
Editor Review
"Home Run. Practical and Innovative Program to Transform Your State & Confidence"
Relevant to pretty much everyone - one caveat: Men who understand or are openminded as to the importance of inner game and state, and ready to put their faith in a process to get them there will get the most value from this course.
There are a number of programs that have delivered "state control" based advice to help you take control of your dating life. Historically, it has been one of the hardest areas to teach - because of how intangible it is.
Think about this - have you ever heard a woman say "I like men that are confident" or "confidence is the most important in a guy"? Of course you have. And you've heard it throughout the press all the time - you even see it portrayed in movies. We have known for a long time, from science, that confidence is key to attraction and the quality of relationships - in particular for men.
But practical advice in how to take someone from a place of low self esteem, insecurity, neediness and low or no confidence to where he needs to be - highly confidence, secure in himself and non-needy - has been few and far between. Basically taking you from a mind state of low confidence, to a mind state of confidence consistently.
The best program to date was Hypnotica's The Collection of Confidence, and while being an excellent program, was originally created over 10 years ago.
So a program taking advantage of many of the new science and discoveries and applying this in the form of practical and actionable information has been a long time coming. It's finally here - in the form of David's Invincible program. While not perfect, it is a huge upgrade on what has existed to date.
Read on to understand why...
Do You Understand Why Confidence or Inner Game Is Important?
This course tackles why you need to spend your time and effort working - seriously - on your inner game, from a clear framework. Before jumping into exercises and more practical material, David ensures to cover why it's worth your time, and to explain how and where it sabotages or interferes with your current efforts.I know from experience that this is an essential step. Part of the issue is that changing your mind - reprograming it - isn't easy. It takes effort, and following and working through exercises - properly. Something that sadly, most students just don't do. They skip exercises, not engaging with them properly, and thus don't get the results they seek.
So David's clear breakdown at each step of his process as to why you need to follow through - is essential. He's very thorough with this and it's all relatable, with many examples, metaphors and analogies that anyone should be able to relate to.
Broad Set of Practical Mind Reprogramming Tools
The biggest focus of the program are two areas of practical information:- Techniques and practical tips to get you into the right state of mind and to control your state.
- Mind reprogramming exercises to do at home
In total there are over 32 hours of video and around 5 hours of audio. It's a lot of material to get through - but here's the reality - changing your mind and it's thought patterns and behavior is not just a click away. So the mass of material is warranted, and there isn't a lot of fluff or superfluous information in the course.
There are areas that are repeated here and there - however, I personally feel from experience (my own personal, my peer group, and students over the years) that this is necessary to get the results.
David has drawn from his own experiences and journey basically combining every tool he found and used to get himself to where he is today. You may recognize some of these tools, if you've been actively working on this area previously - David draws from the work of Antony Robbins, and a lot of the popular and researched science that has been published over the last 10 years.
This area of the program is where the money is - it's where this course sets itself apart from everything before it. At DSR we've known for a long time that "ease of implementation” is the biggest weakness of courses and programs, because it's the hardest part of a coach's or expert's job. This course has taken the hardest skillset area, inner game and confidence, and made huge strides of progress in making it easier for you to actually implement the advice and get it to work for you.
The Benefits of Strong Course Delivery
David is a strong speaker and delivers his content well - with power and emotion.This isn't something you typically think about when you buy a course or sign up to a program - but it is an essential ingredient. We've all heard that the majority of communication is based on non verbals and tonality. What we hear when we watch someone, and importantly how it impacts us - whether we trust it and act upon it, is defined more by their presence - than what they say.
So if you're interesting in getting the results from a course - delivery is key. And David is one of the strongest and grown into one of the most powerful speakers in this space. David is upping the standard in this area.
More importantly for this course specifically - and for confidence specifically - he exemplifies the "State” and "State Control” that the course is designed to give you. So you can learn not just from the course, but from watching him - seeing the connection of the course with him by taking him as a good solid example of what it will ultimately look like. (Study Tip: Consider how free he is in what he says, his emotions and his responses to students).
