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16 of 18 people found the following review helpful

"Limitless is Top Tier"

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Value for Money 
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The Good:

It’s an all-encompassing 10 week program; it covers everything from the beginning to the end (finding your life purpose to understanding attraction, opening and methods you can use to spark attraction in a woman).

It doesn’t expect you to approach 1000’s of women to learn and improve, it only expects you to just sit down and THINK.

The methods taught to arouse attraction are unique, simple to learn and quite effective

It doesn’t make you memorize tons of lines or many routines; it focuses more on deep personal transformation, but also has many other modules on attraction
The videos are well structured and it feels like you are taking a class at university on how to seduce women, you always wished existed.

Limitless’ customer service is without doubt second to none (read below)
David is the only dating instructor I know that holds a PhD. He teaches not only based on his personal experiences like most other instructors, but on actual science. He’s also very easy-going and his classes are enjoyable to watch.

Most importantly, from my experience this stuff really works!

The bad:

It has a high price tag, even the basic package has close to four figures.

The deep transformational stuff at the beginning takes a long time and some pain to master.

So first some information on myself. I started in the PUA community like many others, trying to get good with women, investing money (in my case a lot of money) on books, courses, a bootcamp and spending lots of time in order to start getting consistently good with women. I’ve always had mixed results with using what I learned, and was never convinced that what I was doing felt natural. You know, why memorize some lines from someone else, when thousands of years ago people attracted each other naturally with no need of routines. Four weeks ago, I came across Limitless, got intrigued and signed up for it.

Effectiveness: I am still in the first three Modules, which deal very in depth with topics such as: neediness, finding a life purpose, being independent and proud of yourself, the true reality of women and their desires (based on interesting research), knowing your values and showing your boundaries. Even now, after going through these first modules I notice how women react differently to me and how I generally feel better about myself. I am looking forward to the later modules, which deal more with conversational/attraction techniques. Note: for me the greatest advantages limitless has to offer is that it doesn’t expect you to approach women all the time, rather you improve by thinking and philosophizing about the knowledge.

Ease of Implementation: This is for me a trick question. On the one hand it’s obviously tough to work on improving yourself (especially when having neediness issues and fear) and takes a lot of time and patience. On the other Hand, the conversational techniques which I have come across, such as the Double Entendres i.e. using specific innocent words which can be interpreted sexually, take about 15 minutes to learn.

Innovativeness: I can honestly say that I have never seen these techniques taught anywhere else before. The classes on neediness were so in depth that I found out that even now after all this time I still had to work on this again.

Customer Service: Limitless’ customer service is hands down second to none. They have gone beyond what I expected to help me with a tech problem with paying, and during the course of the program they expect you to ask questions about any topic you have problems with. They even sent me a survey asking me what my dating goals were and my personal situation. I even got a surprise free one-on-one calling session with David personally as a bonus. I'm also positively surprised by the Limitless community and connected well with the instructor.

Value for Money: The price range is obviously not for everybody, but up to now I feel it’s worth everything.

Conclusion: Throughout the years when coming across a new program by a different instructor, I often thought that I struck gold and that the course would transform my social and dating life, making me become a highly desirable person that always knows without a doubt how to attract women. After about 1 or 2 weeks, this feeling would always disappear making me look for another program. With Limitless it feels differently this time, and after 4 weeks I can say without a doubt that this thing is the real deal if you are seriously committed to working on yourself. I definitely recommend this to anyone serious enough to patiently go through the ten weeks and have an honest intention to improve themselves.
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12 of 13 people found the following review helpful

"Outstanding - Not like any other program I've seen..."

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First, disclaimer: I've only been through the 1st and half of the 2nd modules.
I assume the rest are structured in the same way.

