Players Dating Secret - Approach, Date and Seduce any Woman

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Product Information
"Players Dating Secret - Approach, Date & Seduce any Woman" by Kevin Hayward is a step-by-step procedure on ways on how to attract, how to be player, and how to pick up women.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Video 1 (Players Preparation Techniques)
- Revamp your looks
- Master the Body Language Code
- The “Bond Acting Techniques”
- The Silver Tongue Charmer
- Be a Smooth Talk Manipulator
- Confidence & Attitude
Video 2 (Players Secret Techniques)
- Be The Leader of the Pack
- Create Intrigue
- Be Passionate & Articulate
- Insecurity is For Little Girls
- Never Seek Her Approval
- Show Credibility and be trustworthy
- Prepare For Battle
Video 3 (Players Approaching Techniques)
- Create A Pick Up Mood
- Steer the First Encounter
- Anticipate Female Interview Intent
Video 4 (Players Dating Secrets)
- The Important Dating Rules
- Display high Value and Taste
- Exploit the Alpha Waiter technique
- Telltale signs of spotting a con artist
- Alpha Love Pad
- Making sure you only get laid and not Pinned down
Video 5 (Date Busting Habits and Traits)
- Why giving unsolicited advice to women can drive them away
- How to make her feel that she is the dominant one
- Why making yourself the main focus and making every conversation about you will be disastrous
- The Cheap Charlie buster can be dangerous for any guy, learn what it is and how you can avoid it
- Learn the secret that Highlights you intelligence
Video 6 (Players Art Of Seduction)
- Dumb Fox technique
- Temptation Portion
- Artistic Allure technique
- Greek tragedy Technique
What You Get:
6 Video CD
Bonus Items:
2 EBooks (Players Dating Secret Vol 1 & 2)
Talking Dirty With Women
Pick Up Lines To Get Any Woman
Oral Sex – What Woman Crave
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee