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User Reviews of White Tiger Tantra

(15 reviews)

5.6 out of 10 stars

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19 of 21 people found the following review helpful

"Pseudo-science meets hippy talk...but hey, it works."

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Ok, so I am 25 and have never orgasmed in my life. With my first few boyfriends, I embellished how great it was with louder-than-normal grunting. Eventually I just came out and told the truth to my partners. As I and they got older, it was clear they weren't inexperienced little boys anymore.

Anyway, I had come to the point where I had accepted that there was something wrong with me: as much as I loved sex (and masturbation) I could not climax.

My most recent boyfriend was quite determined to prove me wrong. Well thanks to his perseverance (or stubbornness...not sure which) and Steve P.'s DVDs, he did. I experienced things I had never felt before.

Of course, he didn't bother to tell me that he'd been studying these DVDs and what his goal was but the bedsheet was pretty soaked by the end of it, and I was freaked out because I had no idea what had just happened. He was ecstatic of course. It was like his team won the Superbowl, and he had just made the winning goal.

Yes, trusting your parter is key. A lot of the video is about establishing that physical trust via massage. For me personally, it's hard to relax and "let go." I finally was able to with his cooing and massaging. It would be impossible to do that with a stranger. So I think it's safe to say that, in general, this is for couples.

In summary:

- Yes, it's for couples.

- Yes, it can make previously unorgasmic women orgasm.

- Yes, the man knows what he is talking about.

- No, it isn't traditional tantra.

- No, there isn't much spirituality involved. He simply makes the connection between physical trust and sexual release.

- No, the DVDs are not worth that kind of money. He should really consider lowering the price. He makes women orgasm for a living. For gods sake, how hard is his life?

That being said, there are a few things that I'm skeptical about and I feel discredited the otherwise credible DVD.

1. Sketchy blond girls massaging the woman on the table...necessary or an unabashed appeal to male sexuality?

2. I highly doubt that massage makes your breasts larger. They may swell slightly, as they do before you period or while you're ovulating, but it isn't any more permanent than an engorged vulva.

3. The title of course

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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"It's Money Well-Spent."

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The value of the DVDs is in the details, there really are alot of moves
in there. I've been doing it alot, I think its been 1 month, I even
bought a massage table. The value is also in having all these details
assembled in one easy to view pornographic package. Recently I watched a
DVD again and noticed things I was doing wrong. Over time, I think
those who were initially disappointed will come around, if you keep
practicing. While the information may all be out there somewhere cheap,
I dont have that kind of time - even watching 5 DVDs is alot of time -
I sure dont want to go reading from a bunch of different books when I
can just watch DVDs.
Someone made the point about "Tantra", which is true, Buddhists and Hindus
will tell you all about Tantra without any of it being about sex at all,
rather about different chants and visualizations and hand gestures.
In the West most people have heard that Tantra is all about sex,
but the title of the DVDs doesnt make any difference.
I'm thrilled with this stuff, my girlfriend is thrilled with it,
it's money well-spent.
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"Needs to be Studied to Learn a Lot"

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All these negative reviews are way off base. If you are looking for pickup material, you've come to the wrong DVD set. These DVDs need to be studied, and you learn a lot about the inside of a woman's sex organs and find out about stuff they have that you never even heard of.

You do have to watch these multiple times to pick up on the little important details, such as what to do with your other hand, what sounds to listen for, how to mix things up, etc.
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"It's a Must Have"

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I give White Tiger Tantra a 5/5

It's a must have, if you don't know how to stimulate women to the point they shout your name out
Just remember, its not just technique its the mindset, and being comfortable with all of it.
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"A Bit Overpriced and I've Got Bored"

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I thought Steve's dvds were a bit overpriced. I got bored halfway through the second dvd. It seems like it's more for relationships because this sexual method takes way too long. Sometimes the audio wasn't that great. I'd rather him put out hypnosis based products but it's a free world.
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2 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"I'd Say Skip It"

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Hey guys,
Just to let you know I bought the White Tiger Tantra and tried it out. To be really honest I found most of the stuff to be pretty common sense for me. The basic idea was a girl has to be comfortable before she can achieve an orgasm. The videos were well put together and very easy to follow. If you follow it to a 'T' theres no doubt you'll bring a girl to the "O", but like I said, I just didn't find much in there I didn't already know.
Anyway, if you're a little clueless in the sack (be honest with yourself) then this product would be a must have. If you know your way around the bedposts, I'd say skip it.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Amazing is an Understatement"

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Amazing is an understatement. The amount of knowledge and experience that Steve has and shares in this area is phenomenal.
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Overall the DVDs Have a Lot of Good Information."

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I am currently watching the 5 DVD. Overall the DVDs have a lot of good information. I am a little disappointed that it doesnt go more in depth. I would have liked to of had Steve speak a little more on the different theories of Tantra and go more into the spirituality of it. He clearly has a great amount of knowledge and I would have liked to of learned more.
It's pretty amazing the euphoric feelings you can see the different women experiancing. I think if you can master this you can have any women bragging to their friends about you. From the look on their faces it seems as though they are in total extasy. Although this may seem a bit pricy to some, I still think its a great investment.
I do have a question, maybe Hypnotica can answer this. As far as presenting this to a women you have just started dating, is there a certain frame of mind the women must be in before you can do this? Can you do this on a women you just met or do you reccommend that you connect with the women before unleasing this Tiger?
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Not bad at all.."

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I also own the DVD's being in the Navy and underway I have nothing but time to watch movies! I found them informative and also a way of introducing something new and exciting to the bedroom. (no homo)
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Fairly Decent, but Nothing Groundbreaking"

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I have the DVDs and have watched most of it. It's actually fairly decent...but the techniques cannot be used properly without a great deal of massaging.
Meaning, they could only be used on say FBs or LTRs.
There are some finger techniques that I guess you could use on a ONS, but they are nothing groundbreaking. The true power of the technique seems to come from the "sensual massage".
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