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User Reviews of Basic Speed Seduction Home Study Course

(13 reviews)

7.1 out of 10 stars

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3 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"Very, Very Weird and Narrow Minded"

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If there's one school of pickup I'm staying away from, it's speed seduction. The whole idea of SS seems very, very weird and narrow minded to me.

For one, it has virtually no application in social circle game. Other cold approach techniques like Love Systems and Magic Bullets have certain principles that work in social game as well as cold approach, but SS has none of that. Try running these "hypnosis" patterns in your social circle and you'll look like a complete tool.

As well, even when you're evaluating it as a strictly cold approach technique, SS is of limited value. Ross's patterns probably do get girls horny, but other methods acheive that same end and then some. For example, MM has attraction building routines that make the girl not only horny but EMOTIONALLY invested in you, plus a number of logistical techniques like kino escalation, compliance testing, and venue hopping. SS is nowhere near as comprehensive.

Oh, and beyond all that, 90% of the theory behind SS is complete BS. SS works because girls like it when you talk expressively about interesting things. The whole idea that these patterns work on a sophisticated subconcious level is pseudoscientific nonsense. Ross is like a stage hypnotist: he's going around telling you that his words have a subconcious effect on people, but in reality people just play along with it because the delivery is compelling. It's like Mystery says: "if you talk with enthusiasm, even if you're talking about absolutely nothing, people will feel enthusiasm too."
Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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0 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"SS is complete BS"

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SS is complete BS. It does make women horny when you learn it, but it makes you become a manipulative bastard. I tried it a couple times and I really didn't like the way it worked. The stories about RJ masturbating DDA's GF under hypnosis are really symbolic of the whole thing: you don't relate to, connect with women, you just try to use them.
Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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