Get The Girl! Infield Exposed

Editor Review
"Good "in field" footage and analysis"
Syboh Seven
Last Update: March 25, 2025
A Companion to the Get The Girl! ebook
This product shows you instructor Mehow in action: in bars and clubs, trying to meet and pick up women. This is called “being in field” – which explains the title.This DVD set is a companion to Mehow’s “Get The Girl!” ebook. They were released together back in 2007. So first things first - do you need to read the book before you watch this? Mehow advises it, and certainly it is necessary if you are new to all this (and the book is pretty good, too, although pricey).
However if you are an experienced guy just looking for some in field footage, you will be able to understand it just fine without reading “Get The Girl!” beforehand.
Live Videos
The early DVDs are simply live, real interactions and pick ups – Mehow approaching women, introducing himself, and leading them into conversations, then getting their number, and sometimes kissing or taking them home. This is filmed in bars, with hidden cameras.As a 35 years old, pale, skinny, balding guy, Mehow is one of the few gurus who has a genuine disadvantage in terms of looks. This is obvious in the high definition shots from the commentary sections, and it makes Mehow’s results all the more interesting to witness.
So, how good are the demos? Overall, they are good, although they are a few issues.
One small(ish) issue is that SOME (not all) of the girls he talks to are just, objectively, not that cute. The first girl for example is a 6 at best. While the interactions go well and you can still learn from them, it’s not that impressive to get a girl who is so-so looking to open up and be friendly.
Hollywood vibe & “Celebrity Attraction”
Another, bigger issue is the “Hollywood vibe” that Mehow heavily uses in some of the conversations. It does NOT (luckily) happen every time, but in a few videos Mehow keep saying “I’m in the film industry”, “I’m a producer”, “this guy is in my upcoming TV show”, “you have to meet my publicist”, etc etc. He uses lines and tricks to imply he a big shot Los Angeles star, and this is filmed in a smaller city (San Diego) where the social impact of such statements is compounded.The result is that some of the interactions are polluted by the “celebrity attraction” going on, with girls constantly asking him about his TV show, what he does for a living, etc etc.
I’m not entirely sure whether Mehow had a TV show in the works at the time – I believe he was stretching the truth and the very DVD Set I’m reviewing here was in fact the “TV show”. But ethics aside, it just makes those interactions less useful. Unless Mehow suggests we all go out and pretend to be TV producers, this particular “social status improvement technique” is out of reach for most guys. While I’m all for conveying a strong, valuable character, I don’t think making things up should be part of it.
Pick Up Is Messy
What IS good in those videos:1. Excellent sound and image quality, given the circumstances (hidden cameras).
2. The overall positive vibe of Mehow. Some people have criticized him for having a “gay” vibe – I would disagree, and this did not bother me at all. Sure, his approach is more “friendly, fun guy” than “mysterious, James Bond” guy, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. This is certainly easier to model, for beginners, than an “alpha male” vibe.
3. The gutsy approaches. Mehow has balls. On a couple of approaches, I would have given up due to the lack of reaction of the girl, or the aggressiveness of her friends. Mehow just keeps pushing – and often, he ends up victorious. It’s a testimony to how far you can get if you are persistent.
4. How simple it is. Mehow sticks to the techniques included in the ebook Get the Girl, so he uses the same ideas over and over again. And you can see it working time and time again.
5. The mistakes. You can see Mehow making them. He explains them to you.
What’s interesting about point 4 & 5 above is that, while watching the live videos, you might have a reaction of “is this IT?”, because it doesn’t always look amazing. He makes mistakes. The conversation is sometimes dull. He misreads the girl. He loses her then gets her back. Etc etc. It doesn’t always look masterful (although it often does).
But that’s actually a good thing, and again, Mehow should be given credit for not cutting out those bits. What this shows you is that, in the words of Ozzie (on Real Social Dynamics’s Transformations): “Pick up is messy”. You can’t predict everything. You can’t get it right all the time. You have to improvise and have fun with it. And that’s fine.
