Review Detail

Real Social Dynamics Bootcamp
Coaching & Mentoring
81 of 92 people found the following review helpful

"RSD bootcamp - A complete ripoff."

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Coaching/ Bootcamps Information

Instructor(s) for Coaching:
Tyler/TD (Owen Cook)
Date Program Took Place:
February 03, 2006
The Good
I got a new pair of jeans which cost me $283.
The Bad
-Over the course of three days (21 hours) we spent a mere 6 hours in field. -Over the course of three days, my instructor demonstrated a total of four sets and refused to do more, despite my numerous requests and pleads. -Seminar material was unoriginal, and can be found on these forums for free. -Complete lack of customer service. -Complete lack of caring about the students success. -The entire bootcamp experience.
If you are considering taking a RSD bootcamp, I urge you to read this review first.
Last November I signed up for a RSD bootcamp and I took the Feb 3-5 bootcamp in NYC. While I knew that it isn't a magic pill going into it, I was promised by TD personally over the phone that the bootcamp would be tailored to my individual needs, and would shave a minimum of one year off my game. On top of that, they claim these things on their website:
"1- We take you out into malls, cafes, restaurants, and clubs to demonstrate how to meet women right in front of you.
2- We act as your personal wingman and meet women together.
3- We get you doing it step-by-step (what to say, the right body language, how to create sexual tension, everything.
4- We work with you and give you the kind of potent and crucial feedback that you need to get this area mastered until you've got it sorted out.
The program is structured so that even if you've never approached a woman in your entire life, you'll feel totally comfortable and at ease."
Lies. All lies. They fulfill none of these things; it's just marketing hype to lure an unsuspecting individual into giving them his or her money.
Before I took my bootcamp, I sent out multiple emails to my instructor and the coordinators stating what I'd like to do during my bootcamp, and what I'd like to accomplish. Because this was supposed to be a customized bootcamp, I requested the majority of the time to be spent in field, as well as adequate demonstration so I could see what "good" looks like, and have a role model to follow. When I brought these things up to my instructor upon meeting him, after he received my email and promised to fulfill my requests, he told me "We'll see." We'll see? Last I checked, I am the customer, am I not?
I arrived at my bootcamp early in NY to meet my instructor. I was actually thrilled at who my instructor was, as I'd heard he lived for over a year in the Project Hollywood mansion with Mystery and his gang, so his game had to be top notch right? On top of that, it was a 2on1 bootcamp as opposed to a 4on2, meaning more sets, and more attention. Things were looking great. To all those who knew me beforehand, I was very much looking forward to this experience, and went into it with an open mind.
Or so I thought... My instructor was actually nervous and a bit fidgety upon meeting him. Now I can understand nervousness is human, but it struck me as odd as this is supposed to be a guy who's a mPUA, and has conducted hundreds of workshops. I would soon find out that he is indeed a social robot, and lacks the ability to vibe on anything else besides game. There were many times where I, the other student, and my instructor would be walking down the street, in complete silence. I guess the term "Real Social Dynamics" is used very loosely.
The first two days of the bootcamp ran from 7:00pm to 2:00am, and we'd spent from 7-11 in a boring seminar, where my instructor drudged on and on, preaching theory and material that I already knew, and can easily be researched via the asf archives (hence why I requested the majority to be field work, and was promised to me beforehand). We'd spent the other 2 and a half hours in a club, where my instructor pushed me into sets. Here's the thing though.. he refused to demonstrate any sets whatsoever. He flat out said no. In fact, during the course of the three days (21 hours) I witnessed him approach a total of four sets, only one that I could actually hear him in. I was highly upset by this as one of the main reasons I decided to take this bootcamp was to see how the masters do it live and up close. I now have second doubts about my instructors ability to perform, as I feel he was making excuses just so he didn't have to approach.
As far as feedback went, here was the feedback I got after approaching sets at the end of the night. "Good job on approaching man, you did what 99% of asf can't do."
That was it. No constructive feedback at all. In fact I was so upset with the way things were going, and the complete lack of caring by my instructor, that I actually left the program early one of those days, with no desire to continue. It was so bad, I was tempted to not even attend day three at all.
Day 3 was a total joke. It ran from 11pm to 6pm. We spent the first five hours of that in another seminar, going over the exact same material we had gone over the first two days. The second hour we went shopping at various clothes stores so my instructor could show us what's currently in style. That was the magic makeover they promise. You can get this same experience watching the fashion channel. Finally, the last hour we spent in field. That's right, a mere one hour on Sunday was spent doing field work. Highly disappointing.
After this complete waste of money, I emailed TylerDurden the following day, stating my concerns, giving him a chance to somewhat remedy the situation. His replies contained the context of "We have your money now, and there's nothing we're going to do for you." In fact, I didn't even want my money back. I would of liked a second bootcamp where things are done right. I even tried to negotiate for a single phone coaching session, where I could at least learn something. No deal. He even had my instructor call to confront me on why I thought the bootcamp was bad. Very disappointing, considering TD states claims that their customer service has gone up 1000% over the past two years.
So if you like throwing money away, the RSD bootcamp may be for you. Before you consider spending that $1500, I would suggest giving yourself a makeover, donating that money to the homeless, or hell, put it in a brief case, go to the center of your city, open it, and let it blow away in the wind. The money will be better off, trust me.
Hell, if you'd like, I can give you the exact same bootcamp experience for a mere $20.
Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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