Nine Ball   

Nine Ball
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"An Exceptionally Authentic Account of the Path to Mastering Dating Skills "

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Throughly authentic account of the journey to become good with women, instructive about the 'darker' stops to be avoided, entertaining read
The Bad
Don't expect to learn pick up techniques or dating skills
The Bottom Line
I recommend this to men who want to 'pick up' a lot of women, as it gives great insights into the 'darker side' of those aspirations and where they can lead. It will push you to challenge your desires, and ask you what you really want to get out of the journey.


There are a few auto-biographical and biographical style books that have come out. The most famous is "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Then there is a semi-autobiography from Mystery (Erik von Markovik) in "The Pick up Artist" which includes some scenes from Mystery's life in an excerpted fashion. The best to come out to date was Metawhore by Hypnotica (Eric von Sydow) describing his life and sexual and inner game exploration.

Both of these are relatively authentic, but keep everything upbeat by missing out on some of the gory details and take narration liberties here and there to improve the storyline.

"Nine Ball" is similar to Metawhore in that it's an extremely authentic and direct account of the worst of Jeffy's path to learn to get better with women. It includes all the gory details.

Meet The Dark Side of the Pick Up Arts
In one of his earlier seminars Jeffy delivered a lot of value to men who wanted to learn to get better with women by telling his darker side story of the low point his quest (that many considered a huge success) had led him to. This footage is included in the "Transformations" DVD from Real Social Dynamics. It was something that needed to be said out loud, because behind doors at the time, it was getting talked about. But the more senior dating coaches kept this rather negative view to themselves (note: To learn about other recounts of the dark side see Men who become obsessive about dating advice.

Some of the lows Jeffy goes through are relatively self destructive, and when he gets to a point where he sees the hate that a lot of women he has met have towards him he hits an all time low.

This is not unusual. It is a journey that has been repeated by many men, and for this reason the account can be invaluable reading to an open minded beginner - who wants to avoid the pitfalls of success.

Historic Run Through Older Pick Up Techniques
The book was pretty nostalgic if 'shuddering' for me personally, because Jeff highlights a lot of the techniques he used as he walks us through his early days of learning to meet, attract and pick up women. Why shuddering? A lot of the techniques that were used back in 2002 and 2003 where the largest part of Jeffy's narrative takes place have since been passed over. At the time these tools seemed all powerful, but dating science has moved on a lot since then.

The point here is - it's great to see how it used to be, which is entertaining. However, don't expect to learn a lot that you will actually want to go out and apply from this book. Better. Take it as an example of a lot of paths that you can 'not walk down' thanks to someone having already done it for you - and explained where it leads.

The Bottom Line
I'd recommend this particularly for guys who are starting to become successful with women. At this point it will offer some great food for thought at what you should be doing with your skills to actually gain 'satisfaction' from them. You may also just enjoy it for the entertaining look into the history of a well known pick up artist.
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Product Information

This book was later republished in paperback version under a new name Get Laid or Die Trying.

The books are identical.

This is an autobiographical account of Jeff Allen (Jeffy) from Real Social Dynamics in his early years of learning to pick up women - it covers the years between 2001 and 2006 of his life that were dedicated to learning to pick up and seduce women.

Inner Game & Confidence
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Jeffy (Jeff Allen AKA JLaix)
Release Date:
January 01, 2009
Price: $39.95


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Part 1: The Origin of Jlaix
- How to wake-up from a nightmarish relationship
- The core reason most guys fail at life
- The three steps Jeffy swore his life to in order to master his life over women
- How to survive a psychotic family episode
- The truth about your parents, how to cope with their secret lives
- How Jeff totally blew it with a "coulda-been" high school sweet heart
- The reality about what kind of man it takes to handle a real relationship
- How to recognize if sexual tension triggers embarrassment

Part 2: Let The Game Begin
- The first 3 epiphanies that molded Jeffy's game for life
- The original NLP routine Jeff discovered broken down in chilling detail
- How to say 7 words to silence an entire party in gleeful awe
- The fundamental piece of advice that Jeffy learned from Tyler
- How to attract coked-up strippers
- How to identify core road-blocks botching your every pickup attempt
- 3 step system for overcoming scarcity
- How to blast through bitch shields
- How to manipulate your girlfriend into thinking anything you tell her
- How to write the perfect chode email
- How to awaken animalistic lust in your heart
- The two must have ingredients in outer-game
- How to lure a girl to your house from the internet

