Maximum Impact: The Way of The Modern Alpha Male

Product Information
"Maximum Impact: The Way of The Modern Alpha Male" is designed to help men attract and seduce women with maximum impact by mastering the art of alpha and seductive charisma, understanding body language, and understanding what women want in order to turn them on.
Kezia Noble designed the program to help you master the secrets of attraction while building confidence, learning to have presence, and mastering non-verbal sexual escalation.
The program includes contribution from Vio Fasakerley, peak performance coach and lifestyle development mentor, who specializes in helping men maximize their chances with women.
Bonus includes: Maximum Impact Body Training
- DVD (Video)
- Online Access
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Develop maximum impact
- How to gain respect from others
- Developing inner confidence
- Building attraction with beautiful women
- How to create the chemistry sensation
- How to turn women on and fulfill their desires
- How to optimize your success rate with women
- How to seduce women using body language
- Develop a strong presence that creates immediate impact
- How to master the art of alpha and seductive charisma
- Understanding the secrets of the alpha male and how to apply them
- Get what you want by using attractive and confident body language
- Understanding what women say they want versus what they really want
What You Get:
DVD set or online access to program
Guarantee / Terms:
User Reviews of Maximum Impact: The Way of The Modern Alpha Male
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Where have I seen this before? Oh, everyone else... Of courses.."
March 05, 2015
She's taken information that's been out in the community for YEARS!! And tries to pass it off as her own whilst at the same time slagging off all other dating sit back boys and girls and get the popcorn ready as I go through this product with you.... Let's get into it..l
She talks about her five phase format..
Impact, pattern breaking,, connection, attraction spikes and close... In THAT order,,, bearing in mind her book and every product that came before this, she only ever mentions, control, impact connection, although not very clearly...
Now she goes in to mentions there's two types of impact, verbal and none verbal...
She mentions ONE tip for none verbal impact and that's to stand in a night club and play with your phone.... Wow..
Then she mentions the second impact is verbal and is pattern breaking... So woth just one examples we are now suddenly on the next step...
Her pattern breaking examples are taken straight from her deep connection dvd, what a CON... Seriously, you've bought out a new dvd with the same information on it as your last I mean, wow... Then she goes on to tell a story of how a stripper did it on one of her clients, which took up to ten minutes to explain, yeah it was a boring story and it didn't help us,,,
Next she talks about connection.... But wait, we already covered this in deep connection... Erm.. Right... Moving on,,
Attraction spikes.... Sounds good, but it was covered in attraction to seduction.... And now it's the end of disc. One. Thank god... I have more dics, so now the real training can begin....
Ok, so now we have kezia and vimtoe sitting on a sofa, and Vimeo starts to expiation the evolution of attraction, and how it's hard wired into a female brain to want the alpha Man, and while he explains that, kezia is shifting about and is trying to get comfortable but can't... He continues to just explains the difference with alpha male and beta... Yeah we already know the difference, how about showing us what to do..... No? Ok...
Later on in the dvd he then decides to do a half... In fact it's not even half, it's a quarter... I quarter-arsed demonstration of how an alpha walks up to a woman with swagger, and kezia just buys straight into it "yep yep that's how it's done" knowing full well thats NOT how it's done, but she's hardly gonna say no on her own dvd is she?
His advice is take up space. And walk like a primate, stride like a silverback,yeah that's fine, but u still haven't shown us properly....
Oh wait, disc two is over? But I haven't learnt anything yet, I know all of what they said because OTHER pick up artists have explained this in much better detail, but kezia keeps asserting that "no other dating coach will teach you this, only vimtoe will teach you this, because he's on my team and he's caught thousands of guys and I'm the worlds leading dating coach" BLAH blah blah blah... This is basic basic stuff, so because its basic, it's not going to create impact... Most of the time they are just talking and agreeing with each other's statements, and saying beta males do this, and is and this... And yet when I've been out in clubs, I haven't seen ANYONE do what they have suggested, so everyone who is out must all be alpha males then, except they are still not getting laid, so I'm thinking something else must be coming up that will make the impact, because so far I've seen nothing on this dvd to suggest it.
So disc three is vimtoe talking on this own (thank god) and he is trying to talk about the four components of game... Lol wtf...
They are. Attraction networth, inner game, outer game and dame game...
Well I can tell you right now, that's not true, but whatever he works for kezia so he must be right (!)
He explains that to become high value, you must know yourself, and be unapologetic with your actions... Yes everyone knows that, we can get that information for free on YouTube, so what else? Well I'm not gonna waste time, there's only two components and its outer and inner game, the other two are both inner game... And it's all part of challenges.... He also talks about state control and finding people who can bring the best out of you... That's fine.. But everyone already knows this Information, it's standard pickup stuff, it's been around since 2007. So wtf is kezia doing, making a dvd like this now?
