Last Longer Tonight

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Product Information
"Last Longer Tonight" is designed to help men last long enough in bed in order for both the woman to enjoy having an orgasm, as well as himself, together. Gabrielle Moore offers her sexual solution to consistently give your partner an orgasm during sex and take control of your orgasm while staying fully present and enjoying her.
It also is intended to show how a man can raise the setting on his orgasmic thermostat and control it to last longer. The program includes nude live video demonstrations from a female sex instructor and instructor couple.
Bonuses include:
- The Ten Minute Staminia Boost
- Longer Stronger Orgasms For Him
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Shin’s orgasmic thermostat techniques
- What to avoid doing if you want to last longer in bed
- Understanding why it takes so long for your woman to orgasm
- A technique that doubles the length and strength of your orgasm
- How to last longer and control your orgasm when you have sex
- A switch that assures her sexual loyalty to you and crave sex with you
- Discover something that cements you in her mind as the best lover she’s ever had
- How to make a woman stop comparing your sexual performance to her ex-boyfriends
- Building sexual confidence in order to create the magnetism of being treated like a celebrity
- Orgasmic stretching technique: to stretch out the length of her orgasm, and double your orgasm and strength
What You Get:
Online video program
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee