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User Reviews of Basic Speed Seduction Home Study Course

(13 reviews)

7.1 out of 10 stars

2 reviews with 3-5 stars
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4 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"Want to like it. Didn't learn. "

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RJ knows his stuff, but other than watch videos on youtube and straight reading speed seduction patterns on the net. I have learned nothing from this product. Maybe a, speed seduction for dummies, would help. Vince Kelvin has some great free stuff on this, but his accent means it's difficult me, but it's still better than RJ. He so smart, his stuff gods over my head. Sorry. I would like to say something more positive. Even RJ's free newsletter and multiple websites work against him. They are super buggy/ dead links / etc. I hope he finds a way for me to learn his genius - i'm sure he would become the Green Latern he loves so much. I have not used SS version 2.0 or 3.0. Hopefully, he got better by working with someone more, less intelligent than me to spoon feed in clearer, smaller bites. All other reviewers on here like his stuff and i would like to as well.
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2 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Speed Seduction: Keeping the 'the' in 'hypno-therapists' - but just barely"

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While there's no question NLP is fabulous for helping one to internal affirmations, and also very useful for triggering and evoking emotional responses in others, the Speed Seduction(tm) model is, to my mind anyway, overwhelmingly creepy...

If people want to use metaphor and poetic language to get girls into a more emotionally-accessible, carnally-open state, then by all means, they should!
...but reciting other people's poetry as your own, and presenting it to an audience who believes it has been generated explicitly for them, is bottom-feeding, in my view.
Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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