Kinetic Attraction

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Editor Review
"Best Program On The Market For Using Body Language To Meet And Attract Women"
Lesedi Phaahla
Last Update: March 22, 2025
Based on science, and removes all the guesswork from body language. Shows you exactly how to approach, attract and keep a woman with positive body language. Also shows you how to flip the script and get women to approach you first.
The course assumes that you have handled your verbal communication, since it mainly focuses on body language. If you're looking for advice on how to talk to women, you won't get much of that here.
The course content is disorganized in that the bonuses are separated. Some of them appear before the actual course content such as Seduce Me and Inner Nympho.
Breaks down the process of first meeting a woman then escalating to kissing and having sex. Adam also shares his secrets for setting up threesomes and creating open relationships. (He's in a long-term threeway relationship with two women.)
Not much detail on how to talk to women. For that, you may want to check out Say Hello by Christian Hudson or Make Small Talk Sexy by Bobby Rio.
What Kinetic Attraction Is All About
Kinetic Attraction is Adam Lyons' guide to body language mastery. Adam states in the beginning of the product, "Only 7% of communication is verbal. The remaining 93% is non-verbal". Adam reiterates this fact throughout the course. Because he wants to get you thinking about dating and attraction in a different way.This statistic of communication being 93% non verbal has been used a lot over the years. The truth is it comes from a study where the result has been misinterpreted and quoted as fact by people who didn't understand the full purpose of the study. Despite this error, the fact remains that body language plays a crucial role in all communication.
Adam mentions at the beginning of the product that every man who wants to master body language and have success with women, must own his vulnerabilities.
These vulnerabilities range from being overweight to balding. This is key because our body language communicates how we feel about ourselves. If your insecurity is handled and it does not affect you that will be obvious to everyone else, especially women.
The product is divided into 7 modules. Each consists of 2 to 4 videos, varying between 15 to 25 minutes in length. It is accompanied by 4 video bonuses as well as 5 ebook bonuses. These ebooks address many topics from conversational confidence to sexual techniques.
How To Read Body Language
In this first section Adam shows you how to read body language and how to make your body language attractive to someone else reading it. Many principles apply here such as whoever shows their vital organ areas to the other person, is the more interested party.If a person's feet tap on the ground or move around, they are uncomfortable in their current situation and want to leave. Matching head height helps build rapport. One of the most effective ways to lock-in an interaction is to rest your shoulders on a permanent fixture. Like a lamp post for example.
These are just a few of the techniques that Adam discusses in the "Reading Body Language" section. They are designed to assist you in an interaction. So when you notice a woman is uncomfortable or bored, you know how to adjust.
Signs Before You Speak
This section can also be called honest signals. He discusses it from both sides, male honest signals and female honest signals. He explains what a female approach looks like. The female approach is completely different to a male approach. He then shows you how to move the interaction forward after she has approached you.He then has a mini-approach masterclass with many helpful tips. Such as when you're in front of a woman and you try to touch her shoulder it may make her uncomfortable. This because up until your hand actually lands on her shoulder it looks like you're trying to strangle her.
Adam explains why you should avoid touching women in certain areas, and how it can make them uncomfortable. This isn't just the obvious ones that are too sexual, and I know that a lot of men will find this useful because they make this mistake with women all the time.
There's also some great advice about what signs to look for that signal you should immediately change the topic, so you don't risk boring her and losing her interest. Again, this is stuff that guys are oblivious to all the time. So if you find yourself in conversations where women lose interest and you're not sure why, this section will be really helpful.
This kind of body language reading will always keep you one step ahead of every other guy trying to attract women. Because often they pay no attention to the woman's body language.
Sexual Escalation
This section is the most loaded with content and for good reason. Because this is the stage where most men fail if they've made it past the approach. Adam reiterates that the best way to have sex with a woman is to make it clear to her that sex is not on the cards. This establishes a non-needy frame. Once sex is off the table, you must build an emotional connection with the woman.Adam then explains his sequence of sexual escalation once the girl is back at your place, or her place, wherever the sex location is. He also shows you how to make sex seem like it was her idea and even how to get her to chase you for it.
For guys who are used to doing all the work to make sex happen, this can be a game-changer. Because once a woman starts putting in more effort than you to turn things sexual, there's no longer any resistance. The whole process will feel smoother and more natural, and that's how it should be.
Finally in this section he shows you how to help a woman achieve a squirting orgasm. There's some solid info here but it's not a complete course on the subject. If this is something you're interested in learning more about, check out this list of squirting orgasm products.
Get Out Of The Friendzone
Adam emphasizes the fact that you're in the friend zone means you did something wrong in the beginning of the interaction. So if you know what your sticking points are, you should work on those areas.Since a key aspect of escaping the friend zone is increasing physical intimacy, he shows you techniques to do so. These include the $10 000 Hug, The Boyfriend Destroyer Hug, The Hip Tilt and also techniques to get a woman to hold your hand or lock arms with you.