Part 3: The Legend is Born
- The epic tale of Jeffy's very first RSD workshop with Tyler
- How to control a hyper-obsessive, validation addicted ego
- The reason that Jeff was able to flawlessly execute routines
- How to rebound from being played by a girl
- Epiphany in giving value unveiled
- How to bang a giant Nazi woman

Part 4: Into the Belly of the Beast
- How to soar past a cloud of 10 pretentious hipsters
- How to handle a violent AMOG
- How to be inspired to step up
- Pivot Threesome Training Guide
- Six steps to implementing a successful tandem relationship
- Step by step instructions to a threesome
- How to manipulate emotions with such efficiency
- How to get oral sex from a girl at a karaoke bar

Part 5: The Road Back
- How to accidentally give your roommate their first threesome experience
- How to cultivate an online hate group
- How to overcome last-minute resistance
- How to eradicate junk game from your life
- How to manage an off night properly so that you never get frustrated
- How to get your old female tandem hunting partner to train your new one
- The mistake most guys make in the meta-gaming process

Part 6: Resurrection
- How to successfully reset your game in any country
- The 2 paths to attracting women
- The 4 pillars of outer game
- How to adopt the perfect frame that makes failure impossible
- How to game a girl on an airplane
- How to attain total presence
- How Jeffy finally actualized his path and purpose
- The most effective way to embrace a total abundance mentality

What You Get:

Hardcover book

Guarantee / Terms:

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"The Last 150 Pages Opened My Eyes"

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I attended your seminar in Boston about 16 months ago, and it propelled me into this journey. To see the transformation of you owning who you are is something special. To see how someone who was trully scared as a child, to be one of the most present people I have ever meet. The last 150 pages opened my eyes to true transformations and being you. Thank you , Jeffy!
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"What A Ride"

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I've survived 9 ball. What a ride. You really cut to the bone and laid it out on the table for our sake. I cried. I laughed. I popped a boner or two. I was scared. I am now exhausted.

I'll confess that I hated the jlaix persona during the middle chunk because he was such a "game tyrant on a rampage". But as you say, we react negatively towards the things that remind us of the worst parts of ourselves. I was stuck in that dead zone myself and I had to put the book down fearing I'd snap back into that ugly space.

If anybody is concerned about whether or not they can be educated "game"-wise from this... I've found that the more I understand myself, accept myself, and love myself (in a genuinely self confident way - nothing airy fairy) the more "game" becomes a lot of pig latin and I just enjoy being a genuinely cool guy that is attractive just because. This story is like a man's soul laid out on paper, his journey of self actualizing. Completely relevant and if you're a red-blooded man on this planet it will put a lot of things into perspective.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"I Wish There Was More Material on 'NuRSD'"

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Just finished the book last night. It was an interesting read on Jeffys transformation, although I wish there was more material on 'NuRSD'..... since I had already read the Jeffy Archives, that sort of felt like a 'review', but it was good to read it as one cohesive story with some perspective... but having moved past 'old school pickup' all those old school interactions seemed less informative. Will be interesting to see what the NuSkool RSD guys end up turning out as products...
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"The Book Takes You Through A Great Adventure. 5 out of 5. "

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i have to say I laugh my ass of a couple of times.
cant believe in the middle of an interview you drop this:
so you gave milkshake to all the boy in the yard?.. hmmm...yes... ok. where they like, its better than yours?..I had to stop reading for at least 5 min just to catch my air.
overall the book takes you through a great adventure, where you get to experience the ups and downs jeffy endures in life.
very well written. You will get your moneys worth. 5 out of 5.
the book itself is a when it comes to pick up info. from open all the way to the close, to how to start threesomes and more.
In the words of jeffy: i wanna lick it!!
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"In The End A Great Read I Loved It."

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I just finished it.

I loved the Beginning and loved the end. The beginning had a similar rhythm and flow as Fear in Loathing in Las Vegas. I loved that. It kinda felt like it slowed down when you started learning game in the book, but I read your archive so that might have ruined a lot of that for me, yet I feel I have to mention that the rhythm kinda felt like it stuttered a bit during the middle. Like you polished up the field reports from your old archive and filled in the blanks. Then starting at the Salvia trip you seemed to change gears into a more coherent flow that I really liked.

In the end a great read I loved it.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"..Should Be In A Movie or Something"

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Yeah I just finished the book and it was pretty good. The interview parts at the hotel were funny lol..should be in a movie or something.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"..Should Be In A Movie or Something"

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Yeah I just finished the book and it was pretty good. The interview parts at the hotel were funny lol..should be in a movie or something.
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