Some Content More Applicable to Culturally Asian Audiences
David is a Canadian, but he has been based in Singapore for the best part of the last decade. As a result, some of the content he includes in this course is specifically responding to members of an audience in his seminars in Singapore.For someone based in the US, or elsewhere, some of this will be less relevant to your situation - not something you have to be concerned with as much. There are specific cultural traits in Asia that influence inner game and confidence, and behaviors more so than elsewhere. David points these out, and references them at times during the course.
The downside for someone outside of Asia: Primarily these parts, probably 5% of the course total, may not be as relevant to you and your mindsets. However, I'd suggest paying attention - and pondering how much these points are relevant to you. There are some people, regardless of culture, that these will still be highly relevant too. For the majority though, the rest of the course will be what you should focus on.
Well Researched, Balanced and To the Point
David is a PhD, and formerly held a position at a University. So he has a strong academic background, which comes through in his presentations. He's obviously researched well, and broadly the topic. He references many further sources of information for you to study - the important books or footage you can use to go back to the science if you find that valuable. (Note: If you want to master this subject you should take advantage - and put time into studying these sources, so that you can see where David's program came from and it's based upon)The program also has a couple of other good points - in terms of his approach to it - he balances out use of different approaches, based on his experience of trying things out with student, so you aren't just given one way ignoring other tools. It's practical.
Additionally, David doesn't pull punches when he's talking. In fact it's more the opposite. He's quite happy to point out flaws and issues with anything he talks about, and challenge you to tear down previous learnings where he doesn't think they are beneficial. It's not a soft padded approach here - he does challenge you. And this may be uncomfortable for you, or get a slightly negative reaction from you at first (as you try to defend your beliefs) - but it's actually necessary.
Tackling Some the Main Issues with Pickup Artist Community Advice
One topic that comes up at several points in the program are some of the issues that guys are dealing with if they have studied a lot of pickup artist originated material, or they are participating in the pickup artist community (or are friends with a lot of pickup artists).You'll see that some of the men in his seminars are of this nature - and he spends time tearing down some of the things they have learned, that he sees are going to hold them back in either the short term or the long term. This is very valuable. I see many many guys who lack fulfillment, satisfaction and stagnate due to these issues. There is something about pickup artistry that draws men in - which would be fine if men didn't also take on some of its negative values, and long term self sabotaging beliefs (where it comes to actually feeling better about your life).
Now, if you are a hardcore fan of pickup artistry, it goes to say you are going to have a rough time and get shaken up here. You may not be ready for that. I'll tell you that it's necessary - I went through it 8 years ago, I've seen many of my peers who now consider themselves ex-pickup artists (including David) go through this process. If you ultimately want happiness - rather than serving your sexual need to hook up - or you are interested in relationships of any form, it's a process you will have to go through.
If you haven't studied pickup artistry or been part of its community, you'll learn how to avoid these types of ideals or ideas and approaches to your whole dating life - an important mine to avoid.
Targeting Specific Confidence Failure Points
Confidence can be situational. It's often situational.For example, you may be able to converse and attract women easily. However when it comes to making a move on them (kissing or taking them home) you flounder, are insecure, hesitate and blow it. Those are different situations.
I was happy to see David's program breaking out in some of its modules the different situations and providing tools to use in those situations. That's an innovation I haven't seen anywhere else - historically, the same tool has been said to help you in all areas. But it doesn't work like that in my experience.
So this is an area of practical innovation, that will be very effective. It's more specific and targeted to your individual needs.
How Does the Program Content Compare with the Marketing?
The main promise made by the marketing is that you will be put through an 8 step process that will put your state within your control. David calls this the "Dao State”.I don't think you should focus too much on that name (originating from Chinese culture). David's background was in part in study of Asian Philosophies, Culture and so on. So he draws from some of his material, and ideas from there. It's part of how he looks at the world - through an additional lens, many of you won't have. (I have some of this lens myself from having lived in Asia a decade myself - and it broadened and deepened my understanding of women. You can listen to David and I talking about this in this interview).
The 'dating promise' behind the program is that you will thus be able to attract higher quality of women, without so much hard work, and that the women will love you, for you - and stay with you. Rather than leave or not be interested enough to date you longer than 3 months.
