Make your mating life an extension of your social life, and your social life an extension of your passions and interests.
- Geoffrey Miller
Relationships Quotes
I have been making sex the most important criteria in my relationships at the expense of my own happiness.
- Neil Strauss (Style)
The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships
The only kind of relationship that has any chance of longevity is one in which openness is the key aspect.
Men need to be more vocal about what they want and the way they think about gender roles.
#126 Is Feminism a War on Men? with Suzanne Venker
The major cause of most stress in relationship conflict has to do with withholding information.
#102 Complete Honesty in Relationships with Brad Blanton
Women need to know that the greatest need of men is to be respected.
- Shaunti Feldhahn
#96 What Women Need in Marriage and Examining the Merits of Marriage with Shaunti Feldhahn
Secret relationships tend to be less committed, less satisfied, and likely to end over time.
Ep. #72 Casual Hookups vs. Committed Relationships with Justin Lehmiller PhD
Polyamorists believe by spreading their needs around that they get them met.
People talk about sex the least with the person they're actually having sex with.
Ep. #71 Recovering a Relationship after Cheating with Dr. Tammy Nelson
In life, we are born innocent and pure, beautiful and honest, and in a state of oneness with each moment.
As we develop, however, our caregivers and others load us with baggage.
Some of us keep accumulating more and more baggage until we become burdened by all the weight, trapped in beliefs and behaviors that keep us stuck.
But the true purpose of life is to divest yourself of that baggage and become light and pure again.
People spend their lives searching for freedom. That is true freedom.
- Neil Strauss (Style)
The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships
Recognize that pleasure can be expanded and experienced in virtually every part of the body.
Ep. #73 Demystifying Tantric Sex and Tantra with Mark Michaels & Patricia Johnson
Struggling to communicate or to have depth is due to a lack of life experience.
- Adam Lyons (AFC Adam)
Don’t be afraid to be told what works and what does not. Don’t feel that your masculinity is being threatened if your partner’s giving you some direction.
Ep. #73 Demystifying Tantric Sex and Tantra with Mark Michaels & Patricia Johnson
Men are as faithful as their attractive options that they know are legitimate.
Ep. #79 A Porn Director's View on the Industry, Sex and Relationships with Dave Pounder
Some people slide into relationships without thinking about the clear decision-making steps.
Ep. #74 Avoiding and Leaving the Wrong Relationships with Jesse Owen PhD
Looking to others to make you feel significant creates emptiness and a formula for disaster.
- David Tian (Asian Rake)
#86 Can a Tony Robbins Seminar Help You with Women? with David Tian
People who can read each other well and deal effectively and interpersonally is important.
Ep. #75 The Role of Intelligence in Mating and Relationships with Glenn Geher
Unexamined beliefs can really derail the search for love.
#91 Practical Rules to Navigate the Path of Love and Commitment with Duana Welch
Hookup culture is not about how people are behaving. It's based on our perceived messages and beliefs in the norm.
#88 Top Strategies to Navigate the Sexual Marketplace with Susan Walsh
Connection, spiritualism, and being in sync with someone creates the best sex.
- Marcus London
Ep. #35 Porn Star Sex, Squirting Orgasms and Lasting Longer in Bed with Marcus London