Men's Audio Mastery Series

Product Information
The "Men's Mastery Series" is designed to teach you how to be yourself, and attract beautiful women without compromising your lifestyle in any way.
Bonus MP3 items include:
- Secrets of Online Seduction
- Walk Away So She Chases You
- Bring Her Back to the Magic Moment
- Don't Be A Slave To Your Dick
- How to Create Exciting, Lasting Relationships with Women, Overnight
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
VOLUME I: Understanding Women, and What They Really Want
- Understanding the female psychology
- Why looks don't matter that much
- Why it's never about pick-up lines or what you say
- A technique that you can use to approach any woman
- Why being the soft nice guy always gets you put in the friend zone
- How to treat her like a real person
VOLUME II: How to Convey Strong Sex Appeal and Confidence,From the Initial Approach All the Way to the Bedroom
- How to convey movie star attitude
- Important little things that women notice
- The fastest way to master the art of flirting
- How to tell the difference between real fear vs. fake fear
- How to approach woman after woman
- The most underused place for meeting beautiful women
- How to tap into the power of social proof
VOLUME III: The Death of Pickup Lines and Canned Material
- How to drop that creepy stalker boy persona
- How to have fun, fearless conversations with a woman
- Why you should have a bad boy edge to your look and personality
- Why playing the numbers with women is smart
- Social charisma
- The art of observation
- The 30 second rule
- The unlikely places to meet hot women
- How to own the room
VOLUME IV: How to Get Ridiculously Good at Approaching
- The three common guy mistakes made during the approach
- Authentic storytelling that draws women into your reality
- How to charm her friends and family
- Why you should never violate the Friday Night Rule
- Advanced psychological judo
- How to tease her with both words and body language
- How to ask questions without seeming like boring and needy
- How to use props in your environment to give her an unforgettable experience
- The most direct way to ask her out
- The best things to say if you're rejected or if she has a boyfriend
- What works better: phone, email or both
- Why you should never talk about money
- How to set the rules like a real man
VOLUME V: How to Naturally Put Your Best Foot Forward
- What your current wardrobe says about you
- How to dress for the kind of women you'd like to attract
- How to create an amazing new look without breaking the bank
- How to use candles in your place to convey strong sexual confidence
- The role of music and the keys to seduction by music
- The unmatched power of shoes and a great watch
VOLUME VI: Where to Meet the Best Women
- The ideal places to meet your type of woman
- How to meet women online
- The bait, hook, and release technique
- Why you must adhere to the The 10 p.m. Rule
- Why her dog is your absolute best friend
- The "Let's Have Breakfast" suggestion that works every time
VOLUME VII: How to Always Take the Next Step With the Women You Want Most
- How to leave short, sweet, yet highly intriguing phone messages
- Using email to bond and connect on a deeper level
- How to overcome any resistance she has about meeting up
- How to stand her down and confront her on her bullshit
VOLUME VIII: Getting Her So Turned On
- How to turn women on
- Why you should touch her like a man but gently
- How to make your move in a way that shows you are in control
- Crack the code of her kissing style
- How to make sex her idea every time
- When to say "no" to sex
- One night stands vs. long-term-relationships
- The art of resisting her advances
VOLUME IX: Time Of Your Life
- How and why you must make the mental commitment to your ideal lifestyle
- Why you really can have it all
- Why women never want to be the center of your life
- What to do so that you get your life in order
- How to turn off that crippling nervous chatter
VOLUME X: Sneak Behind-The-Scenes of a $2500 Boot Camp
- How to become a lead in her romantic comedy
- How to quickly write an irresistible online profile
- How to own every single place you go
- A way to become the center of attention
- Ways to harness the power of eye contact and positive energy
- How to use portal words
- The art of verbal foreplay
- How to listen to her in a way that doesn't make you seem like a pussy
- Secrets for teasing her in all the ways that she loves
- How to escalate sexual attraction on a date
VOLUME XI: The Power Of She Talk
- How to use the power of your voice and your body language
- How to use the power of understanding how women relate
- How to become the kind of powerful men women can't get enough of
- Understanding the power of she-talk
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User Reviews of Men's Audio Mastery Series
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Probably the Best I've Listened to! Highly Recommended!!"
January 27, 2013
The reason why I really like David's stuff so much is it's very tactical and not so theoretical. He doesn't try to teach some outrageous methods such as "negs" or hypnosis or what looks cool on tv with actors, but in reality makes us look like creeps.
David Wygant teaches not to use pick-up lines and to be cool. I've tested a lot of methods out. His approach works. He doesn't try and teach some "magical" formula or anything like that.I wish I had his stuff 10 years ago!
Go through his stuff and you will be able to tell David Wygant genuinely cares about his students. You can see his passion!
Of all the boot camps and seminars out there, I've chosen to attend his. I'll be attending the one in Los Angeles in 2 weeks and I'm looking forward to it.
I highly recommend him! You'll agree, his stuff is the best out there!
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"Not impressed"
January 26, 2015
This means that if you listen to the product and just don't like his method and don't think it will suit you, they will not refund you your money.
This means that if you find advice that is better than David's from somewhere else and decide to implement that, then you don't deserve a refund.
This means that if David had so much confidence in his own "dating coach" advice, wouldn't he think that he would have some of the best of it out there and that if you pay someone that you get better advice from and works better than his does for you then you don't deserve a refund? What would make him think he still deserves to keep your money even though he really didn't do anything for it?
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