Online Dating Step by Step for Men: The Complete Douche Rocket’s "How To" Guide

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Product Information
Created from his collection of life and dating experiences, CoryS offers an educational guide to maximizing your online dating experiences with women and improving dating success.
The book is intended for the single heterosexual man who is interested in turning women on, attracting them, and online courtship.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How attraction works
- Who to view and target
- Following up with emails
- Creating attractive headlines
- How to write the best openers
- How to handle rejection
- How to story-tell the smart way
- How hot women view men online
- Why “cocky funny” is a good idea
- Why dressing simple with style is best
- Hiring a photographer for your pictures
- The fitness indicators of successful men
- Inner game and mindset techniques
- The history and importance of online dating
- Phone talking skills and why texting is bad
- The best sites for online dating success
- How the counter intuitive (opposite) works better
- The online things women are attracted to
- Working on yourself to improve your confidence
- How to write a profile that makes you stand out
- Why location is important to find the action
- Why polarity among the sexes sustains attraction
- Standard things to remember when writing women
- Types and examples of smiles for online photos
- What female body types really mean
- How to eliminate approval seeking and neediness
- Eliminating your weak self-confidence
- Being open to more than just polygamy dating
- The “3 rules” mindset and how to remember them
- Writing compelling copy and paste emails
- Email reactions (examples) by different women
- Examples of pictures and emailing (good and bad)
- The red flags from women to watch out for
- How to double and triple book your daily meetings
- Examples to avoid writing nasty emails to women
- Learning from the “naturals” who are good with women
- Roles models and TV shows to advance your progress
- The dos and don’ts of picking a first date meeting place
- The best options for getting the best online photos of yourself
- Quickly getting her number to go from online to meeting in person
- A list of dating and advice education materials to invest in
- Understanding how most men treat women online, unsuccessfully
- Understanding the phrase women use – “not online looking to get laid”
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $9.96
- Paperback $24.99
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