It is a fact that virtually all men need both more State Control, and a better and stronger Natural State baseline in order to get all these things. And his program, as previously mentioned, does a good job at giving you this.
The marketing, as is typical, makes it sound easier than it really is. It's true that once you nail your state down it becomes effortless. The hard part is getting there. And that is an investment of effort and time into David's program in this case. Also - it's perseverance. Since change of this type is uncomfortable - and when you get uncomfortable you tend to ponder dropping it - the key is to just push through that, keep to the program, and ignore it.
That's my only real criticism of the marketing - otherwise the claims of results are reasonable. Put the time and effort in, and you'll get there.
Who is this Program a Good Fit For? Not a Good Fit For?
This course is relevant to you if you understand the value of state already, but don't know how to practically access and use it.Or if you are open minded enough to just have faith in it - and work through this course. David supports this process by providing a lot of the "WHY it Works" information.
Having established that, it is also probably that you are a better fit for this course if you tend to like to study, understand how things work, have a high educated background and so on - simply due to the fact that David presents a lot of research and references in his courses - it's aimed at people who want to get deeper than just a superficial understanding.
Course Availability, Cost and Other Items
David has chosen not to leave this program open to sign up to all the time. He restricts intakes to a few periods of each year.So if you do decide to buy the course, and then are confronted with a "Wait List" option only - it will be because it’s currently closed. David notifies people who put themselves on the wait list whenever the next “Open Phase” starts for the program sign-ups.
This cost of this course, at between $497 - $597 is also higher than many of the others in its category. There's certainly a lot of content provided to back up a high price point (Over 32 hours of video) - however whether the price point is a good fit for you or not, will depend on your personal situation.
The program is delivered within Aura University's (David's company's) programs, so has access to his private member's forums also.
The number of men in the forums are not many at this point, in part due to David's premium pricing of his courses. However, when you dig into the forums - the people who are there, are actively engaged with the programs and that's a positive sign.
Also David himself posts responses to queries etc. in the forums. You can see he takes a hands on approach to his programs - which is relatively unusual for online courses.
The Bottomline
This course is without a doubt the best in this category. It excels in providing you some clear practical advice and exercises to implement the work. To change your inner game and confidence, and put it where it needs to be for long term fulfillment and sustainable results in this area.Here's what I think you need to consider before buying this:
- Will you actually follow the exercises? You will feel uncomfortable, need to put your energy into them, and you'll need to put faith in the process - as you more than likely won't fully understand all these exercises.
- What are your current goals? Are you just looking to get laid a lot? Or is there something more you are looking for - relationships, inner fulfillment, satisfaction, happiness? From experience, if you are more focused on your short term need for sex - you will be better served by taking the shorter route by learning some conversation and attraction skills. I know that it's not what you'll need in the long term, but I also know that I can't persuade most men about that until they've been through the process, had the experiences, and learnt about it for themselves.
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Product Information
PROGRAM AVAILABILITY NOTE: Sometimes Invincible is closed / filled. So you may find that only a waitlist is available currently. In this case, you can get on the program early notification reopening list via providing your email address.
Invincible is offered as “The Secret Ancient Dao of Effortlessly Attracting Women”. This new program by David Tian reveals how to be your natural self and attract the woman of your dreams, as well as attracting others into your social circle.
This eight-week online video course is designed to give you control over your dating and social interactions, become your best self, and give you total emotional self-control. It is intended to help you:
- Get a woman to actively pursue you
- Trigger a woman’s romantic thoughts
- Avoid wasting time cold approaching women
- Appeal to the deepest part of a woman’s emotional core
- Make a woman feel a strong, immediate attraction to you
- Naturally and effortless succeed with women and relationships
The program also shows you how to become sexually confident. It uses The Dao State, the ancient attraction code of ancient kings and emperors, to show you how to attract an abundance of women.