Break Downs & Analysis
In the later DVDs, we are in Mehow’s living room and we watch the live bits again, as he pauses and breaks down the interactions for us, minute by minute, explaining in details what he did and why it worked (or didn’t work).Among many other things, you get a very clear explanation of how to handle interruptions, get an emotional reaction, and keep the girl’s interest for a long period of time.
Sometimes Mehow breaks it down to such a small level, with jargon and theories, that he kind of loses you. You are like, “come on man, she just batted her eyelash, that doesn’t mean she is radio-pinging-reverse-eyelashing you”. One could say he reads too much into stuff at times, in his desire to explain every little move.
BUT at least you get a lot of meat, a lot of tips, a lot of food for thoughts. A lot of the explanations overlap with the ebook, but some of it is new and only featured here.
The Bottom Line: A Valuable Teaching Tool
Watching good real interactions is one of the best things you can do. It just shows you how it is done, and also gives you the belief it can be done.Few companies have invested the time and money to do this; so Mehow should be given credit here – this is one of the earliest, and still one of the best produced “in field” products in the market.
If you can’t afford to pay thousands for a bootcamp, this gives you the chance to see a “pro” at work for much less, and you can replay it again and again, too. If you are looking for in field footage, this is a good choice.
One word of advice: as you start watching the live DVDs, you might be tempted to fast-forward to the analysis. Resist the urge. Watch the first 2 or 3 hours of interactions without commentary. Try to understand, by yourself, what is going on.
When you reach the analysis DVDs, you will get to see how much you understood, and that will give you an idea of how much more you have to learn.
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Product Information
Infield exposed by Mehow is designed to assist you in developing a rock solid set of tactics and strategies that will boost your confidence and success rate in approaching women.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How you can approach the hottest
- How you can instantly captivate any woman
- How you can easily establish a warm and seductive comfort level
- How to use your body language, and your voice
- How to vibe attractive qualities
- Exactly how to tease women and drive them crazy
- How to effectively deploy
- How to handle i.o.d's while maintaining perfect composure
- How to use advanced micro looping techniques
- How to open a set and gain 3-minute instant attraction
- How to pull in girls that interrupt and disrupt your set
- How to tell, with perfect accuracy
- The perfect way to disqualify a girl
- How to quickly tame those feisty girls and win their hearts
- How to approach a group of hot Women
- How to move a set even if there is an a.m.o.g in the group
- How to overcome the difficulties of holding two girls
- How to go from cold approach to a move in just 3 minutes
- How to turn girls against their own dates without doing anything
What You Get:
- 8 Video DVD's
- 8 Audio CD's
- Bonus : Get The Girl! Manual
- Bonus : Microloop Theory Manual
Guarantee / Terms:
45 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Get The Girl! Infield Exposed
Most Helpful User Reviews
"These Videos Are Better Than Going to Other's Bootcamp"
January 02, 2010
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"Hours of Frame Control"
April 06, 2008
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"Definitely Worth the Buy."
January 16, 2009
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"Has Tons of Comfort Vids Infield.."
April 11, 2008
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"Take from it the Stuff You Like and Incorporate into Your Game."
April 14, 2008
Comfort is generally easier than Attraction in the sense that you already probabley have most of those skill sets in your tool bag if you were getting LJBF'd by lots of girls in your chode days. However, if your needy or have some inner game issues hbs will smell it on you and lose attraction and think you just want in their pants etc...they sense your "Agenda" and the deal is off.
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"It is a Really Good Product"
January 27, 2009
Gives lots of strategies for pushing "sexual limits" and how to deal with the different responses that women have to this.
It gives lots of ways to tell emotionally charged stories that increase the value and value velocitiy of the interactions, that DHV but are not DHV stories.
It is a really good product that supplements Mehow's Get The Girl product or other attractiomodels like M3 or Revelations.
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"Really Good"
January 16, 2009
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"Infield Exposed is the 'Shiznit'."
April 06, 2008
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"He Presented a Compelling and Entertaining Reality To The Woman"
January 02, 2010
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"This is Awesome"
January 30, 2009
I used it last week and I've had (for the first time ever) girls telling me I'm awesome and telling me not to leave (if I go to open another set)
This is awesome.
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