
Editor Review
"A Comprehensive Manual to Pick Up Artistry (Mystery's Upgraded Method)"
If you are ambitious in your aspirations of the quality (beauty) of girls you want in your life, or in building your skillset to work in bars and clubs, this book provides comprehensive advice on how to get there.
Important Update: In 2013 a more comprehensive course came out, that is a direct evolution of the mystery method system - 3 Second Sexual Attraction 2.0 from Mehow. It has more comprehensive content which includes infield videos with demonstrations.
Finally - if you are new to dating advice and haven't read any before this isn't for you. First read the the best beginner's book on the market: Make Women Want You to get your dating skills started.
This book was a surprise to me. I expected simply an upgraded version of The Mystery Method: How To Get Beautiful Women into Bed, but it turned out to be quite a bit more.
The Last Description of Mystery's Pick Up Technology from his Company
Revelation was extended beyond Mystery's original Mystery Method (MM) for picking up women to ensure that it was more comprehensive.The original Mystery Method (MM) included: The M3 structured model, Group theory, Gambits and a Methodology for practicing in field (actually just a few principles).
Revelation adds to this the following:
- The Zen of Cool: The most fluid and easily understood explanation of how good inner game comes across that I have ever read.
- Delivery of Material and Lines: Lots of subtleties pointed out that held people back from implementing the original Mystery Method.
- Making Conversation: Same as above, lots of subtleties described well to help people to understand their importance and how to make this pick up approach really work.
Adding Some Good "Seduction Community" Advice to Upgrade Mystery Method
Revelation integrates many essential concepts that have grown up out of the community over time into Mystery Method, thereby making something much much more effective. It is done very well, and details from concepts taken from elsewhere flow throughout the book seamlessly, interwoven with Mystery’s concepts perfectly. Some of these include: Attainability/ appreciation from Sebastian of The Approach, reactivity, secret society and AMOG concepts from Real Social Dynamics, vibing concepts that surfaced in the community during 2006, ‘entourage’ from AFC Adam (Adam Lyons) and company circa 2007 and many more.I was most impressed to see the integration of some aspects of the game that I’ve found important, subtleties that I’ve integrated over the years, but that have been less talked about outside of the older hands of the community who keep more to themselves.
Adding some Healthy Relationship/ Lifestyle Fundamentals Previously Underemphasized
“Any display of good manners or discretion will trigger attraction in women.”I’ve never seen this written before and was impressed. It goes against a lot of the seduction community ’dogma’ that has unfortunately arisen over the years, and has been detrimental to the development of many students.
The book places important emphasis on “Healthy emotional programming – sincerity, kindness, ambition, industriousness, love and commitment, protector of love ones etc.” This is an innovative way to explain and convey important character traits that you should be taking on and why. Great stuff again.
The last chapter's review of plausible deniability, social norms and ASD is the best well rounded explanation I have seen anywhere of how to pull your game together fully. It will be very useful for anyone from beginners to advanced.
This Product’s Weaknesses?
My fear is that the wealth of information may be overwhelming for beginners. This is not through fault of good explanation, but more through the sheer overwhelming amount of content that is contained within this product. Mystery’s Method has always been the most complex, and this, while making it more accessible and simple on some levels, remains complex due to its sheer comprehensivity.Some of the concepts may be difficult for newbies and beginners to understand. It is extremely comprehensive. And some of the concepts get less attention from others. Explanations should have been improved on some of the discussion of plausible deniability, serendipity and baiting with more examples for instance. For beginners or those who have studied less, these concepts will be difficult to implement due to lack of understanding.
Other weaknesses include are the price and customer service. The price, at $99 for an ebook, is right at the top end of the range. Customer service also tends to be challenging. We've received various reports from customers having difficulty getting in contact with their support.
Comparison to Other Mystery Method Based Systems
3 Second Sexual Attraction 2.0 (2013)
3 Second Sexual Attraction is the second evolution of Mehow's system. Mehow trained initially with Mystery and later on went into a lot more detail with his system. In the second version of his system, he has again gone into more comprehensive detail, so that it is more practical than former Mystery Method systems (including Revelation and Magic Bullets).A key aspect of this is that he explains and describes the conversation pieces and elements you use in far more detail. In addition he includes real infield footage in the course, to show you what it looks like when executed. The price is also more reasonable compared to Revelation - especially given the much larger range of books, audio and videos you get with this most recent course.
As a result it is currently the best Mystery Method based course available. See our complete review here.