Everything that's explained here, has been explained before by much better people.... I am so sick of kezia claiming that no one else teaches this and she is the only person with her team that know it... It's bullshit...
She is the LAST coach to be teaching it. And that's a fact, seriously. This is how far behind with the times she's is...
At this price, I am expecting something ground breaking, but most of these DVDs, is just talk talk talk, with very few tips.... ,,,
, the pua scene is a hobby of mine and I love learning, and because I've seen every product, and know about every teacher, I also know who the scams artists and and who the bullshitters are...and kezia is the only one who actively and contiously bashes the pua scene, and claims she's amazing, well if you're gonna make that claim, your products had better stand out on their own merit, and sadly, they don't, they are an obvious copy and paste of material that has already been out by the very people she openingly bashes... All info she teaches is all found in her book... Just buy her book, that's all you need... It's a lame book of course, and there are better books out there, but if kezia is the teacher you want, just buy her book, it has everything you need...
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"not impressed"
September 20, 2014
when i watched this i was expecting something great, something new, and some excellent demos of how it all works...
pity, you don't really get enough of it.
nothing is explained properly, and the demos in this dvd are so few and far between, and also they are half-arsed.
most of the time it's just kezia and vio agreeing with each other on what the other just said, without actually saying anything.
Kezia repeatedly talks about content that is found in her other products, so why do you need this? the answer is, you don't...
most of the stuff is found in attraction to seduction.
there is one demo of a student performing a bad approach to show you what one looks like, but then doesn't show you a follow up approach on how to do it properly...
there is some talk on pattern breaking, which is good, but her other products tell you this...
i didnt feel like i was being taught at all, it just looked like two people having a conversation and i was listening in.
wasted opportunities were when vio was demoing on hadassa, it was all very lazy and rushed...
what they should have done was use someone other than vio to show how to come across as high value and make impact...
they should have used someone else to first show the wrong way, and then the right way to do stuff so we could see the transformation...
its a decent beginners level product, but if you already own a few stuff, then this isnt going to help you, as you'll likely already know the material.
plus for the price they are charging, you'd expect the product to have good production value, and not be poorly edited... it looks like it was filmed on a smart phone.
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"impact ? seriously ? "
March 31, 2018
having been through this god awful comments I echo much of what has already been said, but there's one bit of advice in this product, that if you do it, then it will have the total opposite effect that it's suppose to have and its this piece of advice alone that tells me that kezia and the monkey looking guy, dont have a clue what they are talking about.
its the part where she tells you that if you want to make none verbal impact, that you must stand by yourself in a nightclub with your phone out pretending to look at text messages . LOL
what? like, what?
anyone that sees this knows that you're not looking at your txt messages, you are actually signalling that you have no one to talk to, and youre too afraid to approach a girl, youre standing still looking at the phone , this is very poor body language, its low value, anyone can see that, and she thinks this is how you do it.
yeah, good one., I can just picture super models just throwing themselves at you after this.
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" I mean come on "
December 05, 2017
ok ive rated this one star for everything, and here is why..
I got to the part where she mentions the five phase format. and they are impact, pattern breaking, connection, spikes and close...
now thats 5 right? FIVE! but here is the thing, impact and pattern breaking ARE THE SAME THING. listen to what she says, she tells us the first one is impact and she says theres TWO types of impact, and they are verbal and none verbal, ok? still with me, now watch this. she says the first type is the none verbal and is to stand in a nightclub playing with your phone, I mean thats suppose to be impactful, I mean come on, so whilst I was laughing at that, I was expecting her to reel off some more none verbal impact suggestions, but she doesnt, shes just gives you that one, THEN she says the second type of impact is a verbal one, and that is pattern breaking.... LOL WHAT? we are on part one here not part two, part one is impact and you're suppose to demonstrate a verbal impact, but instead the verbal impact is pattern breaking... does anyone wanna tell me how this remotely makes any sense?
so its not a 5 phase format at all, its four, because impact and pattern breaking, ARE THE SAME THING!! and im only 15 minutes into the dvd here, and already feel ripped off... then part of this verbal impact is instead of giving us some ideas, she tells a story about how some stripper in Texas or vegas or whatever (some high value location shes made up to feel important) did their own pattern breaking on some guy... yeah we dont care about some story, we wanted examples, but instead we got a boring long ass story... omg its just rubbish... so then we start on the final 3, the connection, spikes and close, oh whatever, all this is in there book and her other products. she will start explaining the connection and yo start to feel like you've seen all this before, and you'll be right, because its just boring rehashed stuff we have seen from her time and time again..
then you have that vio guy with his big chest and suit on trying to demonstrate what alpha males are, like it even matters, most men although they dont realise it are sigma males, thats what they need to be, not alpha males... but vio and Kezia havent discovered this yet, but when they do, she will no doubt make a video about how she discovered it and no other coach will ever teach you it, and blah blah blah...
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