Get the Girl Manual - A PickUp Artist's Guide To Reclaiming Your Love Life

Editor Review
"Good Intro To Mehow - Simplified Mystery Method"
Syboh Seven
Last Update: March 25, 2025
An Introduction to Mehow’s Method
This is the introduction ebook to Mehow’s methods to meet women.Mehow is a former student of another famous coach (Mystery), and a lot of what he teaches is inspired by the ideas and techniques of Mystery Method.
Therefore, this is not a book about how to date better or understanding the theory of attraction. It is a very hands-on pick up book that will teach you how to cold approach and talk to women you have never met.
A Genuine Disadvantage In Looks
Mehow is a 35 years old, pale, skinny, balding guy. Yet he still gets results with young, beautiful women. This makes his advice all the more relevant because he is one of the few gurus who can claim to have a genuine disadvantage in terms of looks.The book starts with a list of attractive qualities a man wants to have: living in your own world, being unreactive, displaying value, being pre-selected, etc etc.
If you have studied attraction for a while, this is nothing new. The good news is, this list is the only “theory” you get in the book. After that, it’s purely practical tips on how to talk to women and attract them.
What Mehow presents here is a system for learning how to display all those attractive qualities easily. You learn to create interest and emotional stimulation in the people you are talking to. Everything you do is a subcommunication technique – including what you do in opening, conversations, etc – to showcase how much of a valuable and interesting person you are.
A Structured Approach: Better For Beginners
When you try to meet people naturally, without a plan, it’s “hit or miss”, says Mehow. It is necessary for beginners to use a more structured approach when they get started.I can only agree here – a structured, detailed approach is invaluable for newbies who are clueless about social dynamics – just telling them “be natural, “have fun”, “be in the moment” (see The Flawless Natural) is helpful but they’ll miss out on a lot of opportunities if they don’t further their understanding of the basics.
The bottom line is, beginners need to understand the subtleties of what is going on “below the radar”, before they can relax and forget about it.
And they get that here. There are literally hundreds of concrete tips you can use in this book, far too many for me to list here. Basically almost everything you need in terms of cold approaching is covered, from getting over the initial “hi” to creating attraction, from touching women in a comfortable way to vibing with their friends. It is very thorough when it comes to the practicalities of pick up, just like Mystery Method’s ebooks are (see our review of Mystery’s Revelation ebook).
The good thing about Mehow’s system is that it is structured, without being rigid. You get tons of concrete steps, but you can also adapt them to your needs. In a way, Mehow is fine-tuning Mystery Method and making more simple and easy to apply.
For example, Mehow solves the problem of “negging”, which is a technique in Mystery Method that many guys just do wrong. Mehow’s approach, based on push-pull or love-hate teases, is much easier to use and harder to misunderstand. Teasing, Mehow explains, is not about “dropping her value down” (like negging is) but about subcommunicating that you are having fun and don’t care too much about getting her.
Mehow’s break down of the phases of each interaction is also simply labeled – Attraction, Comfort, etc – with none of the over complexity you can encounter in Mystery’s books.
Story-telling & Handling Interrupts
On story-telling, the book particularly shines. In this system, stories are a way to ground yourself, introduce who you are to the women you meet, in a way that is smooth and attractive. Therefore, you learn to build stories with attractive quality embedded.This allows you to demonstrate your accomplishments, ambitions and inner values through stories. Very useful for the guys who don’t know how to put their best foot forward, or for those who run out of things to say.
Another useful chapter is on how to handle interrupts – what to do when someone interrupts you as you talk to a woman you like.
All of this may sound complicated, but he emphasizes being in the moment and not thinking too much during interactions. With practice, you naturally integrate his tips into what you do.
Not Original, But Well Put Together
A lot of the material here is borrowed from other sources – mostly from Mystery, who is often credited. Mehow has done a great job at presenting it in a logical, linear progression, in a way that makes sense to the reader.This ebook is very well put together, well illustrated. You can tell it was put together with care, including in the way the teaching is presented.
For example, each of the attractive qualities listed at the beginning is referenced throughout the book, every time it is used in a technique. This is useful and provides clarity for the student.
Another plus is the absence of fluff - the book jumps almost from the start into the details of opening women and seducing them. In fact it’s almost too quick – there is almost no theory here. Complete beginners probably should read this book together with another one more focused on the overall psychology of attraction (such as Double Your Dating).
The Bottom Line
Overall this is a solid introduction to the structured, indirect approach of pick up. It was released together with an excellent “in field” DVD set, presenting live, real pick ups where Mehow uses the techniques outlined in the ebook (see our review of the ”Get The Girl! Infield Exposed” DVD set).One problem though is the price: at 147 bucks (Editor's Note: Price was reduced since this review to under $100, a similar price to Revelation referenced below), this is significantly more expensive than Mystery’s products, including his ebooks Mystery Method and the more recent Revelation - both of which contain just as much gold or more.