Magic Bullets (2008)
Magic Bullets is the competing product from Love Systems which is very similar in its base content. Where the two differ, is that Revelation has attempted to include more content from the softer side (e.g. Inner game) into its method. Whilst Magic Bullets remains technical, but has expanded further the original MM to handle more contexts/ situations and approaches.This product has a slight edge over Magic Bullets in content quality, thanks to integrating a wider range of perspectives on the art of pick up (e.g. plausible deniability and inner game concepts). It also maintains an 'arty' feel to it, which is Mystery's style. If you like to learn through more general concepts as opposed to technical/ detail orientated rules, you are likely to find this product better suited to your learning style than Magic Bullets.
On the other hand, Magic Bullets, thanks to the detail it goes into tends to be easier to implement than Revelation. This is the main reason it has a higher rating than Revelation.
The Bottom Line
This product is a little pricy at just under 100 dollars for an eBook, but in content terms it's pretty polished. It is the most comprehensive look at Mystery's art of pick up, approaching and attracting women, weighing in at over 300 pages. So you get a lot of content for that money.The more recent and comprehensive course, 3 Second Sexual Attraction 2.0 from Mehow, covers the same contents in more detail and more comprehensively - and is cheaper. It's the best version of the Mystery Method systems currently available. Nonetheless we recommend Mystery Method courses only for the intermediate to advanced students of dating advice (i.e. you are already getting good results), because of their complexity.
If you are new to dating knowledge, instead check out a practical and more easily implemented course like Make Women Want You.
Finally, for people in the seduction community for a while who haven’t been getting the results they want, perhaps through attempting to implement the original MM (Mystery Method), I would recommend The 4 Elements of Game which is the best run down of how to fix the problems you have and start getting results.
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Product Information
This program reveals practical emphasis on vibe, delivery, humor, microcalibration, and value switches that could assist you in capturing the attention of women.
The manual is a more recent publication that has its origins traced in the original Mystery Method Corporation eBook (The Venusian Arts Handbook), which Mystery Method Corporation formerly published before Mystery left and it changed its company name to Love Systems.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Powers of Game
Evolutionary Backdrop
Survival and Replication Value
Social Alignments
Reaction and Relative Value
Romantic Love is Value-Based
Overview of the Game
The Primary Emotions
- Interest
- Vibe
- Attraction
- Connection
The Zen of Cool
The Ghost
The Flame
Body Language
Vocal Tonality
Facial Expression
How to Roll
Get Out of the House
Practice Your Game
Build Your Avatar
Bring Social Proof
Be the Observed
The Way of Being
Active Disinterest
Disqualifiers (Negs)
Preemptive Disinterest
Disallowing Frames
Passive Disinterest
Failure to Invest
Breaking Rapport
Value Offering
Passive IOIs
Touching and Affection
The One-Page Guide to Kino
The Approach
Approach Guidelines
Beyond Opinion Openers
Body Rocking
False Time Constraints
Making Conversation
Being Talkative
Conversational Basics
Curiosity and Intrigue
Sexual Tension
Canned Material
Sound Bites
Frame Control
Group Theory
Opening the Set
Hooking the Set
Choosing a Target
Disarming the Obstacles
Holding Court
Handling Interrupts
Winging and Isolation
Women Explained
Attraction Notes
Connection Notes
Anti-Slut Defense (ASD)
Plausible Deniability
Violation Theory
The following exercises, techniques and methods are included:
- Survival and replication value
- The 5 primary emotions you must instill in a woman
- How to set the vibe in your house
- The 8 visual clues, 6 behavioral clues, and 4 social cues that women screen for
- The 6 elements of connection
- How to confide in her
- The Mystery Classic Newbie Drill
- Building your avatar
- The 4 tribal leader characteristics her subconscious is always qualifying men for
- How the Roll-off is like a neg without words
- The 9 approach guidelines to get you into the set
- How she'll test you to see if you're the real deal
- 5 steps to add value and take the dominant role
- 5 step-by-step instructions to creating your own storylines
- The 11 waypoints of group theory
- The 5 common sticking points of isolation
What You Get:
Guarantee / Terms:
User Reviews of Revelation
Most Helpful User Reviews
"WAY too complicated"
November 05, 2011
Also i REFUSE to take advice from a guy who literally dresses like it's halloween when he goes out. Idc what anyone says, that just spells try hard and weird to me.
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"Hands down - "Revelation" is a great book."
June 15, 2009
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"Full of useful Insight"
August 18, 2008
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"It Deserves the Praise"
February 28, 2009
I hear that the rest of their stuff is rehash (so dont buy the audio and video IMO), but you NEED to check the book out.
Sorry if I sound like I work for them or something, but really. It completely deserves the praise.
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"Mystery's most complete work."
November 01, 2010
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"I'm Really Not Impressed "
November 04, 2008
Ther is some natural game in the new revalation book but it appears that Love Drop is just digging deeper into MM thats all. HE did a great job but I think it is over kill. Plus, I even recognized a little bitt of RSD in there.
Keep with mystery Method and develop your own game from it. And GO OUT! get off of the forum. Thats the only way that you can become great.
I have faith in you guys!!
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"My Inner Game Boosted Out Crazy."
February 25, 2009
It's not like you know any of the book but my inner game boosted out crazy.
I tell you I went all crazy as soon as I read that little page about "Social Superpowers", was that page 3? I just went out of the house and did lots of incredible things, just smashed through all my fears. But it was my mind mostly that did the trick. And Mystery, Matador and Lovedrop's book is presented in such a way as to stimulate such reactions. As soon as I saw the design of the book I thought "OMG, this looks more like a Dungeons and Dragons Guide, and I rememberd reading about Mystery being a pre-PUA D&D nerd or something. So I thought gee, to him all this is just like a videogame, it's like, when you play on your computer, yeah you do get a lot of emotions, but you don't actually feel anxiety when some "in-game social situation" is aukward. I just don't care, you don't react to NPCs the way you react to live people. I thought of this as the right mindset, a mind set of.. curiosity, in a place, the world, you need to explore, find out it's secrets, and tricks to win the game. Like a detached observator. This was huge and I had only read like 3 pages. For real!
Oh, and the best parts are about The Zen Of cool, kino Plowing, understanding ASD, sound bites, microcalibration and the article written by the asian girl(what was the name?H...). Comes to think every piece of it was just as inspiring.. let me think.. The Way Of Being by Matador? HUGE!
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"This book will change your life, but only with time and effort."
February 21, 2012
You see, most people want a quick fix. They want some pickup line that works, or some routine that does the job like a magic spell and that is how I was at the beginning, but I have learned that with everything in life, you must put in time and effort into something in order to truly master it. Whether it is Judo, Basketball, or anything else, you will never master it unless you do it over and over and over AND OVER until you don't even have to think about it- until that is just who you are and how you are on the inside.
I had been searching for this book ever since 2009. That was when I started getting interested in learning some techniques with girls because I knew I was doing something wrong, but I didn't know what. I bought ebook after ebook, but I never found the answer. Hell, even though the Mystery Method helped me in the sense that I eliminated some of the mistakes I was making, it wasn't helping me grow. I didn't want to practice routines at all because I felt so unnatural doing them. However, when I discovered that Mystery and Co. had written another book, I directly jumped at the opportunity to get it, and I'm telling you, this book will change the kind of person you are in that it will allow you to express your OWN personality in the best way possible. It will free you from your mental prison, and I absolutely recommend this book to every guy out there who not only wants to get girls, but also wants to become a happier individual overall.
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"Awesome Book... Every Single PUA should read!"
June 03, 2018
I, myself don't play structured indirect game anymore...
Even so, I've read this book a few times now, and a I can say for sure that every single PUA in this world should read either the Venusian Artist Handbook or Revelation...
Mystery's reputation is not mere coincidence... He really made a breakthrough in the history of pickup...
No only this book teaches how attraction works, how to recognize the girls interest and disinterest, and how your actions can affect them, but teaches very applyable techniques. Practical stuff that one can do right away
The problem is that indirect game is not easy to apply correctly... But once again, a good direct isn't either. The first one deppends more on the outter game... The second deppends more on a tight inner game. But both of them aren't gifts for the ordinary men...
You can go through a structured game that is indirect (such as MM), go through a structured game that is direct (such as Jeremy Soul's method presented in Daytime Dating), you can go through not structured ways of game, being direct (such as Simple Pickup do) or indirect (which many ones call "Natural game"). It doesn't matter... There are always identifiable different moments in the interaction. Recognizing them, even if you don't think about it is a sine qua non skill for any PUA. Not all the men know this instinctively and apply it. In this case, the first step is to learn this concsciously. Even if you don't intend to apply indirect MM, this book will teach you this.
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"Overall, the Product is an Essential Reading."
August 10, 2008
Overall, the product is essential reading. It's one thing to read and learn all about this stuff and it's another thing to actually go out regularly and practice it. So, I make a point to literally go out as much as I can...even if it's for one beer at the local pub.
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