Make Her Pursue You: The Advanced Bad Boy Training Course

Product Information
This DVD program is an advanced Bad Boy training course from Ron Louis and David Copeland.
It is the result of a live workshop based on more than 3 years of what they learned about how bad boys get women to pursue them. It teaches men the techniques, even if they have not attended the workshop. The program focuses on the ways and attitude of a bad boy and how they get the women they desire to do all of the work to seduce them, and applying those traits.
Bonuses include:
- Kinesthetic Escalation
- The Ultimate Pickup Line Book
- Using Palmistry to Approach Women
- From Questions to Conversations to Sex
- 8 ebooks to Power Your Bad Boy Seduction
- How to Approach A Woman Like A Bad Boy
- The Bottom Line Successful Seduction Decision List
- Professor Jack' on 'Mastering 3-ways with Multiple Women
- Derek on Mastering the Bar Game and One-Night Stands
- How to Create Deep Connections With Women in 3 Minutes or Less
- Professor Jack on Mastering Body Language, Vocal Tonality and Style
- The Secrets of Female Body Language with Best-Selling Author Leil Lowndes
- The "Make Her Pursue You" Course workbook and Course Notes
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- eBook
- Download (Audio)
- Download (Video)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Using intensity to seduce women
- Turning "interactions" into "events"
- Types of disconnection and when to use each one
- Using disconnections in approaches with women
- How to permanently break the "beauty trance"
- Explanation of "disconnecting" and why it is necessary
- How to avoid being "all things to all women," and turning off women
- How to stay in control during a conflict and smoothly maneuver through it
- How being a "hard to get” disconnecting man is the secret to bad boy success
- How to use these types of bad boy actions to make women work for your approval
- How to use a conflict with a woman to your advantage and get her to pursue you
What You Get:
- eBooks
- Dvds
- Audio MP3 files
Guarantee / Terms:
90 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Make Her Pursue You: The Advanced Bad Boy Training Course
Most Helpful User Reviews
"BS Total BS"
February 23, 2012
Then you can see that they are totally AFCs and sloppy. They really make me angry. These people are totally fat with ugly hair-cuts and they have some nervous ticks (especially the one who always grabs his hand with the other - yes he is so uncomfortable in his skin.
What i believe is that all people have their own reality. If your reality doesn't work then you should listen to somebody's who does. This applies to Mystery who is a master in his field. Well these guys have a reality that you will see and understand that it doesn't work. If i am going to make adjustments to my behaviors to meet women they would definitely not be theirs.
Guys im really serious - just stay away from them, and especially their techniques. They have some general and very good information about what is happening (Their product : Overcome the nice guy syndrome is very good) but in action they have no clue. They act like 2 45 years old men trying to be 12.
I have read much more better books (Mystery - Ross Jeffries... and much more) and this dvd is probably the worst i have seen.
I really had to write this review - they make me so angry. Ar they dating coaches? If they are then anybody who just talks to women can be.
I would really like to see them in real field who do they close. Im really curious.
Dont spend your money (and its very expensive 0 on guys because you think that they look so average -> lets say what they have got. They are total ineffective.
4/10 (Only for the good theories in the first dvds)
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