Power Social Skills

Product Information
This is a personal development program designed to teach you how to handle or destroy any social games, avoid manipulation, identify dangerous personalities, and forge a connection with just about anyone.
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- CD (Audio)
- eBook
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
DISC 1 - Social Manipulation, Influence, & Games
- 4 reasons people play games with you
- How to recognize when your built-in emotional triggers are being used
- The 2 primary forms of mind control
- 49 warning signs of potential mental, verbal, and physical abuse
DISC 2 - Quick Psychology
- How to demonstrate good listening ability
- The 5 sources of frustration in life
- The 2 types of coping and the 9 forms of defense mechanisms
- The 2 covert forms of social aggression
- Steps to dealing with abusive situations
DISC 3 - Verbal & Emotional Abuse - Bullies
- How to find the aggression threshold
- How to identify verbal assault and how to handle it
- Emotional manipulation in relationships
- The vicious gossip strategy
DISC 4 - Manipulative People
- How to recognize where assertive behavior becomes abusive behavior
- Why we get defensive and play defensive games
- The 5 skills to guard yourself against victimization behaviors from anyone
DISC 5 - Mind Control & Emotional Vampires
- How marketers and stores influence you to buy more products
- How people manipulate you with your fear of loss
- How you've already been programmed to respond and react to others
DISC 6 - Emotional Vampires - Part II
- How to recognize a personality disorder
- How to spot an emotional drainer
- The personality types that are most creative and influential
- The state of mind you must manage to function as a mature adult
DISC 7 - Emotional Blackmail
- 6 indicators to watch for in emotional blackmail situations
- How you undermine your integrity without even knowing it
- Why you don't react the right way to other people's games
DISC 8 - The Controller Personality
- The difference between opinionated people and controllers
- The 3 harmful behaviors that controllers use
- How you become disconnected from yourself
- How controllers influence other people to join them
DISC 9 - Authentic Connection - Victimization
- How to determine how genuine your connection with someone else
- How people use their body language to play games
- The 5 ways to spot and identify victims in your life
DISC 10 - Social Games I
- How to avoid victimizing yourself
- How to summon the courage you need in a group situation
- The 7 types of games and who plays them
DISC 11 - Social Games II
- How to spot a lie in process
- The clever things people say to manipulate you by comparison games
- The smoke screen a social gamer uses to keep the focus off their behavior
DISC 12 - Social Games III
- How victims play the game of Black & White
- How to destroy any game
DISC 13 - Social Games IV
- How to tell if you're afraid of success or failure
- Reasons you shy away from risk in your life
- What to do when you're pulled into a forced choice
DISC 14 - Social Games V
- The Emotional Limbo Game
- Strategies for handling games without reprisal or rejection
DISC 15 - Sales Tricks - Conversational Strategies
- How to qualify your date to screen out the bad candidates
- How to handle a conversation when the other person is reluctant, resistant, or downright disrespectful
- The colors that make you buy more
- How advertisers secretly manipulate what you see to their advantage
What You Get:
- 15 audio CDs
- Reference eBook
- 4 bonus advanced coaching sessions
- Access to Alpha Man Power Forum
- "Social Games Live" bonus video seminar
- "Power Social Skills - Social Dynamics" bonus audio CD
Guarantee / Terms:
90 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Power Social Skills
Most Helpful User Reviews
"It Is An Awesome Product"
December 31, 2009
This product isn't directly related to "Pick Up", but it is filled with information that can be used all the time.
It covers over the many, many ways that people try to manipulate others to get a desired action or behavior. Not only have been able to stop myslef from getting manipulated, I also realized that I have used these same negative tactics in the past as well.
The product shows the fundamental emotions that people use to manipulate others in a negative way: Fear, Obligation and Guilt.
It shows the how to deal with insidious Passive-Agressive personality and gives many tactics to create Win-Win situations when dealing with these difficult people. The product also covers every imaginable social game that people play with each other.
A very informative product that I recommend for everyone, Men, Women, young & old.
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"Masterpiece "
February 02, 2013
Clearly defines many types of manipulative behaviors , how to identify and deal with. To become the best you can be, one needs to overcome all the greedy and negative selfish people that we all encounter daily. Even the program is delivered in a nice vinyl binder with individual sleeves to protect these works of art. Carlos is articulate and easy to follow. The god of self help and PUA guros .
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