
Seduction Quotes

Quotes about Seduction from experts and authors on dating, sex and relationships topics.

It's never going to be bad to go for the kiss and get rejected than to have not tried.

One giant mistake men make is they get too caught up in the “game” and don’t make their move fast enough. Or they think, “She’s different” and decide they will be respectful and not make a move too fast. Girls expect things to happen fast when there is chemistry.
- Bobby Rio

Quoted from their Work:
Unlock Her Legs

It's like a diet. You have to have days where you eat what you want. You have to have days when you are learning pickup or seduction... where you throw it all out the window and you just be silly and you just enjoy yourself. Otherwise you will become a social robot.
- Kezia Noble

Quoted from Source: Unknown

The issue you’re facing trying to seduce a girl is that she does not currently link you to someone she wants to be in a sexual relationship with. She currently “links” you to something else.

Maybe she currently links you to being “a friend”. Maybe she links you to being the “quiet guy”, “the funny guy”, “the needy guy” “the creepy guy”… one thing is certain right now she is linking you to SOMETHING. And chances are (since you’re not with her) it’s NOT something that is beneficial to your cause.
- Bobby Rio

Quoted from their Work:
Unlock Her Legs

When I first tell guys what I do their first reaction is one of curiosity. Then I think it is followed by them being intimidated... I think it must be the same if you were a porn star. They would be thinking "Wow, this person must think i'm really bad in bed because she's slept with so many people."
- Kezia Noble

Quoted from Source: Unknown
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