Love Systems Bootcamp

Coaching Program Information
Love Systems bootcamps originated with Mystery Method (the former name of the company). Some of the instructors were former Mystery Method instructors who trained under Mystery (Erik von Markovik). As a result some of the instructors have been coaching since early 2006.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Standard Bootcamp
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
I. The Seminar
A. Day 1 (2pm - 7pm)
1) Structure
2) Approaching
B. Day 2 (2pm - 7pm)
1) Attraction
2) Group Theory
3) Qualification
4) Rapport, Comfort & Trust, and Intimacy
5) Routines
C. Day 3 (2pm - 7pm)
1) Image & Identity
2) Seduction
3) Guest Speakers
4) Questions & Answers
II. The Workshop
A. Day 1: Demonstration Night (Evening)
B. Day 2: Armed and Dangerous (Evening)
What You Get:
3 days of coaching including:
- A seminar part (2pm-7pm) on day 1, 2 and 3
- An in-field instruction part in evenings on day 1 and day 2
Average instructors-student ratio: 1-2
Guarantee / Terms:
Contact product owner for additional information.
User Reviews of Love Systems Bootcamp
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Completely Dissapointed"
February 12, 2014
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Fast forward to the day of the bootcamp. The instructors arrive late to the first day of instruction, which, is not that much of a biggie. Then, they ask us to take a picture of the front and back of our driver's license and credit card, which I thought to be invasive, but, that too, was no biggie. Then, we were informed that a camera crew would be filming our seminar and infield session. I was more than a little irritated by the prospect of a camera-crew being present during our session. Okay, I don't know about all of you, but shelling out 3 grand for a seminar on how to get better with girls is already an extremely embarrassing situation. Now, picture you in a room with other students learning about this stuff, and have a room full of camera crew-men filming, laughing, and commenting on the bootcamp. When we were learning some scripts of openers it was intimidating to be watched by all of these guys. Anyways. during the first day of the seminar, we learned some inner game stuff and some basic openers to go in with. Literally all of the stuff that I learned I had already read previously. Some of the other stuff seemed so cheesy that I wouldn't have been able to say it in field. Whatever, the main reason I took the bootcamp was to practice with these guys in field, so I was going to let all previous transgressions slide. When we got infield...low and behold, there was the camera staff. We went in field and Tenmagnet said that we would be treated as a priority over the camera crew, which was assuring. I had approached hundreds of girls using the exact same lines as these instructors, but I wanted to see close up, just how these lines were executed, which is why I had paid a premium for this service. As soon as Tenmagnet had approached a set, I followed him in to see what he was saying and how he was saying it. He then left the set..which was a little odd. Later, while we were venue changing he told me that I was not allowed to enter his sets unless an instructor invited me in. I was taken aback by this comment, and had complained to the junior instructor about this. He said he was sorry but the only reason Tenmagnet had said that was because he was filming and he needed some quality shots. Woah there, I just spent 3k and I frankly don't care if you're filming. It would have been fine if I was actually invited in to some sets at some point. But by the end of my first day I had not seen 1 SINGLE DEMONSTRATION UP CLOSE. Nevermind the fact that they had left the bootcamp early the first day...I was infuriated, and complained to the instructor. I was literally begging and pleading with both instructors to do a set with me but they KEPT REFUSING. Then they put it back on me telling me that I should go approach sets for experience. At this point, I've done 100 freaking approaches using the exact material you taught me, I wanted to do some with the actual instructors. The second day after the instructors again showed up late we learned some material, which again could be found online for free. Then we went out again for the next night with the instructors again being late. This time I thought the camera crew wasn't going to be there, and I was elated by this fact and had even shared this with the instructor. Low and behold...the camera crew came back for the second night. I was so pissed. Both of the instructors had kept telling me stories about their approaches that night and how much success they had. If I didn't see it, how is that a demo. How is that different from reading about it online. Whatever. The last day the instructors again showed up late. This day we learned some more stuff about dates, text game etc. Okay I will give them that the last day I had learned some quality material. But I'm sure if I looked hard enough that too could be found online. I had left the last day knowing that I would go back home and ask for my money back at the first chance I could. It was then that I discovered that the bootcamp policy is that you ask for your money back at the seminar. I couldn't get my money back for my travesty of an experience because I complained about the bootcamp a few hours after the fiasco. I thought it was way too uncomfortable for me to ask the very people who conducted the bootcamp for my money back in front of all of the students and I was punished by this.