There are videos where David Tian is teaching a seminar in Singapore.
Looks like a college class. These are all in English, and excellent.
What makes them excellent is that, not only does he reference scientific studies (recent ones, which is important--if you hear about a study done in the '70s at Yale, which yielded remarkable conclusions about visualization, or written goals, or how communication is 90% nonverbal, or "we only use 10% of our brain, or whatever, odds are it's a BS study that never happened--an old wives tale. In the rare event that it WAS actually a real study,the fact that there's just one study and you have to reach back 40 or 50 years to cite is tells you something (that probably there are more recent studies that couldn't replicate the result, or that the conclusions from that study were misconstrued such that the conclusions vastly overshadow the actual observations from the study-- e.g., that "studies show that 90% of communication is non-verbal," --that one was a study that showed two people to, say, Bob, and the scientist asked Bob whether Person A liked Person B, or something like that. The study found that Bob could often perceive whether Person A really did like Person B. But you'll hear many people who obviously never read the actual study claim that 90% of communication is non-verbal. All you need to do is turn on the news, and put the TV on mute, then come back to me and tell me whether that makes sense. Or just ALWAYS CHECK TO BE SURE THERE WAS A STUDY done at all. Don't just listen to a PUA or a charismatic speaker tell you that some study proved that visualization is as potent as actual practice, or that written goals will make you a happy millionaire (though, it's probably a good idea to write your goals (if I had written a goal for this paragraph, it would probably have fewer parentheses), it's just that the study at Yale (or was it Harvard? lol) never happened) Snopes is a good place to start).

I can tell that David understands the studies he's referring to better than any other PUA I've seen.
I also appreciate that he understands the difference between Life Span and Life Expectancy.
Many people, for example, make the mistake of confusing the two. We know that a few thousand yrs ago, for instance, the human life expectancy was 30 (or something). But people hear that and think that a 30 year old back then would be an old man with a long white beard. No. A 30 year old back then would be like a 30 year old now, maybe even healthier and stronger. Life Expectancy is the AVERAGE of a population. So if 1/3rd of the population dies at age 1, then that will pull down the LE significantly. People back then could still live to 60 or 70.

So to recap, when David references a study, it seems to me, the way he discusses it, he actually read into it deeply and understands it. Of course, he is human and fallible, but so far, he's the most rigorous when it comes to referencing studies.

That said, there were a couple times he made some comments in passing that I disagree with. It's difficult because most of what he says is backed by studies, but he still has some beliefs that are skewed by his own personal experience or perhaps whatever seems "obviously advisable." Here's an example: He was discussing the plethysmography, which is a way to discern a female's arousal level. When she's is shown a photo of a flaccid penis, she does not get aroused. When it's an erect penis, she gets aroused (even if it's a monkey penis). This is despite her insistence that she is "grossed out," "disgusted," "repulsed," or "indifferent." She herself does not know that her body is aroused. So far so good. Fascinating implications. Then David added, "But that doesn't mean you should send women photos of your dick." This is where he punctuated all that science with his own beliefs. I've read the advice many times, and to me it sounds just like the advice (that sounds good maybe to some women) "be a gentlemen."
Maybe David had tried it and it didn't work for him. Maybe he NEVER tried it and so he doesn't really know.
But as for me, I KNOW that I have pulled more than one cold, red light, "No" girl by sending her such a photo. Maybe I just have a glorious penis. Maybe you will say that all the girls I pulled were "sluts," or "low quality." I assure you, they were not (all) low quality. Many of them were hot (and not crazy). I can think of 2 of my serious girlfriends who saw my penis before we ever met (online dating). Both of them showed the photos around to their friends and co-workers (and not because they were jeering or mocking it... it was a positive thing).
Another bit of common "wisdom" is not to have a shirtless photo on your online dating profile. I can assure you that this advice is bunk. When I put up a shirtless photo on my online dating profile, I easily get several times more messages in my inbox. "Experts" say that women laugh at such profiles. Well, maybe they laugh when they're not horny, but 2 to 4 days out of the month, most of them won't be laughing. Anyway, back to the point.
Another bit that I'm not sure of was when David said that women reach their sexual peak at 30 or 35. From what I read, biologically, a woman is most horny at age 22. That's biologically. Maybe she's more sexually active at 30 or 35. My point is that it's possible Tian was wrong there. I forget how he phrased it. And I also can't remember exactly where I read that women are biologically the most horny at age 22 (but it does make more sense, evolutionarily speaking).

