Pick-Up Artists' Secrets: Essential Beginner's Guide

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This book explains different personality types that have worked for picking up women and helps to understand what personality type a woman is looking for. It also explains how appearance, attitude, and self confidence are key to being successful.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Chapter1: Introduction to PUA Lifestyle
1.1 The Game
1.2 PUA
1.3 PUAA
1.4 PUA Communities
1.5 Basic Steps of Becoming a PUA
1.6 What it Takes to be a PUA
1.7 conclusion
Chapter2: Basic of Pick-Up Art
2.1 AFC versus PUA
2.2 Understanding Women
2.3 Inner Game
2.3.1 Attitude about Yourself
2.3.2 Self-confidence
2.3.3 Self-esteem
2.3.4 Self-talk
2.3.5 Personality
2.3.6 Conclusion
2.3.7 Checklist
2.4 Outer Game
2.4.1 Appearance & Clothes
2.4.2 Health & Hygiene
2.4.3 Posture & Voice
2.4.4 Home Environment
2.4.5 Conclusion
Chapter3: Before the Game Begins
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Friend Zone
3.3 Fuck Buddy
3.4 Right Attitude
3.5 Approach Invitation
3.6 AI signals
3.7 Indicators of Interest
3.8 Indicators of Disinterest
3.9 False Takeaway
3.10 Peacocking
3.11 Conclusion
Chapter4: PUA Personality Types
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The alpha Male
4.2.1 Personal Attributes
4.2.2 Developing a Code of Honor
4.2.3 Beta Male
4.2.4 Conclusion
4.3 Mind Reader
4.3.1 Personal Attributes
4.3.2 Use of NLP on Self
4.3.3 Use of NLP on Target (Woman)
4.3.4 controversy
4.3.5 NLP Techniques
4.4 Grand Master
4.4.1 GM Techniques
4.4.2 Conclusion
4.5 Bad Boy
4.5.1 BB Approach
4.5.2 Conclusion
4.6 Cocky & Funny
4.7 Summary
Chapter5: Approaching Target
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Approach Axiety
5.3 Types of PUA Approaches
5.3.1 Warm Approach
5.3.2 Cold Approach
5.4 Sarging
5.5 Volume Game
5.6 Do's & Don'ts of Volume Game
5.7 PUAA Tips to Improve your Chances
5.8 Three Second Rule
5.9 Gimmicks
5.10 Conclusion
Chapter6: Opening the Game
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Indirect Opener
6.3 Direct Opener
6.4 Canned Opener
6.5 Complement Opener
6.6 Focus Opener
6.7 Opinion Opener
6.8 Situational Opener
6.9 Being Playful
6.10 Bitch Shield
6.11 Shit Test
6.12 Conclusion
Chapter7: The Middle Games-Interaction
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Banter
7.3 Social Proof
7.4 Passive Value
7.5 Demonstration of High Value
7.6 perceived Value
7.7 Wing-man
7.8 Accomplished Introduction
7.9 Hook Point
7.10 Rapport
7.11 Push & Pull
7.12 Congruence
7.13 Congruence Test
7.14 Compliance Test
7.15 Flirting
7.16 Negging
7.17 Escalation
7.18 Isolation
7.19 Kino (touching)
7.20 Group Dynamics
7.21 Cat String Theory
7.22 101 Techniques
7.23 Role Reversal
7.24 Active Disinterest
7.25 Punish/Reward
7.26 Commonality
7.27 Reward & Relate
7.28 Becoming the Ideal Guy
7.29 Conclusion
Chapter8: Closing the Game
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Prior to Closing
8.3 First Close: Contact Close
8.3.1 Calling/Emailing
8.3.2 Leaving Message on Answering Machine
8.4 Second Close: Priming Date
8.4.1 Top Places for Priming Dates
8.4.2 Bad Place for Priming Dates
8.4.3 If She Doesn't Turn Up
8.4.4 What to Talk About
8.4.5 Sensuous Seduction Date
8.4.6 How to Get Her to Your Place
8.4.7 How to Make her Feel Special
8.4.8 Kino Escalation
8.4.9 Calibration
8.5 Third Close: Kiss Close (k-Close)
8.5.1 Proceeding
8.5.2 Progression
8.5.3 Sexual State
8.6 Full Close: Fuck Close (F-Close)
8.7 Girl Close (G-Close)
8.8 Conclusion
Chapter9: Progression to Sex
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Female Mind on Sex
9.3 Break State
9.4 Last Minute Resistance (LMR)
9.5 State Change
9.5.1 First State Change
9.5.2 Second State Change
9.5.3 Third State Change
9.5.4 Fourth State Change
9.6 Overcoming Her Objections
9.7 The Freeze Out
9.8 Reverse Psychology
9.9 Overcoming Age Objection
9.10 Five Easy Ways to Overcome LMR
9.11 Conclusion
Chapter10: Miscellaneous Topics
10.1 Sex with Cheating Women
10.2 How to be a Good Lover
10.3 Svegali Challenge
10.4 Dos and Don'ts for PUAs
10.5 Ten Important Steps to Becoming a PUA
10.6 Seven Great Places for PUA Hunting
10.7 The Fast Track to Emotional Connection
10.8 Four Essential Qualities Women Want in Men
10.9 How Important are Looks in Men
10.10 Mistakes AFCs Make
10.11 Identifying Easy Targets
10.12 Checking for PUAs
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