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Product Information
This program covers every stage of picking girls up at night in bars and clubs and how to navigate the nightlife scene in bars and clubs.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Philosophy
- Approaching girls and groups
- Creating attraction fast
- Making her feel comfortable with you
- Handling obstacles
- When and where to kino (touch) her
- Making the most of calling her and taking her out afterwards
What You Get:
- Hardcopy of The Get The Girl! Manual
- Five CD Box Set Of The Audio Book
- "$100 Off" Coupon Which You Can Use To Attend A Live Mehow Bootcamp
Guarantee / Terms:
$97, plus $9.97 to cover the shipping and handling
45 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Get the Girl Manual - A PickUp Artist's Guide To Reclaiming Your Love Life
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Speed My Game Up by Lightyears"
January 02, 2010
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"It Is Super Practical"
January 02, 2010
I enjoy reading material from many different PUAs - it gives you the chance to see the game from other perspectives, which I think is very valuable. New perspectives on the generally same ideas (pick up) will help you get those golden "ah ha!" moments.
You may or may not know that Mehow was trained by Mystery. From reading the book you can tell that there are some similarities between their game, but Mehow has definitely put his own spin on things and it's certainly worth the read... "The days of “holding a set” and entertaining them for ten to twenty minutes are over." *
His PU style anyone can appreciate. He puts an emphasis on being positive, social, and fun.
I like Mehow's book because it's super practical. You won't find pages and pages of theory (though there is some).
The Best Material In the Book
Chase Cycling. I love this shit right here...It's so powerful, seriously. I realized I was doing it but couldn't put a name on it - now that I look back I was just running amateurish cocky qualification. Now that I have read this I can hone down what I'm doing and make it more effective. Chase Cylcing is basically doing a subtle Takeaway, giving her a Directive, her Working For You with the Directive, you Rewarding, then repeating the process. It's powerful because of the frame you are setting...and best of all you're doing it in a playful way so it's easy for them to go along with it.
Couple Sets. If you have seen some of Mehow's videos there are a couple of them where he is running game on Guy/Girl sets - married or girlfriend. Some of us question the morals of this or get upset about it, but I think it's just plain hilarious. "Make it appear like you and the girl would never, ever get along and mean it but be playful." I recommend checking out the videos, they are pretty eye-opening. Watch the parts when the boyfriend/husband tries to AMOG Mehow and the wife will shut her husband up and take Mehow's side since he is bringing lots of value to the table...good stuff.
Handling Shit Tests and IOD's Like a Pro. There's a few different ways on how to handle shit tests in here. "She is testing you, secretly hoping that you do the right thing and don’t answer her lame ass question."
Tons of stuff on Kino and the importance of it...Also, Kino Plowing and his PureKino. If your kino is unnatural (sucks) then your game is going to suffer. "This is my patent-pending, secret sauce. It is so powerful, that once you try this, you won’t want to use anything else, unless logistics prevent you from doing kino."
Super In-Depth Phone/Texting Game and Day-2 Chapters. If you're having trouble with your phone game then pick up this book now. Mehow's phone game is really complex, but easy to follow. I think this was one of his big sticking points, that's why he has lots of tips to share.
"The trinity of pickup is a) attractive quality subcom, b) emotional stimulation, and c) compliance. If you can do all that, and handle logistical hurdles, you will Get the Girl!"
Highly recommended, and you can't beat the price when you weigh it with other e-books on the market.
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"My Game Improved Rapidly"
April 06, 2008
The reason why is doesnt encounter bithch shields, as much is because hes bringing fun value (emotional not soical) to the set, with his "im just a super cool, soical guy" frame.
Where a requst for an opinion is wanting value from the set.
They don't know you, so why would they give you any value? Hence the shit-test bitch shield.
Mehow gives value right of the opener, and ask nothing in return. The girls are having fun, why would they be bitchy?
The reason why he can deal with amogs, is because his stuff is all emotionaly spiked, chick crack. The girls are into it, the amogs dont get it, they get blown out.
Microloop theory is gold
Mehow's idea of the PU being a constant value exchange, really helped me.
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"It's Quality Material"
January 02, 2010
Mehow, don't you have anyone with proof-reading skills in your company? shoot, I'd even be glad to do it for you.
Anyways, i am otherwise fairly impressed with your product. I'm trying to internalize a lot of the concepts, and construct my own kino routines... it's slow going as i'm definitely in the newbie stage of the whole process. I'll get there once I start getting out into the field more. I'm scoping out venues this week, because I'm sick of absorbing the community's information without being able to apply it.
I also may have spoken too soon about the 'gay vibe'... I'm starting to get how your pickup style is really finely tailored for a woman's wavelength; a kind of 'playful' that just doesn't occur in male-to-male interactions... which is why I've sort of been misunderstanding it.
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"Quality Stuff."
January 02, 2010
Quality stuff.
Great read.
Mehow is definitely one of the guys on the cutting
edge right now in my opinion.
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"Awesome but Seems too Hard to Practice."
February 18, 2009
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"Perfect beginners Guide"
December 31, 1899
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"Definitely A Good Book"
January 02, 2010
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January 02, 2010
Go dig up the VAH and go through some of the best posts on the net. That'll get you where you want to be.
Oh and go practice.
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