All the above said, David Tian still references more studies and grounds his work on science more so than other PUAs.
I can already hear the objection: "I'll listen to an expert PUA who spent 10 years picking up women sooner than I'll listen to a scientist in a lab-coat." I hear that kind of thing regarding body-building (it makes even less sense regarding bodybuilding). And you will be poorer for it. Here's why. Because science! Science is a methodology which specifically, by its nature, filters out subjectivity. Yes, the implications and sometimes the conclusions are subjective, but you can't argue against observations (Scientific method, hypothesis, then test it, repeat). Additionally,
there may be (and usually is) a PUA guru who is amazing with women. You'd want to learn from him, yes? Well, that's stupid, because the vast majority of PUA gurus are 6 feet tall or taller (I've looked it up on this website, datingskillsreview... I looked up about 3 dozen of them). And I mean a VAST MAJORITY. That should concern you. I'm not saying their advice is useless, but do remember that their advice on the Attraction phase may not be so good. They may have good advice for Qualification and Comfort (and Paul Janka is extremely good for logistics). They already fit the bill for most women. There are maybe 3 or 4 short PUA Gurus. David Tian is one of them. Okay, scratch that. David Tian is average height in Singapore. Avg male height in Singapore is 5'7". That's what he is. Still, he's not tall there. And he's certainly short in USA *(I'm 5'7" as well-- but just so you know, my latest girlfriend who fell madly in love with me (and I mean madly), is 6'3", a tall, slim, blonde, blue-eyed hottie... and yes, I sent her several pics of my d*ck before we met, and she asked my permission to show it to her friends).

There's an exercise is this program that pulled me out of mild depression.
I know this program is not targeted for that, but that's what it did. I was feeling very forlorn, and I spent 20 minutes doing the exercise, and then I felt happy and motivated after it.

Something else is different about this program. It's funny because it's the exact opposite of Ross Jeffries back in 2000 when he was delivering his DC seminar. I remember RJ scolding the class saying, "Put your pencils down, don't write this down, I want you to get this, I want you to understand this." To this day, I think RJ was mistaken. Maybe that's how HE learns best, but as for me, I do not process information well when I listen to it. When I read it with my eyes, I remember everything. David Tian scolded his class, and told them to write down what he was saying.

Here is one more thing that is different. You may find this amusing, or you may dislike it.
There are a few times when David Tian yells at his students, calling them names, e.g., "What's wrong with you, you dumb fucks!" I would not want him as my doctor; is bedside manner But, hey, he was teaching a long class. Maybe those students really were just extremely frustrating. However, he does throw a tantrum several times. Oh, and he uses "fuck," a lot. I don't even mind cuss words, but it sometimes feels like he's channeling Brad Pitt (in Fight Club). Except that he's overdoing the machismo.

I like the direction he takes with appearance. There are gurus who say that appearance doesn't mean anything to women. In contrast, David Tian said that it can amount to 50%. He bluntly says that if you're fat or you're ugly, then you should take care of that. He also spends time discussing style (like fashion, but more like how congruent you look and how much you stand out). Fashion (or rather, style) must be important, because I believe the Venusian Arts boot camps and the Daygame,com boot camps and for all I know most boot camps begin the first day by changing the clothes of the guy.

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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful

"Best course I've ever got"

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Packaging/ Customer Service 
Value for Money 
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Limitless is one of the best course I've ever got.
Going through Limitless saves me a lot of time and effort
finding ways how to be better with women and be good with people
in general, knowing what to say, think, and do in every situation. Limitless
not only taught me how to be better with woman but also how to be a better
person. I now find my self motivated, courageous, goal oriented person who
has standards. I can now say that I have total control of my dating life. In David's
teaching not only focused on techniques on how to get a girl to fall for me in the
beginning but also how to keep a woman in a long term. My interaction with women
now is like having a rolex watch on my wrist with transparent gears on it. I could see
the mechanics and psychology behind every interaction and seeing that motion gives
me limitless power.
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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful

"Life changing, beyond relationships"

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Value for Money 
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This program is a game-changer. I mean this in all seriousness, because I've tried a great many courses that claim to take you to the next level and fail. The problem is all of those programs pack you full of lines and routines but don't address your core attitude. If you're not coming at dating and sex from a place of confidence and power, then all of the lines and routines in the world will ring hollow.

Amongst the things adjusted by this program that have made the difference: posture, wardrobe, how to set and attain goals, how to learn like the best students, an average woman's REAL attitude toward sex and attraction, evolution's role in attraction, visualization, and affirmations...the list goes on.

