One-Week Willpower - A Simple Foundation to Become More Successful, Likable, and Achieve Your Dreams

Dating Coach: Michael Unks
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Product Information
Based on his own personal experience, “One-Week Willpower” is Michael Unks’ foundation formula for becoming more successful, likable, and achieving your dreams. It is intended to help you tap into limitless potential and realize your capabilities.
Inner Game & Confidence Experience Level(s):
Learning Format:
Kindle eBook
Price: $3.99
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Before We Get Started
- Day 1: S is for Selling Yourself
- Day 2: I is for Integrity
- Day 3: M is for Managing Your Priorities
- Day 4: P is for Positive Attitude
- Day 5: L is for Loving God, Others, and Yourself
- Day 6: E is for Enthusiasm
- Day 7: Building on the SIMPLE Foundation
What You Get:
Kindle book
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website