Review Detail

Day Game
Home Study Courses (Books, DVDs, CDs, MP3/ Video)
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"More Details on Janka's Street Game Approach"

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The Good
Janka's Day Game techniques are explained more in depth; good examples of his (simple) openers and how to handle different situations.
The Bad
Although more focused on the approach, the material is quite similar to the DVD set and ebook; Janka still does not explain how to get over approach anxiety apart from "just doing it"; lots of interesting anecdotes but no demos or full "real time" examples.
The Bottom Line
This product explains in details the "front end" part of Janka's system, ie how to get a high volume of phone numbers from street/day game. We would not recommend it as a stand-alone buy, but for the newbies who purchased Janka's DVD set Beyond the Digits or his book The Attraction Formula, this is an OK buy for more details on his approaching methods.


Zooming in on the front end
Paul Janka's other two products to date, the 6 DVD set Beyond the Digits and the Attraction Formula ebook, presented his overall dating “system”, which requires a high volume of approaches and getting a lot of phone numbers upfront, in order to “play the marketplace” later on (see the above 2 reviews for more details on that).

Obviously in order to get those numbers on the “front end”, you need to learn how to approach and carry a conversation with women, while communicating the right mix of safety and intrigue, Janka-style. This product focuses on precisely that, zooming in on the day/street game part of the system and going more in depth about how to approach and handle objections.

Somewhat familiar material
The downside of “zooming in” on a part of the system: you may be familiar with a lot of the material if you have seen Beyond The Digits or The Attraction Formula before, which is sort of required if you want to make sense of the approach used here. The Movie Trailer Concept, Assuming Familiarity, Mojo, etc, are explained again. However, Janka has more time (about 6 hours total) to develop each point and explain more about his practical street techniques.

We are taught to be ready for objections, and Janka list the most common ones and possible replies. As usual with Paul Janka, it's all very simple and straight-forward: try this, if it doesn't work, try it again on someone else. Rinse, repeat, and don't over-analyze it, the volume of approaches will compensate for mistakes and losses.

Janka usually opens with something innocuous then transitions to something more personal and then gets the number within 2 minutes or so (consistent with his Movie Trailer Concept). He uses situational openers (commenting on the environment, ie “Can you help me here, are those tomatoes ripe?”) or direct openers (statement of interest, eg “You are cute, I like your smile”) - no routines or rehearsed scripts here but a spontaneous, free-flowing approach.

Janka explains the most effective time of the day to meet women, how to pace conversations, the difference between silence and perceived silence, how to handle obstacles, and many more techniques for street game.

On the last CD (CD 6), he lists his 4 categories of girl (party girl, bitchy girl, girl next door, fun girl) and how to handle each of them - this part was quite interesting and is exclusive to this audio programme.

A few downsides
One of the downsides of Janka’s method is the “2 minutes and out” approach, ie how he recommends to open and leave within 2 minutes, to create intrigue. One might wonder is there isn’t a “hot guy” bias going on here. In my experience, using this approach if you are very new at this or not gifted in the looks department will lead to a lot of flaky numbers (ie the girls won’t pick up or won’t meet you again). I agree that it can be effective, in time, but I would not suggest newbies to do it.

Another problem: Janka also doesn’t really teach you how to “rap”, how to have an interesting conversation that leaves the girl interested. He has some general tips, but nothing that would really get a shy guy prepared (for this, check out my review of Vin DiCarlo’s Conversation Cure, which does a good job at getting you there).

A narrower focus
Due to its narrower focus and lack of an overall system description, we would not recommend this as a stand-alone product; you would miss critical pieces of the puzzle if you were to watch this by itself. The most inventive parts of Janka’s method, i.e. his overall mindset, funnel and end-game techniques, are not described here.

Fortunately however this is no longer a problem as it is sold with the Attraction Formula ebook and other products in the Attraction Formula program.

The Bottom Line
This product provides a nice "Zoom In" to the first steps of approaching and starting conversations with women for Paul Janka's dating system. This builds on the material you will have already learned in the Attraction Formula eBook and his advanced video training series (make sure to start with them first) if you buy the Attraction Formula program.

Typically approaching is where men need the most help - so it makes sense.

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