Models: Attract Women Through Honesty   

Models: Attract Women Through Honesty
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"Excellent Well Rounded Dating System. Merges Attracting Women with Self Actualization."

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Last Update: March 29, 2025
The Good
Well grounded and effective advice, goes beyond attracting women to building a better life for the long term, lots of practical tips on areas men typically find difficult e.g. conversation and qualifying.
The Bad
Some mindsets could ultimately be limiting (for advanced only), the broader 'life focus' could be overwhelming for some men - and will be overwhelming for most beginners or men new to dating advice and personal development.
The Bottom Line
Full of solid advice not just for meeting and attracting women and developing your dating life, but becoming a better and more satisfied man. It's great value for money considering how comprehensive the material in it is.

For the experienced or advanced it contains a lot of challenging ideas to stretch yourself, and to push yourself to get more out of your dating journey.

For beginners, its likely to be a little overwhelming - so we recommend you get started with a quick start book like "Make Women Want You" first, rather than this.


Mark Manson's "Model's: Attract Women through Honesty" is a pretty comprehensive system for attracting and dating women and becoming a better man. Within its pages Mark has crammed a lot of information that covers everything from what the journey is all about, to what attracts women to practical advice on how to approach, attract and date women.

As I read through this book, I realized that it contains most of the really good practical advice that was originally exchanged between men in the pickup artist community before the Mystery Method became popular - but that never made it into commercial training programs or books later on. It also adds to that a fair amount of innovative material, in particular where it comes to mindsets and how to integrate all this stuff into your life.

A Comprehensive and Effective Dating System
At over 300 pages this is a large book which covers a lot of topics. It covers most of the important things really well. If I were to list the things that have made a significant impact to my success in the game, this book, just on its own, would cover probably 80% of them.

Throughout its pages Mark strips away the details telling you the big things to focus on, and this is all really solid advice. If you do everything that is pointed out in this book there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you will get better and better results.

The fact that this is basically a "complete dating system in a box" makes this great for beginners or intermediates who don't have a complete picture of everything it takes to improve their results with women and dating in general.

It doesn't go deep into subjects like sex and relationships, and makes some over-simplifications in places - but that's unavoidable if you don't want to create a "Monster Book" that scares people away or loses them half way through.

I recommend this to either someone with no dating advice experience or someone who has been struggling to get results for a while.

For those struggling, in particular if you've been struggling with a routines based or 'mystery method' type system, this book is designed to give you a 'reset' and push you back in the direction of results. In this respect it is comparable to The 4 Elements of Game by Rob Judge. however where The 4 Elements of Game keeps advice to the bare essentials to attract women, this book aims to take you further. More on this later.

Highly Practical, Always Returning to "What to Actually Do"
One of the strongest aspects of the Models book is how it brings everything back to practical implementation tips. From what to say, to how to approach, to what to do, there are always examples given from Mark Manson's own personal stories of what he has done. This brings the content alive so that you can implement it yourself.

The focus on putting his advice into action is also something that the book doesn't miss an opportunity to drum into you. It rightfully identifies this as the major difference between men who get the results they want and the men who don't. This focus on action carries all the way through the book, from chapter to chapter, through to the "Action plan" in the conclusion.

This final action plan is a good summary and "reinforcement plan". If someone buys this book and doesn't improve his life - there's only one reason - he didn't implement this simple action plan.

This practicality is also applied to some tricky subjects.

There are a range of dating advice concepts that have been circulating for up to 15 years now that have remained hard to understand and actually implement. They were left as unfinished tools, abstract ideas that simply were not explained clearly enough or empowered with actionable advice. Several of these topics are confronted in the book including the themes of "Needyness" and "Ego". Mark succeeds in bringing some excellent ideas and practical tips to put into action to these subjects (and not have them simply cluttering up your mind with no action output attached to them).

Finally, this ease of implementation is all brought together with some solid advice on how to learn from your experiences and have your experiences support your learning. All of this is clearly based on Mark's experience and rounds out the whole focus on getting real results.