"So, Richard," you ask, "why the less than perfect score under 'ease of implementation?" Here is the thing. You have to put in the work. To become effortlessly attractive, you have to put in massive effort. If you don't have at least an hour a day to spend working the assignments and reviewing your notes, then your results will be, uh, limited. If you have any experience and/or success in following a self-development program, you know it's not unique to Limitless.

Value? 10 f**king stars without a doubt. Go to an Anthony Robbins seminar for a weekend and it's 10k. For less than 1000, this program will CHANGE YOU. not kidding.

I am carrying myself taller and bolder than I ever dreamed possible, and now it doesn't matter what I say...I am being chased by beautiful women.

Limitless works because it rebuilds you from the inside out. Do it, you will not regret it.
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful


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I am a 56 year old man and wanted to change things in my dating life and overall. Not only did it change my dating life. It changed how I perceived myself and those around me. I was with okay with women but now I am even better. I have lost a huge amount of neediness and fear about women. I used to be afraid to even talk to some women but most of that has changed and it changed due to the process of limitless which is way more than just about women. David is the real deal and I should know Ihave tried many , many different programs so I do have something to compare it to as well. Also I have David as a personal coach and he is the real deal there as well. He will call you on your BS and bring out that deep inner part of you that is the real you. I highly recommend both Limitless and the personal coaching ....Rick
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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"A huge step above any other dating program"

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Gone are the days of cold approaching hundreds of women just to get good at techniques you probably aren't comfortable with using anyway. Limitless is a 10 week course to teach you everything you need to know to get your love life handled without having to sacrifice an absurd amount of time out on the field or having to sacrifice your mental and emotional well-being.


1. The amount of content in this program is astounding. 50+ hours of content split into 10 modules and a lifetime of valuable information for $1,000 is quite the bargain. While you may hear others say that the cost is pretty steep, in my opinion it is absolutely worth every penny.

2. The early modules focus on things that pretty much no pickup artist talks about such as your life purpose, values, character traits, and how all of that put together is what makes up your being and makes you more attractive in the long run. Basically every single module in this course gave me groundbreaking and life changing insights into my life.

3. Customer service is exceptional with quick and informative responses from the support group.
The site where the videos are hosted is updated regularly, the most recent addition to it being audio recordings for all of the videos in case you want to listen to any of the material in your car on your way to work or whenever you can’t find the time to sit in front of your computer and watch them.

4. The community on the forums is active along with David Tian himself answering any questions you might have on the assignments or content and regularly checks in on you as well to make sure you are on the right path.


1. It’s still $1,000 just for the cheapest package and not everyone has that kind of spending money.

2. Some of the longest videos in the program are live recordings of David Tian speaking in classrooms to groups of students and in those he tends to ramble and sometimes even become frustrated at some of his students. While understandable, I feel like a lot of them can be cut to be significantly shorter and more to the point and could be re-filmed without an audience. Thankfully, he takes the time to answer any questions his students might have close to the end of those videos.

3. It a hell of a lot of work. While the program mostly only requires you to sit down and think about who you are as a person, it can be a downright daunting task for someone who has never really sat down and made any time to think about it.

Should you buy it?:

Absolutely; David Tian really takes the time to show you the most important things you need to have in order to be able to attract the women that you really want into your life and I would highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to get their dating life and relationship goals handled for good.
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"Priced Not for the Weak"

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There is a reason why Limitless is priced at 4-figures USD - it's priced not for the weak.

Admittedly, at first glance at the price, I thought that this wasn't the deal I'm looking out for to make myself comfortable in meeting women. It was only when I watched the preview videos that David (the trainer) made, as well as the details on the programme that I would be embarking on, that I was convinced to give it a shot.

Truth be told, the first module got me hooked in. It is NOT about the specific steps that you would need to memorise to get yourselves into the ladies. Rather, it is the MINDSET that one would need to recognise and the need to change first. Think about people like the late Lee Kuan Yew. His methodology may be well-criticised by many fronts, but it was his mindset and the will that made him into a demi-god status in a democratic country. David's first lectures are geared towards the framing mindset and values in meeting women, and that was where he hits it right on the spot here.

Of course, there are the specific words and actions that you need to know. Initially, I made it a point to mould those words learnt onto sentences. The results were instantaneous. Not that you are able to bed a girl on the first try using those actions - but it is obvious enough, for a dense guy like me, to even see changes on the ladies' behaviour to gravitate towards me.