Invincible is comprised of 4 modules:
- Module 1: The Dao State of Power
- Module 2: The Dao State of Attraction
- Module 3: The Dao State of Value
- Module 4: The Dao State of Seduction
- Module 5: The Dao State of Freedom
- Module 6: The Dao State Escalation
- Module 7: The Dao State of Control
- Module 8: The Dao State of Mastery
- Module 9: The Dao State of Victory
The program covers what is taught in David Tian’s “The Desire System”, in addition to 35+ hours of online video and audio, slides, worksheets, and built-in accountability.
- Lifetime access
- Bonus bootcamp videos
- Access to Invincible private community
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Module One: The Dao State of Power
- How to be attractive just by being who you naturally are
- What all women want in a man and how you can have it
- Internalizing what you learn so you can effortlessly do it all, without thinking
- How to make your life amazing, attract women, and bring you happiness and fulfillment
- The secret science and ancient philosophy behind The Dao State, Flow, and Effortless Charisma
Module Two: The Dao State of Attraction
- Luring women into chasing you
- Creating an aura of desirability
- Implanting your ideas into a woman’s mind
- Creating an attractive presence so a woman is drawn to you
- Using vulnerability strategically so her guard is not activated
- How to incite desire in a woman to get her obsessed with you
Module Three: The Dao State of Value
- How to be more sexually attractive at a biochemical level
- The two fundamental fears driving every man and woman
- Using body language to control your emotions, as well as hers
- Using the Power of Reflection to rewire your brain for happiness and success with women
- Why most people have no control over their emotions or success, and avoiding this mistake
- Changing unconscious, basic beliefs sabotaging your happiness and attractiveness to women
Module Four: The Dao State of Seduction
- How to make a woman pursue you
- How to make her dependent on, if you want
- How to keep the relationship strong and passionate
- How to get a woman to fantasize about you so she can’t resist you
- Getting women to trust you, feel comfortable with you, and believe your sincerity
Module Five: The Dao State of Freedom
- Breaking free of limiting beliefs preventing you from success with women
- A method for developing powerful confidence that women can feel from you
- Using the mind to fix the inner issues preventing ultimate success with women
- How to eliminate “internal B.S.” and instill mature self-confidence that quality women look for
- The hidden link between your upbringing and the fears preventing you from attracting women
Module 6: The Dao State of Escalation
- How to think and get laid
- Developing Flow and making it your default state of being
- The best ways to approach women and initiate conversations
- How to control and direct a conversation where you want it to go
- Develop the ability to make conversations last as long as you want
Module 7: The Dao State of Control
- How to get women to pursue you
- A powerful technique to become your most attractive self
- What women really want from a man and how to be their ideal man
- Using body language and voice tone to turn women on in a powerful way
- The 3-part model for knowing exactly what to do in every situation with women
- Discover your deepest motivations and inspiration to live a fulfilling and attractive life to women
Module 8: The Dao State of Mastery
- How to touch a women so she welcomes and enjoys it
- Five simple steps for giving a woman the date of her dreams
- How to project a sexual vibe so women will want to sleep with you
- A script for what to say to a woman over the phone so she’s excited to meet you
- How to actualize yourself as a better human being in order to attract a “Total 10”
- How to easily and naturally show a woman that you're a leader through your touch
Module 9: The Dao State of Victory
- How to make any conversation with a woman fun and sexy
- Using humor to make a woman chase you in a way that she enjoys
- Convincing even the most intimidating women to chase and prove themselves to you
- A mental exercise that integrates the Invincible program towards guaranteeing you success
What You Get:
- 35 hours of video classes
- Private Invincible forum
- FAQ worksheets and handouts
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Payment options:
- Three monthly payments of $199
- One payment of $497
User Reviews of Invincible
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Best Inner Game program i've seen (and i've seen many!)"
October 29, 2016
Through the last 10 years or so, I've been studying "Pickup" obsessively from almost every source available, only to realize i was more unhappy an unfulfilled. Looking for validation from women, weather it be from sex or from a flirty smile from a beautiful girl. And seeking the approval of others.
Also, in the process, getting confused from all the information overload out there.
Invincible does an amazing job giving you a hard solid healthy ground to build your "game" on.
