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User Reviews of Basic Speed Seduction Home Study Course

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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"Buy it and Use it for what it is Worth"

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It's interesting to read all of the various comments about Ross jeffries and speed seduction. While I truly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I must say that some of the comments were made by people who clearly don't understand speed seduction let alone conversational hypnosis or NLP.

When I was originally exposed to speed seduction in spring of 98', the material was expensive and quality. No it isn't laid out in a linear fashion but after studing NLP extensively I have found that the mind doesn't learn in a linear fashion anyway. Attempts by the concious mind to fit everything into a linear, step by step process are futile at best. Real learning happens at the unconcious level regardless of how you "think" you learn best. I am responding mainly to "play2win"'s comments here.

As far as speed seduction is concerned, my advice would be to buy it and use it for what it is worth or buy books on NLP, conversational hypnosis and learn about Milton Erickson's patterns of indirect hypnosis. I agree with the statement that S.S. is a small part of the overall game, but, I disagree with the people who say that S.S. material is crap. There is some very good material sold by RJ. The reality is: you can get the same material for cheaper by buying books on NLP and conversational hypnosis and learning it yourself. Speed seduction does a good job (for those of you who don't want to make as big of a time investment) of cutting right through to the essential elements as it relates to picking up woman. I don't recommend S.S. for the beginner and I also don't recommend S.S. as your only source of pick-related material. I do suggest that at some point you become familar with basic-intermediate level NLP & hypnosis material. It will enhance the rest of your "game" 100-fold. Stop for a moment and imagine delivering the routines you've learned from the mystery method in a mildly hypnotic fashion...That's much more powerful than just saying the words, isn't it?

Be careful though, as Style mentions in "the game" about how you can either spend 30 minutes using speed seduction patterns on a girl to get her aroused or you can pull her hair at the right time and create the same effect. The point is you want to use the most efficient tools at the right time. A funny thing that RJ has said before that also summarizes my point well is: "If your going to have sex with a girl, what's easier-- just sticking it in or wrapping it around your leg a few times first..."

I also suggest that newbies to seduction should take a part or full-time job in sales. Some of the best seduction skills and life skills can be learned by working in a sales job. The great part is that you get paid to learn & practice becoming a better communicator and to become more persuasive. Also, you will make good money when you become good at sales and your measured by results which is similar to the world of seduction. There is no "almost" in sales just as "almost" doesn't mean much in the world of seduction

I hope this helps. I wasn't looking to bash what anyone else said, only offer my 2 cents....

Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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