This section focuses on cheat-proofing your relationship and remaining a dominant male. Adam explains biologically how relationships are supposed to function. He also explains how society has drifted away from that.There are several principles he elaborates on in this section. Such as remaining non-reactive, non-aggressive and always being nice to their friends. Adam stresses this last point. He never wants his girlfriends to feel like they have to choose between their friends and him. That's because that is generally where lying starts in a relationship. Adam emphasizes honesty and openness in a relationship.
In the Open Relationships & Threesomes section Adam shares one of his most infamous techniques, The Hefner Hello. This is a 5 word phrase that gets a woman to want to be in a threesome or open relationship with you. I've tried it myself and it yielded pleasant results.
Marketing Versus Reality & My Personal Experience
On the sales page for the product many promises are made. Such as guarantees of a threesome, open relationships, escaping the friend zone and becoming a sex god.I'm sure with enough time and practice all these can be true but not all have been true for me. Since trying out this product I have gotten a threesome and broken out of the friendzone. But I have not been able to secure an open relationship.
I can tie it down to not having screened the women properly like Adam suggests in the "Relationships" section. But everyday, I'm working on applying the techniques I have learned in this course. I've also helped several women experience squirting orgasms. This wouldn't have been possible without this product.
There are 4 bonus video sections, consisting of 2 to 4 videos in each section. They are Seduce Me, Inner Nympho, Open Relationships & Double Dates and Two Girlfriends One Approach.There are also 5 E-Book bonuses Touch Her S-Spot, Sexual Texting, The F*** Buddy Formula, Conversational Confidence and Take Her Breath Away. These bonuses are also based on scientific research.
Seduce Me
Seduce Me is the first video bonus that appears in the members area. It consists of 8 videos, all of which are interviews with women.The first video in Seduce Me is How To Be A Nice Guy That Gets Laid! In it several women of different backgrounds explain how it is that men end up in the dreaded friend zone. Of course you guessed it - the nice guy purgatory. Although many of these girls reveal that being nice in and of itself is not the reason for being in the friend zone. It's the manipulation that comes with it.
Nice guys are generally only nice because they want something in return. The women explain how you can be nice with a shade of bad boy added to your persona that'll make you even more attractive.
The second video in Seduce Me is Women On: Magnetic Attraction. One factor that stood out to me was that almost all the women agreed that one of the male character traits that create magnetism is being grounded.
This follows on the theme of the first video as they continue to discuss another reason why many men end up in the friend zone. This is simply because they aren't grounded.
Many men put on a facade with women. This almost always backfires because women are very intuitive. According to these women all men should be self-assured. If they aren't, their success with women and life in general dwindles away.
The third video is The First Few Seconds. The women discuss approaches and the various ways in which men have approached them. All women attested to the fact they dislike the approach that focuses on her physical features. Many of then also disliked the approach that seeks to buy her drinks.
The reason why these two approaches are unattractive to most women is because there is nothing left to be desired. The woman knows you want her and there is no challenge for her. All these women agreed that the enjoy it when a man is challenging.
The tips these women give vary. But one common theme I saw was that women appreciate it when you approach them with an observation you made about them. For example you like the book she's reading. These things may seem silly and even trivial but they strike a woman's attention.
The fourth video in Seduce Me is Keep Your Conversation From Dying Out. The women have various things to say addressing this particular topic. The resounding answer was to find some sort of balance.
Some men talk about themselves too much, while other talk about the woman too much. They stress the importance of balance in conversation. But for the first few moments the man must assume the burden of the conversation. But once rapport has been established he should switch between topics about him and topics about her.
The fifth video is Touch Her Like This. All the women have different preferences on how and where they enjoy being touched. But all the women said that it's important that the man initiated physical contact early in the conversation. If this is something you're not doing or are uncomfortable with, this will be a huge help for you.
Additionally, calibration is as important as an early start. What this means is you should know when to touch her. Opportune moments to touch her generally occur when you ask her a question, when she has an emotional spike or if you're rewarding her for qualifying.
The sixth video is First Dates That Don't Suck. In this segment the women discuss their idea of a bad first date and a good one. Many agreed that dinner or lunch is not the best idea for a first date as there is too much pressure. A better idea would be going to some kind of event whether it be a baseball match, a carnival or the ballet. The first date should have very little pressure on the woman.
Another tip that was shared is to keep conversations on the first date light-hearted. Yes it is important to build connection, but that does not mean pouring your heart out to the woman. Connection can be build in a light-hearted way.
The seventh video is Toe-Curling Bedroom Tips. The women discuss their idea of great sex. One important tip was to ensure that the woman you intend to sleep with is as aroused as you are. If she gives you pitiful sex it will be a bad experience for her.
Sexual confidence is reiterated by all the women, unfortunately this cannot be faked and can only be built up with dedicated practice.
