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User Reviews of Deep Inner Game

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5.6 out of 10 stars

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12 of 12 people found the following review helpful

"A Program on How To Become a Complete Person"

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I highly recommend this program to anyone who has deep routed issues that make them feel like there is no point in learning techniques because they dont have control of themselves or their life. If you are not sure who you are or not sure where your going or how to get there...pick up this program. This program is not about women although it references women throughout. It is a program about yourself and how to look inside yourself and become a complete person who comes to the center. The big aha moments I got from the program:
1) There are different personality types and the closer to the center you become the more you appeal to everyone.
2) The only way to get past fear, and anxiety is with courage and action...
3) For every personality flaw or internal problem there is a solution.
I will warn those of you who are not secure that this program repeatably advises and even lectures against techniques that are not part of who you are. It doesnt say you cant change...but it says that just using a technique that makes you appear a certain personality is only hurting yourself...that you need to become more of that part of yourself that you lack with action experience and learning. Overall the program works well with Davids teachings but there is definately some aspects that directly clash with what David does. If your out in the field doing canned material that isnt a part of who you really are then you will despise this program or it will make you abandon your methods. Dr Paul...a very established psychologist teaches most of this course. We all know what psychologists takes are going to be on the idea that biology is the biggest influence...I mean their entire life is devoted to the mind and how to help someone control it. So think about that before you get this program. Dr Paul does however aknowledge that you cant be wussy or niave or too much of any one thing really. It all balances out.
Bottom line: is it worth the money? If your the kind of person who will listen over and over and internalize it...ask yourself the tough questions and take the time to not only figure yourself out but to take actions consistant with what you learn then it is worth 10 times the money. If your someone who just wants a set of techniques to go out into the field with and pull girls home to have sex with and are not interested in finding the right girl then you will hate this program.
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