re taught later in the course. The conscious attention to Reassurance and Attention in my marriage were the keys to going even deeper in connecting with my wife. This can be tough to do if you’ve just been going through the motions in your relationship for a long time. But it really pays off.

The most powerful from a therapeutic standpoint were the meditations in Modules 3 and 4, which regress the listener back to his traumatic turning points in his childhood. David does this in an incredibly smooth and natural manner. Having had extensive training in NLP and hypnosis, I was still shocked afterwards at how smooth the regressions were accomplished.

The second half of the course feature more practical lessons on “sexual mastery,” testosterone, and even includes a long segment on how to juggle multiple open relationships.

One legitimate knock against this course is that there is too much value packed into this one course. It can be overwhelming, especially at the beginning. I wouldn’t expect to get through it in the 9 weeks. It comes with lifetime access, however, so I was able to go at a more leisurely pace and let the lessons sink in.

If you’re looking for practical how to’s, then go to the classics in the field — John Gottman (Gottman Institute), Harville Hendrix (Imago Relationship Therapy), Greenberg and Johnson (Emotionally Focused Therapy). They all have excellent books with exercises you can do with your partner. Even better, you can see a qualified relationship counsellor together.

However, if you’re looking for a course designed to make you the best man you can be in your relationship, then there is nothing else like RSR.
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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"Comprehensive, Incredible, Deeper than all Fvck"

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This course is ten thousand leagues under the sea.. in other words deeper than all fuck. I was very hopeful about the course but I had no real idea what i was going to encounter.

Ever since I took rock solid relationships, I have learned quite a lot about myself, about my energy, my mind, etc..

I love the focus on Masculinity. I’m starting to wake up and want to work out... getting stuff done with purpose at work... being assertive and decisive at home...

As I went through RSR, my self-understanding grew considerably. One of the many insights I got from the meditations was that I found out that my wife does not think I can relate to her issues (anxiety and overall trauma from her crummy childhood) because I was a bully from my adolescences into early manhood. What I have been holding onto though is the fact that I was bullied on multiple occasions. I held onto these these occasions and turned them into who I became. I chose my friends based on these occasions and made all my decisions based on them.

Now in my adult life I had never truly played the hero... had never really crafted that warrior side of me... and then I was gutted that my wife felt I can’t relate to her... So the meditations on masculinity were a God send as I was able to open up to myself... to receive REAL forgiveness... to know that this isn’t who I am nor is it defining who I am... I am on the path of maturing the warrior, learning the way of the King, making this stuff disappear with positive reflective energy as the magician, and culminating my true self... the real true me into the lover, the real husband, father, and man that I am. Just a great thing I needed in my life. Thanks David Tian thank you indeed.

Prior to beginning RSR, i would express trust verbally as a matter of fact, and severely lacked in my displaying of respect for my wife. Showing my wife respect by being present with her -- a key lesson in the first module of RSR -- allowed her to feel more trusting of me. I believe these are symbiotic in that the more i display presence, the more she feels respected and thus more trusting of me. Typically in times of stress, I certainly learned from my father to avoid the storm the best I could to ride it out until it subsides. This displays no roots. I have not been rooted. I have been practicing the exercise from the course to display undivided attention and presence to my wife when storms surface, to extremely pleasant results.

In another of the amazing guided meditations, I found that my earliest memory was when my mom left me when I was young. The old interpretation was she didn’t want me and I really felt the abandonment, which leaked into all my serious relationships with women. This feeling of abandonment has been one of the core emotions I suppressed and have not allowed myself to feel, which led to me being an avoidant. However, I also saw that my interpretation of the event, while valid, isn’t the complete picture. My mom had left to go to a foreign country so that I could have a better life. After doing the meditation, I feel much better afterwards. Thank you David Tian for making this possible.

