Kill The Crap In Dating

Dating Coach: Kephra Rubin
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This book is a fiction piece based on personal experience of the author and interviews with men from a variety of backgrounds. Although this is a work of fiction, readers have often mistaken it for a real dating advice book.
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User Reviews of Kill The Crap In Dating
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
"The author is better than the book"
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Reviewed by S
December 15, 2012
December 15, 2012
I don't even know where to start with this. I really can't say enough good things about the author, but there's plenty bad to say about the book. The book is badly written, IMHO. I bought it based on reviews I read and the author advertised he was willing to coach you when you bought the book, which seemed different. Everything I'd read before never seemed to really fit me. The catch was you had to actually read the entire book first, and that was really hard. I told him this in an email and he agreed to coach me without finishing the book. Now, the information I got from him directly was good enough to change my life. Not just my dating life I'm talking everything. I have a better job, better friends, better relationship with my parents. What was weird was a lot of what he said to me contradicted what he wrote in the book. He said he found it difficult to take all of his ideas and put them on paper. If he were a better writer I think a lot of guys would benefit. Several women I shared his ideas with also felt what he had to say was important because it seemed to help me really understand them. I've read a lot of dating books and he was the only one able to get through to me with something more than pre-canned nonsense. Also, he didn't try to make copies of himself, he asked a lot of questions and tried to figure out who I was and what I was looking for, not what he thought I should be. That was the idea behind "kill the crap" that nonsense gets piled up onto us over the years and covers up who we really are, and maybe we lie to ourselves, too and don't really know what we want. Kill all that crap and what's left is what you really want. Lately I've been seeing new books that start to touch on things he shared with me years ago, this guy was/is so far ahead of his time it's crazy. I was so convinced people needed to hear what he had to say, I tried reaching out to him. I told him I thought he should sit down with a professional writer. He took my advice, but trusted some stupid people to help him with the writing and promotion etc. After a while he said that the book was taking up too much of his dating time and he simply didn't care about it enough to sacrifice his personal life to it. As far as I know, the book is no longer in production. It's sad that the best always seem to lack the necessary business sense. Hopefully he changes his mind and finds some good people to work with. If you do find a copy, I'm not sure it's worth the money or your time. If you ever come across the author, I think it's worth all the time he'll give you.
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