I wrote an email to Tenmagnet explaining how much awful I thought the bootcamp was and he promised me infield footage of his approaches. I was happy that he was at least doing something to make amens for his poor performance at the bootcamp. However, several months went by and he still did not give me what was promised to me. When I finally asked for an update he told me that he was unable to give me any footage because the film company considered in confidential.
All in all, I would have to say the junior instructor during my session (Intrigue) definitely did have skill in field. Tenmagnet was alright (I guess) But in the end I feel like a 1/10 review is waayyyyyyy tooo generous for these guys.
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"Love Systems Bootcamp"
August 05, 2013
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
- Fader
- Nick Hoss
Before joining the bootcamps, I was able to approach and transition. After doing the bootcamps, I did not get any further. More than a hundred approaches: no numbers, no dates
Even though they have a refund policy, they will find some reason to not give refund. I did not get any refund for the bootcamps
You can buy better theory online, than anything they give in class. If you work on it with a friend or find a wingman, you can more than make up for infield
I have wasted more than 5 grand in the two LS bootcamps. I feel terrible. If I can stop you, than I will feel at least a little better
It is very frustrating when you are bad with women, but that does not mean you should buy snake oil
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"Not Worth It"
January 05, 2016
If approach anxiety is your issue I don't think this will help, as it didn't help me. I'm sure this may be good for someone who already can approach women but needs better material, but I don't think it will help you overcome approach anxiety. Be honest about what your issues are before paying Lovesystems, as their marketng is, in my opinion, overly optimistic and unrealistic.
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"Horrible experience, Would not recommend to anyone in the world."
September 18, 2015
Things that were included...
-I Watched Cajun get drunk and go do his own thing not paying attention to me or the students
-I Learned old and outdated PUA material.
-I experienced Cajun ending class sometimes 2 hours early.
-I Learned the best ways to lie to make myself look "high value".
-Overall I maybe learned 5% new material. I was not satisfied at all. I asked Cajun for a refund and he said I did everything to qualify.
-I then emailed Nick Savoy and he basically told me to fuck off. Even though on his website it says ""100% money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the bootcamp, you will get all of your money back, no questions asked.""
-I would not recommend this program to anyone in the world. I am still trying to get my money back from them.
Derek Cajun in my opinion is definitely not the best in the world. Not even close. I think he only does this for the money and doesn't care if the students learn or not. I would value this program at $100 and that's being very generous.
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"As good as I expected"
August 19, 2013
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
The instructor was Keychain with 2 assistants. They all were interesting and charizmatic personalities that anybody would enjoy to talk with about serious and funny stuff.
Since I had read much before, most of the theory part I already knew. Some small things were different from the Magic Bullets but not much.
Therefore, I would say that it is a total waste of money to pay only for the theoretical part of the bootcamp and do not participate in the in-field learning.
On the other side, the in-field stuff, which was my main purpose to participate in the bootcamp, was awesome.
In the first evening we had to open, open, open, open. This is the scariest part even for war veterans, as it was also for me. And the instructors gave us no break, nor time to panic.
In the second evening we did more advanced stuff and I actually felt that I am moving somewhere. The instructors helped with advices, winging, pumping up buying temperature, etc.
Of course, every morning we got very detailled feedback from the last night, which was so precise that I started to believe in telepathy and mind reading.
Instructors were very direct in their comments and observations without being neither too nice, nor too intimidating. It was like your best friend or older brother would tell to you - you look too needy and desperate, have bad style and low energy, but here's what we can do...
The advices were very practical and easy to implement. And if you really trust the instructors, it improves your game immediately.
