Primal Attraction Activation System

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Product Information
This system aims to show men how to activate the attraction mechanism in a woman to make her addicted to you.
Bonus items include:
- Master the attractive character
- Advanced exercises to improve yourself
- How to amplify attraction and get a woman addicted to you
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
The Manual
- How attraction works
- Attraction creating, teasing lines
- A powerful aphrodisiac for women
- The importance of status to attract women
- How to use teasing to get women attracted to you
- Teasing examples and miss calibrated teasing
- Lines you can memorize for interacting with women
- An exercise to help you improve your pull rate with women
- Techniques to activate primal attractions with women you meet
- The most powerful attraction trigger and how to activate it to attract women
- What to think when talking to a woman so your subcommunications become attractive
Video Breakdowns
- How attractive men think and act
- How to overcome a woman’s shit tests
- How to set a frame like a celebrity
- How to establish yourself as a sexual treat
- How an alpha male handles difficult women
- How role playing is used to create attraction
- How to become a player and ladies man
- The gesture to make women chase you
- What self-talk of an attractive man looks like
- A social expression to pass a woman’s tests
- How to handle difficult women on the first date
- Lines to help you establish a high status frame
- The belief system you need to sleep with hot women
- Subcommunications you should have when teasing
- How to use your eyes to a make a woman chase you
- How to make women horny by making them frustrated
- The response when a woman asks information about you
- How to act when you are in a frame battle with a woman
- How to correctly tease high status women so they chase you
- Using body language to set the frame that she is chasing you
- How two alpha male friends treat each other when hanging out
- Projecting a sexual frame in order to sleep with a lot of women
- How teasing should be done and where it should be coming from
- How George Clooney and Brad Pitt (alpha males) interact together
- How Brad Pitt flirts and how subcommunications make others think you are attractive
- Setting the best frame to maximize your chances with sleeping with a woman on the first date
What You Get:
Online access to:
- Manual
- Videos
- Bonuses
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee