Make Women Laugh

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Product Information
This system contains techniques to equip you with humor to make women laugh. The program aims to enable you to approach women confidently.
Bonus items include:
- How To Talk To Any Woman
- Flirting Mastery
- Love Secrets
- Logical Fallacies
- One-Liners That Work Every
- Hilarious Quotes
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How your inner talk constantly influences you
- The important difference between a funny guy and an average guy
- What the Humor Habit is
- Why women sometimes laugh at jokes which you don't find funny at all
- The art of conversation with any woman
- One rule you should follow to get rid of the fear of rejection
- Find out why most pick up lines don't work
- Learn what is real flirting
- 4 basic types of women
- In-depth analysis of the basic mechanism behind women's laughter
- 8 primary models of humor
- What an inner game is
- How to internalize humor
- How to take charge of conversations with women
- 4 tonalities to use to attract women with humor
- How to develop sensory acuity
- 6 useful techniques to improve your body posture, gestures and movements
- What type of joke you should tell at first
- How to save yourself when you blow it
- One important fact you should know about sexist, ethnic, religious jokes
- 14 basic humor characters you can play
- How to tailor the many tried-and-true humor formulas to suit your own needs
- The Rule of Reciprocity
- How to leverage on the power of stereotypes
- How you can deliberately act silly in a humorous way
- What the the rule of three is
- How to create an illusion of improvisation
- A technique to condition a woman to your humor
- How to use your humor to pander to a woman's vanity
- 2 methods of using outrageous exaggeration
- How logical fallacies can trick women in a humorous way
- 4 humor techniques to make a woman think sexually
- How you can imitate other people and fake foreign accents to make women laugh
- 2 useful applications of humor besides attracting women
- The Humor Rorschach Test
- How to effectively deal with disappointment, rejection, and frustration
- The Pareto Principle
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