The Rock Solid Relationships course is very comprehensive at least to me. This is an incredible program overall. Thanks again David Tian for creating this course! I’m about to rock leg day and do my dark side meditation. Go Warrior King!
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"Mastery Level Relationship and Self Grounding Experience"

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I stumbled upon RSR/Masculine Mastery by shear serendipity!

What I liked about it was David's no nonsense approach what is really plaguing the men of this era...

I found it challenging and reflective... It brought out the absolute need to communicate at a high level with my spouse, the ability to be present (not just give presents lol), it has amazing meditative exercises that help the implementation process of the content.

I found that the challenging parts were seeing my real value as a person... often we put ourselves into the box we have created based on our poor decisions... trauma comes up in life (from an early age I discovered) and throughout adulthood... we translate these things into our relationships... we also inherit the toxic parenting and then the crafted person that is our spouse!

Kinda deep stuff right? As men we need to mature into the full stature that we were created to be... to lead under the influence of our higher archetypes within our personalities... get to the real core of who were are at an immature level... and then proceed to growth and mastery.

This course is changing my life.... I am on the journey... It;s real stuff in here, deep, reflective, and practical! Everything you have ever wanted from a life coach or transformation coach...

You dont have to be in a relationship to benefit from this either... just fasten your seat belt and enjoy the adventure!
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Amazing Program that gives valuable insight into your own self & mastering relationships"

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I can't stress enough on how amazing this program is. I've spent a lot of time looking for answers to things on a more deeper level, and luckily I came across David Tian. There are so many things that he teaches in this course that most men have not realized about themselves, and by pointing them out and helping us understand what our real issues are, it becomes so much easier when it comes to making positive changes. Before finding out about David, I was always looking for an answer to the various problems within myself, and became frustrated because I couldn't get to the bottom of it.

If you aren't yet convinced, I really suggest you check him out. The knowledge he provides is so invaluable and life changing.

Thanks a lot David for being able to share this knowledge.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"My Review For RSR"

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Rock Solid Relationships is a very comprehensive course on relationships. I was expecting " how to be a better boyfriend/husband techniques" but ended up going on a huge ride on meditation, habit change, and understanding deep psychology that will fully power my lifestyle, and the future generations.
I cannot also stress how important giving attention and reassurance is. After i was consciously aware of that, i could visibly see my partner respond to me in more warm ways.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Great product as always"

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I am a long time student of David’s- he has staked the claim as my go-to mentor for being a better man and he should be yours too.

In this course, he will open your eyes to what is really required in order for a relationship to last. He helped me get better with women and date my first girlfriend with his initial programs “The Desire System” and “Emotional Activation”. We had been together for 3.5 years but things got rocky and the relationship has come to a halt. I was lost and wanted more answers, so I sought out David again to help me understand what my flaws were in the relationship and how I can become better moving forward.

The module about masculine polarity offers amazing insights as to how relationships can deteriorate over time. David’s courses are essentially compact lessons from his own life experiences as well as his recommended readings from his website, all summed up into video format. Check out his recommended reading on David Deida’s “The Way of the Superior Man” as a supplement and warmup to the differences in male and female polarity. Great course to invest in if you want to better yourself and understand how to truly flourish in your relationship with women!!
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"Welcome to online university course"

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First thanks to David.

You made another fantastic course for men.

This is like university course both in scale and quality.

There are massive informations packed here.

I won't lie, it is too big that it takes a lot of time and effort to implent in person.

But I really love this program that it is not just about

How to get a girl at club, bar or a street.

This is all about enhancing your relationship for long.

Just having sex with a girl leads to nothing.

Yeah it may lead to feeling that you are awesome or

things like that.

But after time it is no use at all.

On the other hand what David is teaching here lasts

long and means something more than just having sex.

It costs you lot but hell sure it is worth it.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"Excellent Course"

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Packaging/ Customer Service 
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Another ecxellent course by Dr. David Tian. This course primarily deals with masculinity and long term relationships. I appreciate David's knowledge of phsychology and understanding that the root cause of many men's issues can be traced back to childhood and adolescence.
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