David was a reputable Sociology professor in a Top 25 ranked university in the World so there's no doubt about his teaching credentials here. The lessons are packaged into lectures (in the form of videos), tutorials (in the form of worksheets) and supplementary readings (optional purchasable books from Amazon or Book Depository), akin to what was exposed in the colleges and universities. Users who have been used to these seminal teachings should not have any problems coping with them.

The only issue here, is about procrastination - and my procrastination. Each module is structured to be learnt for a week. Real mental discipline is required for a person to watch through the videos AND the worksheets (let alone the supplementary readings!). The questions given are relevant in the continuation of the course as well as the transformation of the self - so force myself to SIT DOWN and ANSWER them.

I believe that the price point that the trainer gave for this programme is just about right - and I really doubt that it needs to be reduced further, if at all. The Limitless community, as well as the personal contacts that David attempts to make to each and every individual of the programme already makes the value worthwhile. After all, this is a fraction of a University course that makes your life sorted out.

One heck of a valuable customer service, one customised package to suit the ongoing busy salary-man. What more could I ask for?

In this program, I have seen how much of "lag time" I am behind, that all the other programmes offered in Dating Skills did not attempt to show. Just months ago, I was a f***ing frustrated fresh 26-year old Asian nerd failing to go out with innocent SYTs and undergraduates. Now, I can confidently say that I am currently seeing experienced women, some older than I do.

I saw the light to this path. It's time to play catch up.

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"You get what you put into it"

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It's a 10 week program that covers EVERYTHING. It's not just about techniques, or listening to something for about 15 minutes and thinking you learnt it straight away on a superficial level. There's plenty of other programs for that. If you want a program to mold your development to truly become a man who not only attracts women naturally, but someone who you can look in the mirror and truly feel GOOD about, then THIS IS IT. It goes up and beyond the boundaries of just dating. I'd go as far as to say, it's a blueprint to life, an investment into all other aspects of your life, even outside of dating.

I'm currently on Week 7/8, ease of implementation really is you get what you put into it. The program pushes you out your comfort zone and encourages you to confront hard truths and to be honest with yourself, to actually go out and put yourself out there in social situations. Most of you probably aren't broke grad students, so you don't need to worry about this but my slight caveat is that, since the program is so comprehensive, you're trying to change so many aspects of your life, it's most effective if you have a decent income, so you can actually make the most of it, being able to go out more, changing your style, environment etc.That being said, I feel a real change in myself, and when I interact with women they respond to me much more receptively.

In terms of innovativeness and value for money, the answer you wanna know from is, what's different about this program in comparison from others and is it worth it? Considering how much you get for the content included, the "high" price is actually a very worthy investment. Every week is like a brand new program that builds upon the previous week. You can probably purchase a plethora of different programs and try to merge everything you learnt together. Heck, in one of the weeks, the instructor even encourages you to look at different sources, but from my honest opinion, as someone who has gone through a LOT of different programs in exactly that fashion, I became really confused about dating in general and trying to deal with contradictions between different instructors was also not conducive to my progress. It was neither comprehensive nor cohesive in that approach. Bottom line is, if you were to purchase one dating program, honestly guys, THIS IS THE ONE.

In terms of the customer service, we've got a forum, a Facebook group, a fast replying email address for queries and we even had a bonus webinar, what else could I ask for?
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Radical Changes"

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I believe that all those other reviews here summarize the effects of Doctor Tian's Courses.

The pricing for the courses are reasonable considering, he wants students who are truly serious about changing this part of their lives and not take the magic pill (techniques, lines, and etc). Instead the courses go through a different approach that I haven't seen other self development courses highlight. Everything is truly highlighted in an intelligent manner that grabs scientifically proven evidence to support that what the Doctor teaches is legit.

As for making the ease of implementation a 7, all the information is laid out there for you and you might get lost in it. But, if you definitely stick to the program and be consistent than you'll start seeing radical changes in your life.

This is my first review and something that I highly recommend!
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3 of 9 people found the following review helpful


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I was expecting something amazing because his youtube videos and free complimentary video course which are not in limitless are the best in the industry and super in-depth but the majority of the videos in limitless are dumbed down and boring in comparison. David Tian sort this out please. Do us a favour and update them with the same quality as your youtube!
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