Digging Deep into Inner Game Topics
The practical focus of this book stretches back to its strongest theme: inner game and mindsets. At the core of the system are changes in your outlooks, mindsets and perceptions of the world. This is the most innovative part of the book, and is what Mark Manson is best known for today.

He tackles topics such as what attracts women, what authenticity and honesty are, passion and leadership, what is investing in yourself and how you should lead and develop your life. These are all linked back to the impact you make with women and more broadly on society at large.

The topics are kept practical. The book makes inner game, an intangible subject by nature, more practical. It does this by taking attraction and qualifying tactics and reaching behind to the mindsets behind them. It also encourages you to focus on the mindsets, not the tactics.

Mark tackles the subjects very well in a clear writing style, but it will still probably take you a few reads to understand what Mark is getting at - just because of the nature of the subject, so take your time. It's deep in places.

The one area I found to not be tackled as well was "Vulnerability" which Mark says leads to higher investment in oneself and thus diminishes neediness. This concept remained quite abstract and wasn't given the clarity of other areas, so will probably leave you unsure and left wondering how it works. Perhaps Mark clarifies it further in his other products or in one of his upcoming books - I hope so, as it is another area where advice has to date remained too intangible to be really useful.

Aspires to Take You Further: Self Actualization
Mark Manson sets the bar pretty high when he tells you what your ultimate goal is and where you should be heading. He doesn't hold back his opinions about the weak state of masculinity in today's society and pushes and encourages you to develop yourself giving you practical goals that he feels are necessary to become a better man.

This will differentiate this book from any other you have read on dating advice. The goal Mark is looking to give you is getting you on the path to satisfaction and happiness. To transform your dating lifestyle permanently. He tackles the subject from a long term perspective, not the short term fix for your current issue of needing to meet and attract more women that you like.

This point is important. One of the weaknesses of a lot of dating advice is that it focuses on short term goals and not on changing your inner game and lifestyle enough. Transforming your inner game and lifestyle is necessary to keep and build strong and healthy relationships with women. Mark shoots straight for that long term goal from the start.

Some guys will actually pass over this book because it doesn't make the 'marketing' promises that other books and programs do about getting any girl quickly (short term results). That's a real shame, because it is more likely to take you much further in the long run.

He presents some very thought provoking and challenging new ideas. This makes it a good book to stretch yourself, especially if you feel things haven't been advancing in your life recently. Think of it as an 'inner game shake up'. I don't agree with everything, but it's a worthy challenging read all the same.

Is this approach, going straight for the long term goal from the start, right for you?

The long term goal of satisfaction is where you will ultimately end up, no matter who you are. But you may not be ready to look at it, and be more comfortable with smaller short term goals, for a number of reasons.

The biggest reason is that you may already feel 'overwhelmed' with the task set before you and taking on the lofty lifestyle and inner game transformation goals from the start may cause you to drop out before you get there. Sometimes we can't aim too high - because keeping our motivation up is important. We need to focus on smaller steps. Essentially. broadening your perspective too much too quickly may overwhelm you.

As a result, if you are already feeling overwhelmed, it would make sense to get your reset from The 4 Elements of Game, get things moving in the right direction with short term goals of meeting and dating more women. Then once you get a bit of success behind you, and are feeling more on top of things, come back to this book to dig into the details, broaden your approach and take on the longer term stuff.

If you can handle it - this book, the longer term focus, is the better one which will ultimately take you further more efficiently. But I know for most men this journey isn't emotionally easy and taking smaller steps in terms of goals is easier.

Decide which one you are. A good indicator is how much general self-help, psychology and other reading you do. Have you consistently and naturally enjoyed expanding your mind and ideas? If the answer is yes, this book will be a great fit for you now.

Could Some of these Ideas Hold You Back?
For 95% of men what I'm about to say isn't relevant. It will only come up for men who are interested in pushing themselves to mastery of the approaching, attracting and other dating skillsets. This isn't necessary to develop a dating lifestyle that satisfies you, it goes beyond that. So keep in mind that this weakness is probably not relevant to you.

There are two mindsets in this book that in my opinion would limit you from complete actualization in this area of your life if you are very capable and experienced.