Many of the women also said that it's important for the man to gauge her reactions during sex. If he only cares about pleasing himself without paying attention to what excites her it will be an unpleasant experience for her.
The eighth and final video in Seduce Me is Get Her, Then Keep Her Around. In this video the women discuss how men should go about initiating relationships with women.
A common tip was that the man shouldn't try rush into the relationship. A foundation of attraction and comfort should be laid out, and the relationship will build naturally from there.
Additionally, while you're getting to know each other, it's important to remember to give her space. Not in the sense that you neglect her. But rather giving her space to miss you and think about you. If you're always in each other's space there is little to be desired.
Another integral aspect of a relationship that many of the women touched on was having shared experiences. One way to keep the passion fiery in a relationship is to have new experiences with your partner, whether it be attending a festival or going on a cooking course. It builds a narrative between you and the woman, and after enough experiences you'll find that she is unwilling to let go.
Inner Nympho
Inner Nympho is the second bonus in the Kinetic Attraction members area. It consists of 4 MP3 files called "Private Sexual Confessions". Each of the confessions last over an hour. All of the confessions are interviews with different women.They reveal different sex positions and techniques geared to drive them wild with sensation. They also reveal how to get the woman into a sexual state and more on threesomes and open relationships. Unfortunately these topics are too explicit to detail in this review.
Touch Her S-Spot
This ebook is the first of 5 bonus ebooks that come with Kinetic Attraction. It focuses on causing a woman to ejaculate with the use of your fingers. However more emphasis is placed on the mood than the action. A woman needs to be completely aroused while being completely comfortable, to have a squirting orgasm.This ebook explains the different types of orgasms, erogenous zones, techniques as well as drawings of the anatomy of the vagina. Touch Her S-Spot is quite insightful at just under 30 pages.
Sexual Texting
This focuses on texting specific words that create sexual images in the woman's mind, it also gives you examples of how to use them. For example the word "swallow". Depending on the conversation with the woman you could say "can you swallow the whole thing?" or "is it hard to swallow?"However not much detail is given on why these words and phrases work. If you're struggling with texting we recommend How2TxtHer by Christian Hudson.
The F*ck Buddy Formula
This ebook is divided into 2 chapters. The first being The 5 Steps To Getting A F*ck Buddy. The second being How To Keep A F*ck Buddy Relationship From Getting Messy.Many misconceptions about these types of relationships are addressed. Particularly, how long these types of relationships last. Which is generally no longer than 3 months.
Conversational Confidence
This is different from many other 'conversation' products I've read. In that it cuts all fluff and gets straight to the point.What I found interesting was the section on the two types of listening. There's the first type of listening that we do naturally as men. Then there's the type of listening women want to see us doing. Paying attention to what she's saying is critical. Also remember to not hang on her every word, this appears try hard. Just like any other element of attractiveness there must be balance.
Take Her Breath Away
Take Her Breath Away is the fifth and final ebook bonus and focuses on approaching women. Overall there's some really solid info here that'll help you if approaching is something you need to work on.In the Skills chapter special attention is brought to the importance of energy. Good energy can be brought about by exercising at least 3 days a week. Or meditating for 10 to 15 minutes a day by simply focusing on your breathing. I tried this myself and it yielded positive results.
The Plan Of Action chapter stood out for me because I've read countless E-Books on approaching women but none of them actually gave me a missions list. This chapter has daily missions from Sunday to Saturday. All these missions purposefully sharpen your approaching skills.
The Bottom Line
Comprehensive product that is largely focused around body language and physical touch. Best product on the market for practical advice about the sometimes difficult topic of body language.Breaks down the process of first meeting a woman then escalating to kissing and having sex. Adam also shares his secrets for setting up threesomes and creating open relationships. (He's in a long-term threeway relationship with two women.)
Not much detail on how to talk to women. For that, you may want to check out Say Hello by Christian Hudson or Make Small Talk Sexy by Bobby Rio.
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Product Information
Online video course taught by Adam Lyons about how to attract women and make them chase you using body language.
- Book
- Online Video
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Main Modules
- Body Language Gets You Success
- Reading Body Language
- Signs Before You Speak
- Get Out Of The Friend Zone
- In A Relationship
- Sexual Escalation
- Online Dating
- Open Relationships
- Threesomes
-The F@ck Buddy Formula: Learn How To Make Her A Friend With Benefits
-Take Her Breath Away: Use These Secrets To Approach ANY Girl With Confidence
-Touch Her S-Spot: Learn How To Give Her Mind-Blowing, Explosive Orgasms.
-Sexual Texting: You Can Add Some Fire & Passion To Your Relationships With The Push Of A Button.
-Conversational Confidence: Learn The "5 Conversation Killers"- & Tips On How To Never Run Out Of Things To Say On A Date Again.
What You Get:
25 online videos
5 e-books
Guarantee / Terms:
60-day money back guarantee