Make Women Want You

Editor Review
"Practical Guide For Beginners On How To Create Attraction In Women"
Rather than giving you a lot of theory, it teaches you the attitude and mindsets of guys who are successful with women, as well as giving word-for-word examples of the types of conversations you should be having. It's only really focused on night game, and specifically the early parts of the interaction.
If you find yourself at a loss for words after you first approach a girl, this product can help you with that. Best suited for casual dating, not really any information on long term relationships.
The book starts off listing a number of different limiting beliefs that most men hold about women and dating, attributing these beliefs to what we get taught through Hollywood movies that don't reflect reality. Then it suggests the correct beliefs that you need to have instead if you want to be successful with women. This is good advice here, but like anything that involves changing your beliefs, relies on you making a concerted effort to do so. The best way to try and implement the new beliefs in this book is to read them to yourself every day and go talk to plenty of women so you have some real world evidence to base these beliefs on.
Something that Jason stresses in the beginning of the book is that the most important thing is to work on yourself. So a lot of the attractive beliefs and behaviours he wants you to adopt rely on you trying to become a better man. He references a few self-help authors in doing this, and one thing he continually mentions throughout the book is 'leaning towards your edges'. What this means is that you're always striving to push yourself and improve in the areas of wealth, health and relationships. That by educating yourself and taking chances in life you become a more well-rounded man and can become more attractive to women every day by working on the things that really matter.
Formula For Success
Like many dating coaches, Jason has a formula that he teaches. In this instance, it's attraction, high value small talk, and escalation. The good thing about this system that he teaches is that it tries to make it as simple as possible. There are some other systems out there that are really convoluted and overwhelming for guys who are new to this, and they end up suffering from information overload.With that being said, there are some other techniques that Jason talks about here that expand upon his 3-step model. Specifically, under the topic of high value small talk there are a few ideas he talks about that go way beyond what most people's concept of small talk involves. In reality, the model that he teaches is very similar to what some other dating coaches teach, but it's made to sound more free-flowing and less restrictive. There isn't really a step-by-step plan telling you exactly what to say and in what order, but more of a framework to operate within and giving you examples of what you can say that demonstrate your attractiveness to women.
The good thing about this product is it gives you plenty of practical examples you can go out and use right away. So you can go out and apply these ideas and use the examples given, and you'll get a feel for the kind of attitude and personality that women find attractive. From there, you can start to develop your own material and conversational frameworks because you'll understand the principles that make them work.
Routines Or Natural Game?
A number of years ago there was a long-running debate in the pickup community about whether using scripted routines or a more natural style of game was better. What many people failed to see is that it's possible to use a combination of both, and this product provides a really good example of how you can do that. Jason's style is to be quite direct, in the sense that he doesn't invent excuses as to why he is talking to the girl. But he also uses a lot of teasing and push-pull and never really comes right out and tells the girl that he wants her like some proponents of natural game do.There are a number of routines, gimmicks, games or whatever you want to call them, to give you some help if you struggle to think of what to say to women. While there's an advantage sometimes to natural game and just improvising on the spot, sometimes your brain struggles to think of something and in this case having a few routines and games you can fall back on can really help you out. Especially for newer guys, having some proven bits of conversation to fall back on can act like a safety net and give you more confidence.
To his credit, Jason points out the innovators of a number of the different routines that he mentions, such as Mystery and Tyler Durden aka Owen Cook. So not all of these ideas are original, in fact I remember using some of these myself many years ago. But there are other original ideas from Jason himself that are based on some of the more well known dating techniques, such as being cocky and funny by David DeAngelo.
The key is to use routines that fit your personality and that you're congruent with. There are a number of things that Jason says and does with women that personally don't fit my style, but there are others that do. For example, playing thumb wars with a girl is not something that I choose to do, but I know many guys who love doing so. So take what fits in with your style and adapt what you can to make it work for you.
The Attractive Guy In The Bar
There's some good advice in this book about things you can do to have a woman interested in you before you even talk to her. So this includes things such as your fashion and grooming, body language and using pre-selection to pique the interest of women. These aren't new concepts, but they are important ones if you've never heard them before.Jason gives some basic but good advice about fashion, detailing what his personal style is and how he wears a few accessories and has a haircut to make him stand out in the bar. Despite how you may have seen Mystery dressing, you don't need to wear anything outlandish or over the top. But it's generally a good idea to dress fashionably and wear a few items that help to give you a sexual image. This book will give you a good starting off point on how to do that.
Pre-selection is a powerful concept and is mainly useful in bars and nightclubs. The idea is that if girls see you talking and having fun with other girls, they will see you as more attractive, based on their perception that other girls have already approved of you. There's some basic advice here on how to do this in a bar, nothing revolutionary. If you apply all of these principles taught in the book and make an effort to flirt with most of the girls you see in the bar or club then you should get some good results coming via the power of pre-selection.
