Magnetic Mindset

Editor Review
Syboh Seven
Last Update: March 25, 2025
Slow pace
This product, from dating coach Cory Skyy, includes 3 audios CDs. It aims to teach the “magnetic mindset” for attracting women.CD 1 has some good tips, but nothing particularly original. You learn the importance of confidence. You learn that women prepare for hours before they go out because they want men. That ultimately being attractive to women is about improving yourself. Etc etc.
All good points but hardly unheard of.
There is a good track with some tough love: Skyy explains that most guys want a confident girl who dresses well and turns heads - when they themselves are not confident and dress like slobs. The point being, you need to get off your ass and change your life to match the women you want. You got to do it – nobody will do it for you.
Many beginners hope to find the “magic pill” to attract women without changing anything to their life, so it’s always good to hear such down-to-earth, no-BS advice.
Unfortunately, the pace overall is crawling – it’s sloooooow. Cory repeats himself over and over again. By the end of CD1, I’m hoping we will get into some “meat” in the remaining 2 CDs.
Unfortunately, it turns out CD1 is the best of the bunch.
CD 2 is the story of Cory’s life, and the hardships he had to overcome, followed by him explaining how affirmations work.CD 3 is him reading the affirmations, so you can play them to yourself.
So it turns out the whole “system” to acquire the supposedly “magnetic” mindset relies on visualization.
Now, I’m not against visualization myself. Visualizations work and are used by some excellent coaches and authors (from Napoleon Hill to Tony Robbins).
However, the reason they work is because they inspire you to take action. If you don’t take action, forget about seeing any results. Skyy does mention this once, but afterwards he repeats multiple times that if you just practice those diligently, you will magically change and get results (which kind of contradicts his “tough love” advice on CD 1).
Anybody who has ever taught a guy who is BAD with women knows it’s going to take a lot more work than that.
Furthermore, the affirmations he gives you here are not particularly special or elaborate (“I love women”, “Women love me”, etc etc). If you have any clue about affirmations and how they work (and if you don’t, google it), you can effectively design your own set of 15 affirmations by yourself, and they won’t sound any different.
The “Natural”
Cory Skyy is supposed to be the natural, a guy who is just naturally fabulously good with women. He has been described as such by quite a few instructors and coaches.I have no reason to doubt his ability in attracting women (he certainly sound like a confident guy who gets results), but as a teacher he is far from fabulous, at least judging by these CDs.
Often “naturals” fail to explain exactly what they do or how to get there, and Cory Skyy falls exactly into that trap here.
This material is at the same time too high level (purely mindset, no concrete steps to improve yourself) and too basic (visualizing your way into the mindset is the only suggestion/technique you get).
The CDs are also seriously overpriced for the little amount of material they deliver.
Overall, we cannot recommend this product. For a better take on enhancing your mindset, you could check out:
-The Way of the Superior Man (by David Deida)
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Product Information
"Magnetic Mindset' aims to show you how to develop the proper mindset to attract women without using routines or tricks.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
What You Get:
3 CDs
Guarantee / Terms:
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Magnetic Mindset
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"Amazingly Refreshing"
December 31, 2009
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