Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength – Second Edition

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Product Information
“Introvert Power” shows you how to embrace the power of your introversion. Psychologist and introvert Laurie Helgoe explains how introverts gain energy and power through reflection and solitude, as well as capitalizing on this inner source of power.
Some of the areas covered:
- Learning to claim private space
- Slow down the tempo of your life
- How to effectively deal with various social environments and interactions
- Kindle eBook
- Book
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Preface to the Second Edition
- America the Extroverted
- Introversion for All – or None
- The Big Lie
- Reviving Your Introversion
- What’s Inside
- Introvert Voices
Part I: Antisocial, Weird, or Displaced?
Chapter 1: The Mistaken Identity
- The Opposite of Social Is Not Antisocial
- The Opposite of Social Is Not Introverted
- We Are Not Snobs
- Introversion Is Not a Diagnosis
- The Abandonment of the Internal
- We Are Introverts
Chapter 2: Alone Is Not a Four-Letter Word
- The Culture of More
- The Threat of Solitude
- Introversion Interrupted
- The Fear of Solitude
- The Courage to Be Alone
Chapter 3: Becoming an Alien
- Alien Society or Alien Self?
- Shadow Dwellers: Goths, Geeks, and Fantasy Freaks
- No Place to Hide: The Accessible Introvert
- The Setup
- The Third Option
Chapter 4: “Anyone Else IN?”
- The Extroversion Assumption
- Finding Introverts
- A New Assumption
- Where the (Inner) Action Is
- My Space in Cyberspace
Chapter 5: The Get-Happier Mandate
- Put on a Happy Face
- Unhappy Pursuit
- The Right to Pursue Answers
- Happy to Fit In
- The “S” Word
- Inventing Depression, Prescribing Happiness
- The Downside of Up
- I’ll Have What I’m Having
Part II: The Introvert’s Wish List
Chapter 6: Meditating with the Majority: The Introverted Society
- Norden: Private and Proud
- Japan: Manners Over Mouth
- Introvertia
Chapter 7: A Room of Your Own
- Your Dream Room
- From Dream to Real
- Room Outside
- Office Space
Chapter 8: The Time to Think
- Time Poverty
- The Ticking Bomb Model
- From Deadline to Birth Time
- Nature’s Rhythm, Society’s Rhythm
- The Rhythm of Introversion
Chapter 9: The Right to Retreat
- What Is a Retreat?
- How Do I Know When to Go?
- A Society in Search of Introversion
- Overruling the Objections
- Retreat Dreams
- Mini-Retreats
Chapter 10: The Freedom of a Flaneur
- The Artist’s Eye
- Among, Yet Alone
- Flaneurie 101
- Your Invisibility Cloak
Chapter 11: Inroads to Intimacy
- Intimacy Through Ideas
- Sticking It Out
- Going Deep
Part III: Standing Still in a Loud World
Chapter 12: The Conversation Conundrum
- The Risk of Playing
- Slowing It Down
- Conversation Preparation
- Music to Our Ears
Chapter 13: The Anti-Party Guide
- “No” Is an Option
- Pros and Cons
- Establishing Your Terms
- Introverting at the Party
Chapter 14: Why Did I Want to Work with People?
- Doing Versus Thinking
- What is Work?
- A Culture of Interruption
- Introvert Exploitation
- Changing Your Mind
- Idea Inc
- Leading, Introvert-Style
Chapter 15: The Downside of Self-Containment
- The Lonely Hearth
- A Limited View
- Self-Reproach
- Stale Air
- Loss of Community
Chapter 16: Showing Up for Relationships
- The Problem of Family
- Introversion and Intimacy
- Loving Our Extroverts
- Relationship Assessment
Part IV: Outing the Introvert
Chapter 17: From Apology to Acceptance – and Beyond
- Apologies, Explanations, and Excuses
- The Place for Apology
- Introvert Integrity
Chapter 18: Celebrating Introversion
- Life in the Dark
- Introverts Are Cool
- Wide Receivers
- The Yin Celebration
Chapter 19: Expressing What’s In There
- Writing It Out
- Beyond Words
- Having the Stage
- Introversion Diversions
Chapter 20: Moshing on Your Own Terms
- Meeting Your Opposite
- Learning from Our Extroverts
- Organic Expansion
- Extroverting for Energy
- The Paradox of the Pit
Chapter 21: Introvert Power
- Tribute to an Introvert
- Meditating in Your Mosh Pit
About the Author
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $11.43
- Paperback $11.75
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