No Flakes! eBook

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Editor Review
"A Reasonable if Basic Introduction into Flaking"
Pretty Good Overview and Some Good Practical Tips
For the beginner, this provides some useful and practical tips into how to stop a women from flaking (i.e. cancelling on a date or meet you have planned together). None of it is very innovative or original, and you can read most of it in many other ebooks on the subject. Nonetheless, it will give you a reasonable introduction into the subject.Some of the more original advice it contains, are insights into "flaking precedence", how to use social commitments to help make sure she meets you, and the use of intrigue and escalating quickly.
One thing I liked about this book is that it is pretty direct about what you have to do to prevent flaking in the first place - it doesn't give you a lot of information about the subject, but it does give you the broad lines of most of what makes the difference between a girl flaking and not flaking.
Weaker Points
There are some examples of text conversations and some texts to send. These were ok in quality - nothing great. But better than examples of texts given in David Wygant's Guy's Guide to Texting.The main downside to this ebook is simply that it doesn't provide enough information or detail about a lot of what is covered, and doesn't look at some important aspects of 'flake prevention' to really make it useful to you. This is likely Vin DiCarlo's marketing at work - to give you a good taster of what is in store if you buy the "No Flakes DVD program".
The Bottom Line
This is a good bonus for the already good "The Attraction Code". It will give you some practical tips to better manage the issue of women 'flaking' on you. However, you should consider it a basic introduction into the subject rather than a complete comprehensive guide on it.Was this review helpful to you?
Product Information
The No Flakes! ebook provides a summary introduction to Vin DiCarlo's No Flakes approach to preventing women from flaking. It is an ebook version of the No Flakes DVD program.
Bonuses include:
- The Inner Game of NoFlakes
- How To Revive, Refresh And Renew 6-12 Month Old Phone Numbers... With Q&A
- How To Close The Deal (Once You Get Her In Person)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How to conquer flaking
- How to react to her teasing
- How to turn teasing into flirting
- How to flake on a woman
- Phone call mistakes to avoid
- When to end a phone call
- What to do is she does not text back
- Preparation for texting a woman
- How to make your treat you like a VIP
- Sending less texts and better texts
- Creating the perfect voicemail
- Getting a woman to dress up for you
- Avoiding ‘slip of the tongue’ mistakes
- How to quickly seduce a woman
- Three over the phone phrases to avoid
- The appropriate times and days to call her
- Sexy things you can do with your phone
- How to tell if she is going to show up for a date
- Steps to better your chances at getting the girl
- Text messages to generate responses
- How to leave voicemails without coming across as a stalker
- A six-word text to get immediate responses from women
- How to get a woman’s number and when to call her
- Nickname you can use to make her feel like your girlfriend
- How to get a woman to reveal her bedroom secrets over the phone
- The 'formula' for cut-off text messages and blaming how your phone
- Recognizing and eliminating excess 'player vibe' that's crippling your game
- A text messaging technique allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a pickup artist
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