Love & Respect

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Product Information
Based on decades of counseling and scientific and biblical research, “Love & Respect” is a marriage book showing husbands how to make their wives feel loved and how wives can make husbands feel respected. This book aims to help change the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other.
This book reveals:
- Why spouses react negatively to each other
- How they can quickly, easily, and biblically deal with conflict
- Kindle eBook
- Book
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Introduction: Love Alone Is Not Enough
Part One: The Crazy Cycle
1. The Simple Secret to a Better Marriage
2. To Communicate, Decipher the Code
3. Why She Won’t Respect: Why He Won’t Love
4. What Men Fear Most Can Keep the Crazy Cycle Spinning
5. She Fears Being a Doormat: He’s Tired of “Just Not Getting It”
6. She Worries About Being a Hypocrite: He Complains, “I Get No Respect!”
7. She Thinks She Can’t Forgive Him: He Says, “Nobody Can Love That Woman!”
Part Two: The Energizing Cycle
8. C-O-U-P-L-E: How to Spell Love to Your Wife
9. Closeness – She Wants You to Be Close
10. Openness – She Wants You to Open Up to Her
11. Understanding – Don’t Try to “Fix” Her; Just Listen
12. Peacemaking – She Wants You to Say, “I’m Sorry”
13. Loyalty – She Needs to Know You’re Committed
14. Esteem – She Wants You to Honor and Cherish Her
15. C-H-A-I-R-S: How to Spell Respect to Your Husband
16. Conquest – Appreciate His Desire to Work and Achieve
17. Hierarchy – Appreciate His Desire to Protect and Provide
18. Authority – Appreciate His Desire to Serve and Lead
19. Insight – Appreciate His Desire to Analyze and Counsel
20. Relationship – Appreciate His Desire for Shoulder-to-Shoulder Friendship
21. Sexuality – Appreciate His Desire for Sexual Intimacy
22. The Energizing Cycle Will Work If You Do
Part Three: The Rewarded Cycle
23. The Real Reason to Love and Respect
24. The Truth Can Make You Free, Indeed
Conclusion: Pink and Blue Can Make God’s Purple
Appendix A: A Lexicon of Love and Respect: Reminders of What to Say, Do, or Think to Practice Love and Respect in Your Marriage
Appendix B: Personal Love and Respect Inventory for Husbands and Wives
Appendix C: How to Ask Your Mate to Meet Your Needs
Appendix D: What about Exceptions to the Love and Respect Pattern?
Appendix E: What If Your Husband Is a Workaholic?
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $13.18
- Hardcover $13.56
- Paperback $15.25
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