Realistic Success Levels
One thing that becomes apparent throughout the course is that Jason is an enthusiastic guy, and this is great in terms of the motivation he provides for going out and taking charge of your dating life. On the other hand, there are times where he exaggerates on the simplicity or the success that you're likely to have. Saying things like how easy it is to pick up any attractive girl or how you can make literally every woman you meet attracted to you is not really accurate.For many guys who are new to learning these skills, it takes a certain amount of time and dedicated practice to get solid results. And once you get really good, you can achieve tremendous results. But I don't know of any guys who are able to literally get any woman that they want. It's just not going to happen.
It's important to keep realistic goals so that you can stay motivated in what you're doing. If you go out with the expectation that you should be hooking up with every cute girl you talk to, you can end up thinking you're doing something wrong when this doesn't happen. So it's important to understand that even the best guys in the world with women don't have a 100% success rate. Just keep practicing the skills and working on your sticking points and the success will come.
There are a number of bonuses that are included as part of this product. One of them is a short report called Always Know What To Say, and gives some advice on how to always keep the conversation going in an attractive way. There are some basic principles of conversation so that you can always think of something no matter what she says, as well as some games and gimmicks you can use.Another bonus is called Done For You Attraction. It lists a number of mainly cocky and funny one-liners that you can use to help spark attraction. A lot of these are old school lines that are well known in the pickup community. The important thing with using these is to use them with the right playful attitude, otherwise you can risk coming off as an arrogant jerk. But if you say them with the right attitude you'll see women often responding well to them. In general though, a lot of these lines work better on younger women.
Along the same lines there is The Charm Bible. It contains a lot of cocky lines and also flirtatious and banter-themed roleplays you can use. There's some good advice in here, just remember not to say any of these in a serious way. There's also a guide to body language that has some good but basic advice. To help you with some sexual skills there's also a transcript of an interview between Jason and Jason Julius, on the topic of how to give girls orgasms and increase your staying power.
There's a Powerpoint video of different subliminal switches you can incorporate to convey status. Pretty good advice here, especially to help present you as more of a challenge and increase sexual tension. And there's also a report that includes a number of field reports of Jason in action, detailing how he seduced the girl. There's some interesting insights to be gained from reading these as well.
Also please note that when you purchase this product you'll receive a free trial to The Masters Of Dating Inner Circle, a subscription based online program. If you choose not to opt out of that program, you'll be charged a monthly fee of $59.97.
The Bottom Line:
This is a really solid product that focuses on the core of what it means to be an attractive man, and the steps you can take to become one.Rather than giving you a lot of theory, it teaches you the attitude and mindsets of guys who are successful with women, as well as giving word-for-word examples of the types of conversations you should be having.
It's only really focused on night game, and specifically the early parts of the interaction. If you find yourself at a loss for words after you first approach a girl, this product can help you with that. Best suited for casual dating, not really any information on long term relationships.
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Product Information
Make Women Want You is for guys who want to have sex with the hot women they desire.
The book contains a number of techniques that can be applied to attract women and get them to want you.
Note: This product includes a 14-day free trial to Jason's "Masters of Dating Inner Circle. This is his membership site and community for ongoing support and training.
Some of the topics include:
- How to get past a woman's filter mechanism
- How women secretly obsess about having sex
- Learn how to keep women from busting your balls
- Recognize how a woman is going to respond to your questions
- How to activate a woman’s emotional trigger and have her chasing you
Bonuses include:
- The Masters of Dating Inner Circle (14 day trial)
- How to Always Know What to Say
- Body Language Secrets That Get The Girl
- Done For You Attraction
- Stuck on You
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Chapter One: The Head Inside Your Head
Chapter Two: The Female Framework Revealed
Chapter Three: Attraction, The First Step
Chapter Four: High-Value Small Talk, The Second Step
Chapter Five: Escalation, The Third and Final Step
Chapter Six: The Meet-Up To First Kiss Fireworks
What You Get:
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Make Women Want You
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Excellent, one of the best out there"
April 14, 2014
Jason teaches a 3-step system (as do most people). He calls it Attraction, HVST (which is basically storytelling and qualification), and Escalation. All of them are explained very well. However, this book loses points for innovativeness because I've seen all of these things before. Yet, this is the best I've ever seen them explained, and Jason makes it so much easier to understand than a lot of the Mystery Method derived companies do.
The book basically describes a mix between routines and natural game, but you'll find that the routines are very minimal. Honestly, they're more guidelines for what you should do, not steps to rigidly adhere to. There's no junk like the 7 hour rule, opinion openers, or anything like that.
This is the best book I've ever read on attracting and seducing women. It is worth every penny, and if you can get the Platinum upgrade, I strongly recommend it.
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"Simple & Effective!"
April 15, 2014
Jason clearly knows what he is talking about and makes things simple and easy to understand.
Jason's method is broken down to 3 easy steps which are: Attraction, High-Value Small Talk, and Escalation. Each step is simple and easy to follow and every thing is explained very well in the book.
Jason's method focuses on YOU and how to present yourself and how to convey an attractive personality that attracts women, he doesn't rely on pickup lines or routines at all.
I liked this book a lot and I believe it is the only book you need if you have trouble with women. I believe that this is the way naturals do to attract and get women.
However, this is not a magic pill, you got to be willing to practice the stuff advised in the book and I promise if you do put the required effort you will be amazed how easy it is to get women.
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"Buy this"
March 05, 2016
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