I came to the bootcamp already physically and mentally exhausted, and, while the in-field stuff was tough in every respect, after these 3 days I felt much better. Now I feel like I have clear goals and means to achieve them.
Now I would like to give some advice to the Love Systems.
While LS is not a travel agency, however, it could invest some time and to propose some place to stay for students. Anyway, the assistant instructors were from Amsterdam and they could easily suggest a bed & breakfest place or a hotel.
This would avoid some students doing long trips every day and would give them the opportunity to stay together all the time.
Also some printed material distributed to the students, like some diagrams or bullet points, would be very good and appreciated.
In conclusion, I will not exaggerate by saying that every man should try a bootcamp. It will open your eyes and, if you are motivated, change your life!
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"Absolutely No Regrets"
September 30, 2009
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
These are all questions I batted around for a few weeks when I was trying to decide whether this was a good idea or not. For those of you looking to compare, I'm mid-twenties, have had about a half-dozen partners, but lately have suffered some life setbacks and got LJBFd by a bunch of women, and it was screwing with my mind. I recognized that this was turning into a self-defeating pattern, and I realized that I didn't know why it was happening. I sensed that I would find the answer(s) at a bootcamp, even though I couldn't be sure. I decided that I would rather risk a failure than pass by the opportunity for success. I knew that if I didn't do it, I would always blame myself for not trying, and that would be so much worse than admitting afterward that it was a bad decision.
That being said, I have absolutely no regrets after taking the bootcamp, even though the dollars are still a little tight, and I still have a lot of growing to do. It turned out to be everything I expected it to be, which is saying a lot because my expectations were through the ceiling. But Fader in particular is the reason I got so much more out of it than I expected.
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"So much to Learn and so Little Time!"
September 26, 2009
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
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"It Rocked. Period."
September 13, 2009
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
- Keychain
- Mr. M
- Vercetti
Ok I couldn’t resist.
a) Managed to play 8-9 even at times 10 game
b) Paid for less than 20% of my drinks.
c) Had my standards wrenched up.
d) Two weeks of returning from camp got six phone closes of 8-9 and one 10.
e) Was so wired on the material that I picked up a 9 three rows behind me in the airplane, and went on a date immediately on landing.
Mr. M:
Mr. M is the guy you want as your friend, who has your back. Not because he’s the all American quarterback who you want to make sure is a part of your network, but because he is truly a nice guy and a great human being. What astonished me was he absolute commitment to making sure everyone in the bootcamp learned to their full potential. That meant for those who were doing really well to up the ante, and for those who were struggling or were losing heart to sometimes chase after them to make sure they benefited from attending. I was impressed with his ability to sort through his own personal opinions and the official materials, he was very careful to make sure that we knew exactly what we learning, and had a properly structure around it. You immediately see he is quite intelligent, and is able to make dry theory come alive with stories, graphs, and plain good old fashion humor. I was worried that the length of the theory part would make the camp tedious, but time flew by very quickly. He is extremely honest, in terms of his praise and criticism, but also in terms of what you can do and what you cannot do with the knowledge gained. I appreciated his firm grounding in reality, which gave much more credibility to his words, and certainly gave us all realistic achievable goals. Much of what you learn is the dispelling of myths.
To put it in a single sentence, Mr. M makes your learning his personal responsibility, and having attending the best schools in the world, I can truly appreciate how rare and wonderful that is.
The Support Team
Mr. M could not have been as successful with it wasn’t for his A star support team, both in PUAs and approach coaches. These guys were absolutely selfless in their quest to make sure that you learnt and you were successful. This often involved jumping on grenades, which at times was truly painful to watch. My goal in field nights was to try out every single routine and theory I had learnt, and much of these came from the support team that rocked. Through the theory lessons they were able to add their own unique perspectives and understanding, as well as ensure that an eight-person classroom felt more like a one on one lesson. Each of them was a master at an aspect of them game, and in their element it was incredible to watch. With them present there was always someone you could ask a question, get a clarification from, or simply do a try run of an approach and get instant feedback.