While RSD's Blueprint gave me incredible insights about myself and the world, i feel that Invincible by David Tian not only gives me those amazing a-ha moments where your reality literally changes, it also gives me exercises, that i can use regularly, that help these a-ha moments get burnt in my mind and not fade away after the initial high of realization.
this program focuses deeply on the inner game, while at the same time gives you the basics of attraction, covering "outer game" strategies and understanding of social and personal interactions and relationships.
If you do the exercises you will feel that Tao State that David is talking about (commonly referred to as "State" in the PUA world).
David is truly passionate about helping guys all around the world have better lives and relationships (he's FB group and FREE youtube channel "Man-Up" just emphasizes that point further.
The customer service and packaging is amazing! David even answers most of the questions personally, and the forum and private Invincible FB group are very active with like minded people, so it helps keep you motivated and accountable doing the work in the program.
I'd recommend this program to anyone (Beginner to Expert) that would like to build a beast of a psychological, emotional and spiritual foundation for himself.
Anything you learn after that will be much more powerful and effective.
All that being said, in order to have it work for you, you actually have to do the work, and luckily, David made it very applicable and straight forward hand holding you in the process, which is great! And the best part is you don't even need to leave your room to do the exercises :)
It's hard work, but it's worth it, and will possibly make a permanent change in your mind.
One last point..
Dr. Tian's (David) approach to dating and relationships is possibly, in my opinion, the healthiest in the industry. I'm a living proof that game can mess u up... And with Invincible it feels like i'm in therapy, uprooting psychological barriers accumulated through the years.
Truly a masterpiece in my opinion.
Highly recommended
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"The Art Of Living A Good Life"
November 03, 2016
It goes really deep about human psychology. David talks about how our behavior
manifested since birth as an infant all the way to how we are now as an adult. That our
bodies are growing physically but our psychology stays premature. He explains why
we us humans are operating this way, how we are biologically, and how we are wired.
David’s uses terms like OS to his students in order for them to understand what his
trying to deliver. He teaches the way how the emperors live their lives, thousands of
years ago who are all great philosophers. He reveals how to have the power without
having to manipulate. It taught me how to live in the most spontaneous way. People
thinks to be good with women you have to approach hundreds of woman and have
hundreds of sex from you which is true in a way because we learned from our experiences
but Invincible thought me how to be sufficiently great instantaneously. For me Invincible
is like having a master key that opens any lock, whether it be woman, relationships and life.
Invincible is one of my favorite teachings on Inner psychology.
Personally, It has massive impacted in my life.
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""Amazing Program for Building Inner Confidence to Become Naturally Attractive""
November 03, 2016
My favourite part about the program was that the training applied to every person no matter the level they were at in the dating world. It really helped me learn what my own true needs were, and that allowed me to focus on those needs rather than just have my world revolve around "getting" girls. David also stresses on how we must train rather than learn, which means the exercises are effective for the long term.
The program is also effective for practicing in the comfort of your home, so that you don't have to go waste your time and money going to bars to go try pickup on thousands of women. The lessons are relatively easy to apply, but you need to keep up with the program and continue to do the exercises in order to get the most out of it.
Overall, I would 100% recommend this program for anyone who wants to achieve true happiness and fulfilment with relationships. The fact that I can now be my true self without having to use any pickup lines or manipulation has positively changed my life entirely. Thanks for the awesome program David!
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"Beyond Inner Game"
October 31, 2016
The course uses different methods that I haven't seen in any other products. It's definitely something that changed my perspective in order to gain strong confidence in who you are, people will definitely see you in a different light. Most other products tell you to approach 1000's of women or do some crazy things, but the things in this course are easy to implement because all you have to do is watch it in the comfort of your chair!
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"Top notch inner game course"
April 03, 2017
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"A deeper program to improve yourself"
November 05, 2016
Already I have noticed a big change in myself and my attitude to life. I have gained great insight and have much clearer idea of what I want out of life and what kind of partner I want to be with. I will update this review further as I progress through the course.
If you are the man who is looking for something deeper than just memorising lines and techniques, and are willing to put in the work (mostly reflecting by yourself) then this is the best program out there to improve yourself as a man.
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"Become who you were meant to Be!"
