Master the Game II: The Psychology Behind the Game

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Product Information
This product was released after Master The Game 1, it discusses the teachings of different PUA artists in terms of seduction, attraction and dating.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
CD 1: The Hash Sessions - with Style & Hash
- Transformations from AFC to PUA
- Being the high value man
- Learning pick-up artistry
- Style's method for approaching women
- Becoming the 'fun guy' every woman wants
- Building the mindset
- Smooth escalation of touch
- How to use pre-kissing
- Tips for throwing a party
CD 2: Inspire Her Sexuality - with Steve P. & Style
- Owning your own reality
- Natural and herbal ways to calming your mind
- How Steve P. rid himself of his own approach anxiety
- Make any woman have an orgasm
- The Cat Theory approach
- Points of Attention to beat your Approach Anxiety
- Steve P.'s favorite never fail opener
- Style's quick trick
- Left Eye Soul Gazing technique
CD 3: Upgrade Your Whole Game: Cold Approach to Close - with Style & Stephen Nash
- Meeting women
- Removing women from alpha males
- From casual to sexual intimacy
- The Playboy Multiple Step Model
- Escalating sexually
- Making cold street approaches
- Building intimacy with girlfriends
- Finding women who are high caliber girlfriend material
- How to meet a wingman
- Style's imagination trick
CD 4: The Power of Pre-selection on the Female Mind - with Adam Lyons (aka AFC Adam) & Style
- The faux marriage technique
- Pre-selection technique
- Finding real happiness
- Using the forehead kiss as a tool for escalating kino sexually
- How to talk to a woman in a loud club
- Alpha Male + Abundance + Escalate Sexually
- Ultimate wingman plan
- Way to open a freezing cold set
- Method for sarging in a foreign language and foreign culture
- Technique for always keeping a conversation going
- Short set game and how to manage your appearance in clubs
CD 5: Turn Online Dating into Real Life Dating - with Dave M. & Style
- Dating profiles for online dating
- Dave M's online dating screening process
- Using online dating to supplement real life pick up
- Which online dating sites are the best to use
- DHV for online dating profile
- Meeting women from online dating
- How to get a woman to meet you
- Schedule multiple women to meet you
- How to approach meeting women on Facebook
- The perfect first date
- Getting a second date
- Attracting women who are in their 20's on online dating sites
CD 6: Bullet Proof Attraction Routines - with Brad P. & Style
- The Cotton Candy Opener
- How to screen a woman
- The Horse Girl Opener
- Hook Questions as openers
- Stephanie Opener & DHV Story
- The Ten Minute Seduction technique
- Method for absorbing any pick up artist lessons
- Brad P.'s 'no pressure' approach
- Style's 'Little Plaything' approach
- Sexy Stereotypes
- The Female Dating Cycle
CD 7: Power Confidence - with Sean Stephenson, Don Diego Garcia, & Style
- Sticking points and motivations to be attractive
- Body language and words
- 'Join my party or I'll move on' mindset
- Mentality creates your reality
- Getting your ex-girlfriend out of your mind
- The trick to attracting women
- Being older is an advantage to meeting and attracting women
- Sean's 'Be A Man Who Can't Be Rattled' multi-point philosophy
- Sean's 'Get Present Routine With a Girl'
- How to use the dance floor of any club to attract women
CD 8: Blow Her Mind in the Bedroom - with Hypnotica, Steve P., & Style
- Showing women the benefit of 'What's in it for me?'
- Personality trait that all women are drawn to
- Tantric tips to lasting longer in bed and pleasing women
- No-Holds-Barred Sexual discussion
- Hypnotica's hand-writing analysis opener
- How to master your own voice
- Being the Ticket Master
- How to seductively stare a woman down
- The Self Organizing Practice
- Hypnotica's 'Did you get any smarter' line
- How to begin a sexual conversation with a woman
What You Get:
8 audio discs
Printed workbook
Style's Personal Training Program
- 30 days of Stylelife Academy interactive online training with direct access to the Elite Forum
Bonus Item:
253 page transcript book documenting each CD word for word
Guarantee / Terms:
After the bonus 30 days, Style's Personal Training Program can be continued on month-to-month basis for $135
Return the product anytime if not satisfied to get a 100% refund.