Highroller – thanks man, you were awesome.
The content
Mr. M is a great advocate of what he calls “the man game” direct approaches with sexual intent that quickly establish what the night is going to be all about. Thus, apart from learning the regular official content, we were treated to his own (and of the support team’s) personal game insights. What made it work brilliantly was their ability to clearly indicate what the source of the insight was, and to credit the different PUAs with them. Often these were at odds with the official materials, but the conflicts were clearly stated and drawn out.
Having read the book “The Game” it was refreshing and relieving to see that the PUA community had continued to innovate and develop strategy and tactics. Much has changed since the publication of the book, and would encourage anybody who has read it to take a bootcamp to update themselves on the latest thought processes, and practical applications of this.
I will give words of warning though, like all knowledge, the tools and skills here are ethically neutral. They can be wielded for great good, or for great evil, and for most people somewhere in between. “With great power comes great responsibility” (Spiderman). I would encourage everyone to watch the movie “Dangerous Liaisons” (1997) with an all star cast, as a reality check on how you want to use this knowledge, and even the possibilities both for right and wrong.
Why the bootcamp?
Apart from all the stuff above, I really bought into the need for attending a bootocamp. There is something to be said for a group of individuals entering a club together with a single purpose, and being able to help and criticize each other through the process. I was shocked at some of the transformations that took place. Within a few nights shy people had become confident and outgoing, individuals who could hardly speak to girls were now figuring out how to handle 2-3 at a time. The bootcamp is an accelerated learning experience, and a great way to get some structure and personalized feedback. I also think I made some great friends, and look forward to keeping in touch with them. ?
Exec Summary:
It rocked. Period.
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"Truly Life-Changing Experience"
July 04, 2009
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
I recommend this bootcamp and Fader as an instructor. Fader is a good guy and will work with his students. He is very responsive and is interested in his students’ understanding of the material and progress. There were two other students at my bootcamp, and I enjoyed their company greatly. I thought our group had great chemistry and I was able to learn a lot from the other guys as well. I think I was probably the “weak link.” Fader purposely kept his bootcamp smaller, and this was a huge benefit. If I had any suggestions for a better bootcamp, it would be to research the city and the venues beforehand, so that there would be a short-list of the clubs to visit. Next time, I would also suggest that Fader stay in downtown Charlotte, where the clubs and better hotels are located. Thanks, Fader, for everything. I would guess, years from now, I will look back on our weekend, and appreciate the truly life-changing experience it was.
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"One of the BEST DECISIONS I Have Ever Made."
September 27, 2009
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
When I met Fader, I could tell that this weekend was going to change my life. His passion and experience, along with his honesty with himself and others sets him and his workshops apart, in that it will lay a strong foundation for the rest of your life.
Fader’s teaching method is not only comprehensive in the sense that he is actively still learning from the other “masters” so that he can pass this along to his students but also very intelligent in that he teaches his students the psychology and the “why” behind what works and what doesn’t work so that you can understand your future sticking points and resolve them on your own.
I highly recommend the field portion of the program with Fader – that is where I learned how to think on my feet and correct any actions that were not helping me meet my objectives. Being new, Fader knows where people get stuck and will correct what needs to be corrected.
It also gave us an opportunity to watch Fader in action – which will speed your learning curve tremendously. Fader showed no fear in going up to women (he will teach you why) and was able to create attraction / comfort / seduction situations that I frankly thought were impossible. One student said that the in field portion of the bootcamp was well worth the price of admission. I definitely agree.
A few recommendations for attending his sessions:
• Come with an open mind and be prepared for your life to change
• Come well rested (Fader has a TON of experience and wants to share as much as he can
• On that note, bring a laptop (way too much to jot down on a notepad)
• Stay in the same hotel as Fader – just makes the logistics easier
My goal for this workshop was to learn how to approach women in different settings and push myself through the different stages of the model. I know that what I learned this past weekend has made an incredible difference already and will allow me to pursue the opportunities I choose in the future.
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