  • Mindset #1: "Most of the women you meet, things are simply not going to work no matter what you do. 95% of this picking up women stuff has nothing to do with you… The difference between being good with women and bad with women is often only the difference between successfully getting with 8% of women you meet and 1% you meet… you are still failing over 90% of the time."
  • Mindset #2: Look at rejection as incompatibility.
  • If you are struggling, feeling overwhelmed and getting absolutely no success. In that case what you need is the simpler and less aspirational The 4 Elements of Game.
  • If you're new to dating advice. This book is likely to be overwhelming for you, so instead check out a better book for getting started and getting some quick results under your belt like "Make Women Want You".
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Product Information

"Models: Attract Women Through Honesty" serves as a guide to help men attract women without faking behavior, lying, and without emulating others. It presents a process of connecting rather than impressing women.

It was originally entitled "Models: A Comprehensive Guide to Attracting Women and later rebranded in 2012 to its current name "Models: Attract Women Through Honesty. In August 2013 Mark Manson updated the book, eliminating some content, making edits and adding a few minor additions. The update had the overall impact of making the book a bit more balanced and less demanding for beginners (the original was a little more overwhelming for newbies).

There are two versions of the book you can buy, the basic, and the deluxe versions. The deluxe package comes with an additional audio book version and two bonus books.

  • Attracting Women
  • Inner Game & Confidence
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Mark Manson (Entropy)
Release Date:
July 05, 2011
Price: $14.95 - $39.95

(depending on product format or options purchased)


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Introduction: Movement

Part I: Reality

Chapter 1: What Attracts Women
The Ubiquity of Status
The Desire to Be Desired
Attempts by the Pick Up Artists

Chapter 2: Emotional Neediness
The Seduction Process
Overcompensating and the Fake Alphas

Chapter 3: Power in Vulnerability
The Pain Period
Vulnerability and Showing Desire

Chapter 4: The Gift of Truth
The Truth is Always Shining Through
Setting Boundaries
Finding Your Truth
Friction and Projection

Part II: Strategy

Chapter 5: Polarization
Three Types of Women
Goals with Each Type
Polarizing to Attract

Chapter 6: Rejection and Success
The Treasure Hunt
It’s Usually Not About You
Men Who Only Experience Rejection
Redefining Success

Chapter 7: The Three Fundamentals
Natural Advantages/Disadvantages

PART III: Honest Living

Chapter 8: Demographics
Lifestyle Choices and Demographics
Beliefs and Self-Selection
Age, Money and Looks
Race and the Foreigner Effect
Social Proof
The Most Beautiful Women
Saying Something Versus Being Something

Chapter 9: How to Be Handsome
Body Language
Vocal Tonality
How to Be Fascinating
Bringing It All Together

Part IV: Honest Action

Chapter 10: What Are Your Stories?
Defense Mechanisms
You Are Not A Victim
Stereotypes and Responsibility
Sexual Motivation

Chapter 11: How to Take Action
The Guide to Overcoming Your Anxieties
Courage and Boldness

Part V: Honest Communication

Chapter 12: Your Intentions
The Flirting Formula
Developing an Emotional Connection
Building and Breaking Habits

Chapter 13: How to Be Charming
First Impressions
Conversation Skills

Chapter 14: The Dating Process
Phone Numbers
The Perfect Date
Signals Women Give

Chapter 15: Physicality and Sex


Conclusion: Moving Ahead
Epilogue: What if it Was a Gift?
Further Reading

What You Get:

Basic Version:

  • eBook: 296 pages

  • One Night Stands (1 hour audio MP3 interview)

  • The Life Purpose Report (PDF ebook)

Deluxe package (click add to cart on first page to see this option):

  • 17 mp3s audio book version of the book

  • One Night Stands (1 hour audio MP3 interview)

  • The Ugly Truth (45 minute audio MP3 interview)

  • Lifestyle Artist (1 hour audio MP3 interview)

  • The Life Purpose Report (PDF ebook)

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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39 of 47 people found the following review helpful

"Signals the Evolution of Dating Advice (or Pickup Theory) with a Mature Approach"

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Personally I come from a background of having used Pickup Theory and Dating Advice to improve my dating life and I've done so successfully. Needless to say I know from personal experience what works and what turns out to be utter bullshit. I don't have to read any of this stuff no more, but from time to time, if a new book comes out I still enjoy reading it. I do it to see what new stuff the book brings to the table (which is often not much new under the sun) and it always gives me a good push in the back to continue to improve myself.

