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User Reviews of Deep Inner Game

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5.6 out of 10 stars

6 reviews with 7-9 stars
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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"Simply Amazing."

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I think this program is simply amazing.

Sure, the material can be a bit dry but what do you expect? It's a self help tool, not Die Hard 4! I have notoriously bad concentration and I still can watch this program for hours at a time, even after I've seen it a couple of times before!

The program basically covers the entire psychology of our minds, sticks it on 7 DVDs and then fires it into our brains. This isn't a quick fix program to help your dating and it might seem like it's often not that related. However, its intention is to make you into a much more mature, confident, happy man who knows exactly how to achieve what he wants. This is the sort of guy who will naturally be far more attractive to women.

I've always been a 'thin-skinned' person who easily gets his buttons pushed, finds it hard to say no and be assertive. I've also been plagued by a lot of anxiety, self-doubt and depression about my progress with life. This program offers very real and workable solutions to all of my problems. If you've ever been affected by any of these problems even a tiny bit you can use this program to fix them.

I think every guy could benefit strongly from using this program and really working with the material every day.
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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"I've Learned a Lot"

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Dr. Paul is great. I've learned a lot with his material. Had no problems with his delivery. Actually the Deep Inner Game I've gained the most from and I'm not even finished with it yet. I actually liked his enthusiasm and the way he laughed at his own stuff. DAvid suggests not to but it makes the presentation better IMO.
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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"A Great Place To Start"

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This is the first dating product I bought. It is not really related to techniques to pick up women. But it gave me a solid foundation to actually pull off the different pick up strategies with congruence. It helped me have the basics to be naturally attractive to women. It gave me set of tools that I use to deal with emotions that are experienced not just in "pick up" but in all other areas my life. I took a few months to actually implement a lot of the stuff because there is so much material and I had lots of screwed up thinking to overcome.

It was slow and I spent 2 weekends to watch it and rewatch some parts cause there is so much psychology but it is a great place to start if you are not very confident or deal with fear, anger and anxiety; your negative emotions.
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"More than a course about how to get women"

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This is a course that has the distinction of being more than just about success with women. It has a lot more to do with developing high character and becoming a happy and content person on the inside instead of looking for things on the outside to complete you.
In the beginning you might think that getting a girlfriend right now would be the answer to all your life's problems, but come to the realisation that you're better off concentrating more on goals that would be more beneficial in the long run at this point in your life. I love women but they're not the 'be all and end all' of my life.

Be sceptical about books and programs that claim to have all the answers to having better relationships and on 'how to get laid'. There's a lot of rubbish on the internet written by people who haven't even had much success in this area themselves. They're just jumping on to the money making gravy train that is the dating self help industry. Beware of the pretenders.

This is a program that for me required regular review. Change doesn't happen overnight, nothing worthwhile does in my experience. I've learned to take back some control over my life, to try to have as much fun as possible and not take any of it too seriously. If more people were interested in doing the hard work this course calls for instead of looking for the short-cuts and acting like wide-boys with cheap pick-up lines, trying to sabotage the competition a lot more people would be more successful. The world would also probably be a better place.
On the down-side it did seem excessively long, containing quite a bit of 'filler', but it's worth it.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"Recipe for character and psychological health"

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I bought this program back in 2005, and I think that it has helped me make important life decisions and become more mature psychologically. I own many dating/pickup products, but this one is my favourite along with the Blueprint Decoded.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"It Will Put You Right Out."

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I also bought this one and I concur, it is better than a Nyquil shooter, it will put you right out. Dr. Paul is pretty much 95% of the material with very little interjection from David, and Dr. Paul's monotone speaking and his vernacular makes it very hard to not keep your mind from wondering and thinking about more exciting things..... Like tire rotation, cleaning the garage, dusting, and painting the fence.

If you decide to watch this I highly suggest you rent The Count of Monte Cristo (the newer remake version) before watching the DIG program, Dr. Paul refers to it endlessly. I had not seen the movie before hand so keeping up was even that much harder for me.
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