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User Reviews of Basic Speed Seduction Home Study Course

(13 reviews)

7.1 out of 10 stars

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3 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"t's like Learning a whole New Language"

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I had decent luck with it, but I think it's alot of effort just to meet a chick. It's like learning a whole new language when all you really had to do was say hi.
Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"The product that got me into the community!"

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The SS Basic Home Study Course was recorded approximately between 1998-2000. The Basic Home Study Course would most likely be considered SS 2.0. This course incorporated the refinements of Major Mark Cunningham utilizing concepts such as hypnotic conditioning and attributes of the Romantic Hero.

The course was CD based when I purchased it from Straightforward. Yates Canipe establishes a framework for the listener giving examples of SS used by newbie students etc.
Some of the major conceptual ideas from this early course for me (and it’s over 10 years since I last reviewed the program) would be as follows:

• Dating is for women I am already sleeping with
• The Attributes of the Romantic Hero
• An SS student being a GIFT for women
• Structuring opportunities and offering challenges
• Leading her imagination
• Tools that can be used for rapport building, qualification, and screening such as palmistry, hand writing analysis, etc
• Introduction to Pattern language
• Using Pattern Language as a sexual accelerator to speed up the time for intimacy
• Themes, Trance Words, Weasel Phrases
• The Structure of Creating your own patterns
• Mani the Martian activity to reduce shame
• Various different approaches such as the famous “Stunning opener”

Not bad for not looking at the course in over 10 years. Keep in mind I had listened to the course 16 times in about a year and half span and spent a lot of time incorporating the exercises in the field and even participating on the SS list.

Would I recommend this product to a complete newbie or my own relative…probably not. There are simpler approachs especially listed on the Top 13 product list by Dating Skills Review. But, this product for me is nostalgia.

You can hear early teachings of Mark Cunningham, Ben Orion, Brother Kamal etc. I think even Kim of Essential Skills can be heard in the background. Also, references to Rick H and even Eben are made also.

I had a interest in NLP and Hypnosis for persuasion …so I was a huge SS fan.
My biggest issues back then was a proper learning strategy was not incorporated through RJ’s teachings at the time. This became resolved with refinements through Riker’s Tech Manual and even RJ’s current catalog.

Other’s having addressed this issue as well such as Brad P through his Forbidden Truth reports, and even Julian Blanc lately through Shift. A plan towards SS skill development was not given back then.

It was a pioneer product for its time, and I sometimes return to Ross for refinements as I find he has insights that the major players in the dating and seduction industry have not addressed, but this was not an easy product for me.

It looks like it is not sold anymore. The current Speed Seduction catalog funneled through RJ’s latest teachings is more user friendly.

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