But this book is something totally different than what I've been coming across for a long time. I found this book to be so good that I wrote this same review on and wrote DSR personally to write a review about this book as I wondered how close it would get to their top ten picks. Mainly because I think this is one of the best if not the best book for guys who are just starting out. Any guy who asks me what book to read, I'll advise him to start of with this book right here. Because I know that they'll start of in good hands.
I'd describe the book as: very good for an understanding of the basics of how attraction works, very mature, evolved and shedding a crystal clear light upon how dating and pickup advice affects men today. For example Mark clears up the issues around certain pickup advice being useless for newbies who can't calibrate, since a lot of PUA advice disregards differences in demographics, people, lifestyles, values etc (even though he sometimes uses extreme examples to get his point across, I still understand the essence of what he tries to convey).
Whats important about this is that it will keep a lot of men from getting frustrated as a lot of beginners tend to implement pick up stuff on (1) the wrong people in (2) the wrong places with (3) the wrong intentions and (4) with wrong ways of measuring succes or growth and thus (5) end up with more frustrations than before. So much that he writes makes so much sense and I found to be true looking back at my journey to succes with the honeys.

This book then continues by showing a quality roadmap to improve your lifestyle, you anxiety or social disconnectedness and then your communication skills. Mark gives theory and then practical guidelines It all comes together really good and is very coherent. His casual writing style makes the book very accessible for you to read. I flipped through the pages easily for hours since this was such a pleasant reading experience. Indeed there are a lot of grammar errors throughout the book but that doesn't outweigh the quality of advice given in Models for one bit.

Mark's book clears up a lot of issues men encounter when trying to get better with women (with quiet hilarious examples). It disenchants you from all kinds of pickup taboos. It's is very authentic and comes back to the undeniable truth that you have to develop yourself as a man in order to attract quality women. It is about honest communication and expressing yourself freely instead of using countless gimmicks (even though some of them are very effective and may work in the framework of honest communication, which he explains all throughout the book). Models provides a very good roadmap for developing both your inner gamer as well as cultivating specific necessary skills needed to get results with women quickly. I'd say try acting on the plan that he provides in here for a while before you consider taking a Pickup Bootcamp. I've been on two of those and even though I'm not gonna disclose wether you'll really benefit from those or not, I can say that you really want to find out if you need something like a bootcamp before spending so much money. I think this book if a great way to find this out for yourself.

I think this book is a GEM for any man dedicated to improving his love live. And I firmly believe this book will help out a lot of men who are already trying to implement dating advice but are struggling with it.
And I'm convinced that Mark's book brings a fresh breath of air in the evolution of pickup material and is FAR more realistic than a lot of advice out there.

I'm no friend nor contact of Mark, but when I appreciate something that I know works and has been put together with heart, authentic intentions and real expertise, then I support it so that it can do a lot of good for it's intended purpose.
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25 of 30 people found the following review helpful

"This book helped change my life"

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men love women and that is no secret. Not all men love leading an attractive lifestyle though. Not all men enjoy physical exercise, reading, eating right, becoming emotionally aware, or many of the other things this "guide to attracting women" teaches you you must do in order to be an attractive man. A lot of guys want easy solutions. This book explains that there are no easy solutions. I'd like to personally thank the author for laying that fact down for everyone. I hope any guys that reads this review takes one thing away from it, that there are no easy solutions and hard work is fundamental in success with your love life. This book will help you focus that hard work in ways that equal success.

A lot of books these days will sell you a shortcut method. The only shortcuts that might work don't work for very long. If you want to be an attractive man you have to work hard on yourself and get rid of a shortcut mentality completely. Women can tell when you throw a band aid over a shotgun wound that you are bleeding all over the place and that is all a lot of the information out there today is.