November 09, 2016
you can go out their and do your thousands and thousands of approaches like some of the pua products out there but if you really want to learn how to become better with women but with people in general invincible will help your get their.
the program is easy to follow week by week. you get exercises you need to do. it give you step by step directions each week to guide you in the right direction.
my best experiences with his course give you great insight on what beliefs and inhibiting you from success and how to re write them with powerful beneficial beliefs.
this program will help build you from ground up in getting your thoughts right so you have that strong inner game in order for you to be that truly attractive and charismatic person not only will it help you with women but with people
I highly recommend invincible to any one who trying improve this area their life.
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"Transform Your Life"
June 27, 2017
I searched for and used other "life/relationship coaching materials" for more than a decade before I found David Tian's materials. But when I used those other products I always knew something was missing.
So with grit and determination I kept searching. If you are like I was (before finding Invincible and other David Tian/Aura materials) you probably have a lot of destructive, false notions in your head right now.
You think you need to get "better with women" to be happier, but that's a lie. You need a process that will help you shed years (maybe even decades) of "crap" from your mind and become the most mentally free, calm, fun, outcome-independent version of yourself you can possibly be. Invincible leads you through just such a process, step-by-step.
You think you need a relationship with a woman to make your life "happy and whole," but you don't. You need to become a happy and whole person first. Then interacting with women will become effortless. Invincible gives you the framework and tools to figure out what "happy and whole" means FOR YOU - and then move in that direction.
You think there is only one type of lifestyle that will "attract the best and hottest women," but that's a lie. You can figure out what you truly love, and want, and design a lifestyle that will make you happy and meet your needs. Then you will be happy, and this will attract the right types of people, including women, into your life. Invincible will give you the mental and physical training you need to find your "true loves" and "deepest needs" and design that new lifestyle.
You think sex is the most fulfilling pursuit in life, in and of itself, but it's not. Great sex is something that happens when you become a free, complete, happy man, know exactly what you want from your sexual relationships, and pursue the right women the right way. And, just as important, recognize that no matter how happy and healthy you become you cannot control many things that happen that interfere. Invincible is the product that will help you feel comfortable that you are doing the best you can, and that your life is being continually improved and optimized, making it much easier to deal with the inevitable uncertainty.
In short, making you the type of centered, strong man everyone (including women) will admire.
Most people live desperate lives and have unhappy relationships because they don't understand how they (and other people) "work." They are "stuck" because they try to run/improve their lives using the 5% of their brain that is the rational, cognitive, directly accessible part (the prefrontal cortex) when what is really driving them (and you, and women) is the other super powerful 95% (the unconscious, or subconscious) mind and the emotions it generates. And until you clean that out this part of your mind and reprogram it you will never be calm, whole, or happy.
With or without a woman.
To "clean out and reprogram" the 95% of your brain that is actually running your life, however, you must draw on deep knowledge from multiple disciplines (evolution, sociology, psychology, sexology).
Invincible is the program that does just that. It distills massive amounts of knowledge from all of these disciplines into a framework, process, and techniques you can use to address all of these areas so you can turn the corner towards a freer, happier, brighter future.
This, folks, is "it." The holy grail you need to understand yourself (and other humans) to the greatest extent possible.
Make the investment.
Do it now.
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"Best inner game product"
June 25, 2017
But Invincible and David made whole thing different. You may think this product is expensive. But I would say does money care a lot? if this program can change your whole life? Not just for getting laid at bars and clubs. But this program is also great for relationships. It is so helpful. David's stuff is a rock solid. Always works good.
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April 02, 2017
For those who are unaware, Invincible is a product that aims to help with your inner game, helping transform you from the inside out.
Through invincible you'll conquer your limiting beliefs, reascertain your purpose and values in life so that you'll be able to rewrite your own OS, as David Tian likes to succintly put it.
Dr David Tian is always helpful in his community group where people actively pose questions and ineract with one another.
The product itself is also well packaged and easily accessible on the go.
However, it's one that requires considerable commitment and dedication because you'll have to face rather ugly sides of yourself so be prepared.
Other than that, it's pretty solid. I'll recommend it to anyone looking to start his or her journey in the social arts :).
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