Another great thing about this book is it's (sadly) novel advice about vulnerability, connection, and emotional awareness. This book does a better job than any of the other men's dating advice I've read in the past 2 years explaining the rolls these things have in our growth and development as men and how working on this area of yourself will improve your love life drastically.

I really enjoyed the section on "How to be Fascinating" as well as the one on "Demographics". The polarizing section taught me a lot quickly too.

Overall I give this book 5 stars. It could have been a little shorter but considering how much bullcrap is out there that guys are reading to get girls it's not a big deal at all because it isn't a huge book full of crap. It's a huge book full of great information to teach you how to become an attractive man, relate and interact with women you find attractive, and have healthy relationships with them (as well as yourself). If the author is guilty of anything it's putting too much great information into one book and not charging you for sections of knowledge instead.

I can't wait to see what other books the author comes out with next as this seems to be his first.

If you are a guy that is having trouble with his love life, read this book immediately. Don't buy 20 different books and join a pickup lair and watch a bunch of Youtube videos. Read this book first. Evaluate where you stand as an attractive man first and understand wherever you are you can improve. It's a long road from where you are but if you start walking... no running down it, you will start to see some great results in your life soon.
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14 of 65 people found the following review helpful

"This book is not worth it at all"

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I never liked this book at all. This book should have been named:"Models: How to attract women through niceness".

The books simply says that you have to be honest with yourself and with the women you meet as much as possible by being vulnerable. Well, I have not problem with that at all but being honest DOES NOT mean attraction.
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6 of 10 people found the following review helpful

"Evolution towards a more natural and honest way of pickup"

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The book concentrates on the big picture of attraction, the relationship between men and women, and the way of life of an attractive man in general. It gives an overview of the different methods used in the seduction community especially focusing on Mystery Method and its derivatives. It gives an explanation why they work and why they only offer a short term solution. The book concentrates a lot on understanding female psychology and developing a generally attractive lifestyle for men. Being honest without need to use of tactics or manipulation is the main point of book. Implementation of the ideas in the book takes a considerable amount of time, as it is concerned about changing your whole lifestyle, but as a result women will be naturally attracted to you. I highly recommend the book to any men who wants to understand female psychology and attraction and to men who are looking for a long term solution to dating problems.
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5 of 9 people found the following review helpful

"Mark Manson proves that there is a room for the romantic and religious guys out here.."

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I'm a religious Lebanese guy,and our society is some how complicated,our society is a group of sub societies there are open people and closed minded people,the fact that I'm a Muslim and coming from a sect that welcome the idea of dating made me search for the methods for dating and quitting the sin of masturbation but in a good way that respect woman not destroying her.As you become more religious you become more emotional,even though the society didn't accept his own religion and that's so awkward.

I've read many books but this book is the first one that touches the emotional side of the relationship between men and women in depth,and also it is the first book that don't just focus on the results but the quality of the results,I mean it answers why you attract crazy unstable bitches..Most of the PUA society don't care about the quality of the woman,they care about quantity which is fine but not for everyone.A religious guy like me that likes to chill and attract emotionally stable gals don't suite him those bitches,because in our religion woman is a tool that leads to heaven and by seeing the beauty of her soul not just her body and not any woman,a good woman not a crazy woman that is beautiful from the outside but empty from the inside
It is the first book ever that mentions the idea of differences in society and how this creates a social friction and affects the interaction somehow.

For 12 years I was seen as the nice guy because I respect woman and I love woman I mean emotionally I love her,I'm a romantic person.This book teaches me how to still be that romantic guy and attract woman,so I recommend this book for those who write poetry.Or even the religious guys that they want to find their perfect wife this book is for you especially when you read the idea of demographics which time saving for searching....

Bottom line:If you like to be a jerk and insult woman or memorizing pickup lines or if you want to be "good with woman" the easy way then this book is not for you and you'll be disappointed because it is getting good woman not just getting good with woman and that the hard part which is by investing and improving yourself,you attract who you are.....
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